Upload to the cloud

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Annette Reeve

Feb 20, 2018, 4:47:29 AM2/20/18
to Brennan Forum
Having uploaded my music to the B2, I now wish to upload to the cloud so that I can access it whilst travelling. Previously it would have been possible via Amazon Music but they have stopped this facility, I imagine to encourage more customers for Amazon Unlimited. I was advised to subscribe to Amazon Drive which I did & uploaded a lot of music there only to find that its music files can't be accessed from a mobile device !!!
So, which service is recommended ? It must accept FLAC files & preferably, be easy to upload & to access from mobile devices around the world. Thanks in anticipation. Colin.


Feb 20, 2018, 9:34:18 AM2/20/18
to Brennan Forum
Google Play Music -- there is even a Linux command-line interface we could someday get on the B2.  But Google Music converts FLAC files to 320bps MP3s on upload, so don't use it as a backup.


Feb 20, 2018, 9:34:49 AM2/20/18
to Brennan Forum
Oh, here's the Python command line program: https://github.com/christopher-dG/gpymusic

Spike Haward

Feb 20, 2018, 12:27:46 PM2/20/18
to Brennan Forum
I must be lucky, I still have Amazon music, but then maybe I was an existing subscriber so they have to keep my stuff up there (haven't tried to update recently though)
I use OneDrive as a backup, and I can happily stream from that. Having said that, most of my B2 content is MP3, as it originated from my old JB7.
Just tried to stream a more recent track loaded FLAC, but it downloaded rather than streamed - wonder if there is a FLAC player for an iPad???

Spike Haward

Feb 20, 2018, 12:47:54 PM2/20/18
to Brennan Forum
Further info. I just loaded Flacbox as audio player for my iPad. No problem in connecting to my OneDrive account, and it streams both FLAC and MP3 music files without difficulty. Maybe that's your solution - back up to OneDrive and stream from anywhere. Hope that helps...
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