Radio presets

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Roger Dunant

Oct 8, 2018, 7:37:20 AM10/8/18
to Brennan Forum
Over the last couple of evenings I've added a few new stations to my preset list.
When I return to it the next day I find it has reverted to the previous list.
This has happened twice now.
Anyone have any ideas?
Also- one for the wishlist. More radio presets please.

Edward B

Oct 8, 2018, 12:51:21 PM10/8/18
to Brennan Forum
I was told you are supposed to hit save(when adding a preset station) on the unit which then of course shuts off the B2.

They need to find a better way of doing this.

Roger Dunant

Oct 8, 2018, 4:50:08 PM10/8/18
to Brennan Forum
Hello Edward.
I’ll try that and see if it’s worked tomorrow.

Roger Dunant

Oct 8, 2018, 4:56:56 PM10/8/18
to Brennan Forum
Another thought for the wish list.
Could we get drag and drop within preset and playlists so we can change station and album orders.


Oct 8, 2018, 8:12:03 PM10/8/18
to Brennan Forum
Drag & drop/move within playlists already exists, at least on a ipad (haven't tried on the phone).


Oct 9, 2018, 4:04:31 AM10/9/18
to Brennan Forum
Hi Dunant,

Drag and drop within the list of tracks works for Playlists but is not available for radio Presets.

Brennan Support.

Brennan Support

Oct 11, 2018, 5:26:34 AM10/11/18
to Brennan Forum
Hi All

Not sure what you mean by hit save - presets might not be saved to disk as soon as you change them so if you removed the power that might explain things.

Press and hold stop will force a save - it doesn't "shut off the B2" in any impactful way so do it as often as you want.

Its also possible your wifi had gone down - my Virgin router has spells when the blue light just goes out and wifi stops. The web UI is not good at saying something has not worked - if you refreshed the browser that would confirm it though


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