Unable to connect to my SONOS systems

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Roger Cooper

Dec 28, 2019, 8:30:52 AM12/28/19
to Brennan Forum
Got my new 2Gig B2 for Christmas, loaded lots of music and am now struggling (and failing) to get it to play through my Sonos System. I have enabled NAS and can see BrennanB2 on my Windows 10 explorer (except it's caled "BrennanB2: root" ). HELP

Roger Cooper

Dec 28, 2019, 9:17:14 AM12/28/19
to Brennan Forum
I get a message saying:    Access to the share\BRENNANB2\music is denied,  check the username and/or password


Dec 28, 2019, 9:22:37 AM12/28/19
to Brennan Forum
There are at least three of us waiting fo a solution to this. It's a new problem - my b2NAS/Sonus combination worked well until recently. Martin has been looking at the problem. His first fix of a few days ago hasn't downloaded successfully yet. Awaiting further advice. See the thread titled loss of NAS connectivity.

Harry Read

Dec 28, 2019, 10:05:23 AM12/28/19
to Brennan Forum
Doug/Roger, it appears to be a general problem see strands for BB1


Dec 29, 2019, 9:46:51 AM12/29/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roger,

The BRENNANB2:root connection indicates that DLNA is active on your B2. We are investigating whether having DLNA enabled is preventing the B2 and Sonos connecting. To this end Martin has released a USB (use SW Upgrade) version - see out Latest Software page - which include 'Stop DLNA' in the Advanced menu - Settings > Maintenance > Advanced > Stop DLNA. 

Please try this version and let us know if you can then add B2 as a music library to the Sonos. Any feedback would be useful.

Brennan Support.

Roger Cooper

Dec 29, 2019, 2:57:16 PM12/29/19
to Brennan Forum
I confirm that I have a BRENNANB2: root showing on my Windows explorer,  but cannot find DLNA on my B2
Tried the software update as suggested but cannot find a "Stop DLNA" in the Settings-Advanced menu.   However there is a command called "GetDLNA", so I'm guessing I don't yet have whatever DLNA is in the first place ???
Not technically clever I'm afraid; I got latest software update from the web through my B2  web update function;  not through a "USB" (that's one of those stick things isn't it?) Does that make a difference ???

Do I perhaps have to GET DLNA before I can see an option to stop it ???


Daniel Taylor

Dec 29, 2019, 7:41:35 PM12/29/19
to Brennan Forum
No, do not do the Get DLNA command.

What version of the software do you have now?  You can see that from the WebUI in Settings (the icon for that looks like a gear or cog, up near the top).

Roger Cooper

Dec 30, 2019, 2:48:14 AM12/30/19
to Brennan Forum
Too late = When looking for software version I pressed the knob at "Get DLNA" instead of twisting it   :-(  Machine rebooted.
I can hear the machine humming, but for the last fifteen minutes the display seems to be stuck on the words BRENNANB2 and both the green light and red light are on (not flashing)

Very disappointed with this product.
I wanted a simple storage device to store my music collection and play it through my Sonos system.  It isn't simple and it doesn't work (as advertised) with Sonos; 
and as I don't have any other speakers, I haven't even been able to check whether the B2 actually plays music at all !
Most disappointing Christmas Present ever.

Now need to spend time finding out how to troubleshoot out of apparently locked up machine


Dec 30, 2019, 3:43:17 AM12/30/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roger,

Power off the B2, wait 30s or so and power on again. If the B2 boots up normally then all's OK.

Brennan Support.

Roger Cooper

Dec 30, 2019, 3:55:40 AM12/30/19
to Brennan Forum
I think the problem is now worse.
The machine had been humming but with fixed green and red lights for over twenty minutes when we had a brief power outage. 
When the power was restored I had flashing green and red lights for more than twelve minutes before resorting to the Troubleshooting guide.  First I did the turn off/ turn on, still flashing for six minutes;  and then I turned off and  re-seated the SD card. - still flashing.
The troubleshooting guide now tells me I need to either re-programme the Raspberry Pi or send off for a replacement card from Brennan !

Dilemma now whether to follow this advice, or - while it s still within the credit card purchase window - seek money back because the machine does not appear to be fit for purpose

Roger Cooper

Dec 30, 2019, 5:26:09 AM12/30/19
to Brennan Forum
Decided to stick with the B2 and try to get it working/repaired.
Thanks for your help and advice Paul and Daniel.

Grateful for advice what to do next...…..

Roger Cooper

Dec 30, 2019, 10:36:45 AM12/30/19
to Brennan Forum
Since this mornings power cut my machine hasn't booted up properly.
I have tried re-seating card and switching on and off loads of times - machine is still stuck with flashing red & green LEDs and the words BRENNAN B2 in the display.  None of the buttons seem to have any effect, 
I have only had the machine five days and haven't actually used it yet because I have no separate speakers and the advertised Sonos connection doesn't work.  
What do I do next?? 


Dec 31, 2019, 5:27:04 AM12/31/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roger,

Please email us with an address for delivery and we will send you a new SD Card to try.

It appears the power outage may have either corrupted the operating software (stored on the SD Card) or the SD Card has gone faulty.

Brennan Support.

Roger Cooper

Dec 31, 2019, 6:40:41 AM12/31/19
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Paul
I have your emails and have replied to them

Mark Long

Jan 2, 2020, 11:22:53 AM1/2/20
to Brennan Forum
I bought a B2 for Christmas and am having the same problem. Unlike most people I am on a Mac.Te B2 is not showing up as a drive. Instead it shows up when I connect with as a server (from the Finder, I select Go>Connect to Server then type in smb://BRENNANB2 

When I go into SONOS and try to add a media library i enter the path as \\BRENNAN\music and u/p as root/brennan and get the message: SONOS was unable to add the music folder - Access to the shared folder "//BRENNAN/music" is denied. check the username and/or password.

If I instead I set the path as \\Volumes\BRENNAN\music and u/p as root/brennan, I get the message: SONOS was unable to add the music folder - Unable to add the shared folder "\\Volumes\BRENNAN\music" to your Music Library (1002).

Either way it won't connect.

I was on the phone with SONOS for more than two hours. They did a remote takeover of my computer trying to access the B2. Their takeaway was that my B2 was being recognized as a media server but not as an attached hard drive and that this was why SONOS couldn't attached. They also agreed and a DNLA issue could very well be interfering.

One I do connect through SMB as a server, I can access the B2. I can see the files, can move or delete them and I can interact properly through the web interface. Am adding songs, etc. Just can't connect with SONOS, which was the main reason for buying the B2.

BTW, my B2 is connected via ethernet to my router.

Thanks for any help you can give.

Connect to Server.png

Mark Long

Jan 2, 2020, 7:14:42 PM1/2/20
to Brennan Forum
As a followup, I pulled an old Windows machine, running Windows 7 out of storage. I loaded up windows explorer, clicked on Network . 

Under Computers, it has the computers in my house list, as well as... BRENNANB2. So windows is seeing it.

Under Media Devices i find both of my SONOS devices and their ip addresses.

I have updated to the December 31, 2019 version, I selected STOP DNLA.

But... still nothing. Same messages that I got with my Mac.


Jan 3, 2020, 5:35:29 AM1/3/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mark,

Have you tried   \\IP Address of your B2\music   ?

Brennan Support.

Mark Long

Jan 3, 2020, 9:50:21 AM1/3/20
to Brennan Forum
Yes, It still didn't work on either computer.

Has anyone gotten their B2's to work since this problem popped up a few weeks ago. I haven't seen anyone saying it's fixed? The Stop DLNA didn't do anything.

Roger Cooper

Jan 3, 2020, 10:09:00 AM1/3/20
to Brennan Forum
No Mark
I've also drawn a blank. 
I haven't been able to download the Dec 24th USB version of the op system (it still tells me it is 18th Nov version, and doesn't have a STOP DLNA option)
Also drawn a blank trying to work out how to enable SMB1.0 on my Windows 10
I have borrowed some speakers from my neighbour, so at least I can listen to some music in one room for a day or two, but it's only a loan and the only speaker system I have is Sonos.

Mark Long

Jan 3, 2020, 10:13:52 AM1/3/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roger:

I used this link yesterday which advised to do a web upgrade from the B@ which includes the info for Stop DNLA. However, the Stop DNLA didn't do anything to help the situation for me. Please let me know if this works for you. Mark

"This release is available for web upgrade on BB1 and B2 and has fixes for Youtube playback problems arising from recent changes to their website.
It also includes changes in the 24th December release.
Please report any difficulties on the forum- thanks
Happy New Year for 2020!

Roger Cooper

Jan 4, 2020, 7:30:47 AM1/4/20
to Brennan Forum
Mark Long and Paul the Support
I tried the link you (Mark) gave - this is to the Brennan website. I have tried both web loading of the "latest" software and USB loadings of both the 24th Dec software and the "latest" software.  Neither have given me a STOP DLNA option and both result in a version dated 18th November.   However, there is an option for GET DLNA, so I guess DLNA is not installed anyway.

I have also tried enabling SMB1 on my Windows machine - but that still produces the "Access to shared file "||BRENNANB2\music" is denied after getting through the username/password bit in Sonos.

net result = still having to survive on borrowed speakers from my neighbour and only able to hear music in one room of the house.

Looking forward to a fix soon.

Daniel Taylor

Jan 4, 2020, 9:34:08 AM1/4/20
to Brennan Forum
On Saturday, January 4, 2020 at 7:30:47 AM UTC-5, Roger Cooper wrote:
both result in a version dated 18th November.

I think it's fair to say your software upgrade failed.  If it was me, I'd download the Dec.31 software, put it on a USB stick and do the SW Upgrade function from USB.

If that fails, I'd rebuild the SD card on my computer.  Instructions are on the Brennan website.

Mark Long

Jan 4, 2020, 11:17:29 AM1/4/20
to Brennan Forum
So, I borrowed a friend's laptop with Windows 10 on i. I enabled SMB1.0 as per instructions. Same result. Will not connect. This time the bB2 showed up as as a Media Device (as do the SONOS One speakers).

So, in summary, I have tried to connect the B2 and SONOS speakers with:

1. Iphone
2. Android phone
3. Mac Mini with OSX 10.14.6 (Mojave)
4. Imac with OSX 10.11 (El Capitan)
5. PC with WIndows 7
6. PC with Windows 10

The B2 was brand new and out of the box. Purchased on Christmas day, opened On 12/29/2019.

I have tried \\BRENNANB2\music
I have tried \\\music with u/p:  root/brennan

I have enabled NAS
I have clicked Stop DNLA

The B2 is connected by ethernet.
The SONOS speakers are connected by WIFI.

I was on with SONOS tech support for more than two hours. They remotely took over my computer, tried to adjust firewall on my computer and router, The B2 just is not showing up as a NAS under network on the MAC by itself. It only appears after going to Go to Server > smb://BRENNANB2 but then appears as a media device and not as a networked hard drive (SONOS support says this is the problem).

I have enabled SMB1.0 on the Macs and on the Windows machines.

In summary, I have tried everything suggested and nothing is working. I'm still waiting to hear back from Brennan support to hear if ANYBODY who was struggling with this since Christmas ha been able to resolve it with the suggestions given hear.


Edwyn Corteen

Jan 4, 2020, 11:24:54 AM1/4/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi All

Just to update new users, before Christmas I tried the Get DLNA  function, all it did was to brick the SD card (flashing red/green lights on start up) I had to rebuild the SD card using instructions in Techy Page

I think Martin needs to look at what is going wrong here!


Jan 6, 2020, 4:46:58 AM1/6/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roger,

Please email us with an address for delivery and we will send you a replacement SD Card to try.

Brennan Support.

john Henrick

Jan 6, 2020, 7:25:42 PM1/6/20
to Brennan Forum
I have had by B2 connected to sonos for some months now but cannot connect the BB1 same issues as other users

I will try my 2nd B2 tomorrow but all on latest software now


Jan 7, 2020, 5:17:02 AM1/7/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi John,

Please let us know if your 2nd B2 can be added as a Library to the Sonos - I assume you haven't added it before. If it works please let us know what software version it is running.

We are investigating why the BB1 cannot be added.

Brennan Support.


Jan 7, 2020, 6:54:44 AM1/7/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi All,

Martin is working on this problem but is finding it complicated as it appears to be different on Windows and MAC platforms. Please check the Latest Software page in the coming days.

Brennan Support.

john Henrick

Jan 7, 2020, 6:45:35 PM1/7/20
to Brennan Forum
Connected 2nd B2 using IP address \music on iPad sonos app. All ok using dec31st software

Tried BB1 again with name and IP address no luck

Hope that helps



Jan 8, 2020, 3:18:20 AM1/8/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi John,

Thanks for the update.

Martin is working on a solution. Please check our Latest Software page - link - in the coming days for a software upgrade.

Brennan Support.

john Henrick

Jan 10, 2020, 9:17:17 AM1/10/20
to Brennan Forum
Upgraded software BB1 now connects perfectly

Many thanks

Roger Cooper

Jan 10, 2020, 10:56:49 AM1/10/20
to Brennan Forum
I've uploaded the Jan 9th software ; turned NAS off and then on again and still cannot connect my B2 to Sonos :-(
But at least I get a new unable to connect message !  

Reason: Unable to add the shared folder "BRENNANB2"\music" to your music library (1002)

I attach a screenshot
Screenshot (5).png

Edwyn Corteen

Jan 10, 2020, 11:01:01 AM1/10/20
to Brennan Forum

Roger Cooper

Jan 10, 2020, 11:05:00 AM1/10/20
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Edwyn
I am now getting a message saying that my "music is now being added to my Sonos system - this may take several minutes"
I already have 2800 tracks on my new B2, so I guess I should take the advice of the Sonos guide and go get a cup of coffee while I'm waiting !
THANKS to everyone who has helped solve this
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