Should I or shouldn’t I?

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Jun 19, 2020, 11:24:10 AM6/19/20
to Brennan Forum
I’m thinking about taking the plunge with a 2T B2.  Can I ask the forum whether I should?  I’m not very technologically minded but I think I could rip my CD collection.


Jun 19, 2020, 11:41:42 AM6/19/20
to Brennan Forum
All I can say is I went for it in March and am very happy that I did. As I write this I'm adding some rips which will take my B2 to about 730 albums. Then I'll only have about 40 to go. I have two external HDDs I try to keep up to date as backups. I'm at the numbers now where it's best to wipe the backup completely each time and export a fresh one, using the very clear instructions you'll find on this forum. I'd say go cautiously at first, use the advice here if in any doubt and remember the B2 is a computer: always stop and save before switching off.


Jun 19, 2020, 1:50:40 PM6/19/20
to Brennan Forum
All I can say is that the B2 is the best thing I have. Ripping CDs on it is easy.  Slightly more complicated to rip on a PC and upload to the Brennan  via  your internet, and to hook up to Sonos for example, but there’s lots of advice here if you decided to do anything like that.

A fisher

Jul 2, 2020, 6:13:44 AM7/2/20
to Brennan Forum
If you do just remember to do a

'scan disc' before/after you do anything else. (before a backup, or after ripping CDs) This will avoid lots of problems reported on here. Similarly hit Save too (bottom right) as you would with a computer. Again this will avoid many reported problems here.

do back ups and use Export for this not the other option, which confusingly is called backup.

only do one thing at a time. For example if you are backing up then do not attempt to do anything else. Again this will prevent problems.

I think you will enjoy having this magical wee box. 

Stephen Winding

Jul 3, 2020, 10:55:15 AM7/3/20
to Brennan Forum
All the posts here are spot on. But I find I am listening to CDs I didn't remember having. The listening to CDs from your collection without having to go crazy looking for them makes it all worth it. And the B2 only keeps getting better. I am also getting new CDs.

Daniel Taylor

Jul 3, 2020, 12:24:36 PM7/3/20
to Brennan Forum
If all goes smoothly, the learning curve is pretty short.  But if you run into problems, the learning curve can be steeper.  But no more difficult than learning how to use a smart phone.  And if you do have problems, there are friendly folks here in the forum who are ready to help.

Richard Cosgrove

Jul 8, 2020, 12:48:28 PM7/8/20
to Brennan Forum
I've had my B2 for a couple of months now, and after a slightly laborious process of transferring my music from my hard drives to the B2 via USB stick (which I hasten to add isn't any fault of the unit or Brennan, I've just got sooooo much music!), I'm absolutely delighted with it.

Working from home at the moment as many of us are, I'm able to work my way through my collection on random and rediscover songs and albums that I haven't heard for years, handily assigning songs to various playlists as they come up so I've now got playlists for all occasions, some just my favourites by a single artist where there's an extensive catalogue, and others by mood or genre.

The web interface (particularly since I just downloaded the latest software version, which was a piece of cake using the remote to navigate the menu) is great, and the mobile app very handy for when the laptop has been put away for the day.

All in all, I couldn't be happier, and wish I'd done it ages ago (I ummed and ahhed over taking the plunge for about six months, and it was after reading so many of the threads on this forum that I was convinced that I should jump). 

To conclude, if like I was you're deciding whether to invest the not inconsiderable sum for a B2, then I can say, hand on heart, that it'll be the best thing you'll ever do when it comes to rediscovering and falling in love with your music collection all over again! 

Peter Lowham

Jul 8, 2020, 1:03:30 PM7/8/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Richard,

Yes you have discovered what the rest of us have!  The Brennans are great devices, I have a B2 and a BB1 and love them both.

Now, here is my big question; have you got you music collection backed up using 'Export to USB' or via NAS to a PC?  I have this on my 'Vital to do' list.  This means that you can recover your total collection in a few hours, rather than in days or weeks.

Happy listening!


Jul 21, 2020, 11:00:43 AM7/21/20
to Brennan Forum
Well I have taken the plunge and bought a 2T B2.  I managed to rip some CDs and connect to Wi-Fi but when I wanted to play it back it steadfastly refused to to connect via Bluetooth to my Bose SoundLink Revolve (this one has no mute button).  Does anyone have any suggestions (apart from try to connect it to something else)?

Peter Lowham

Jul 21, 2020, 11:07:43 AM7/21/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi there,

What version of software is the B2 running on? To find out, on the B2 remote control, press the 'Info' button twice and look for 'Version .....' on the B2 display

It should be 'B2 <date>' or 'B2B <date>'.

If you post that data here, we'll try and help you.


Jul 21, 2020, 11:33:05 AM7/21/20
to Brennan Forum
Software version is B2B Nov 6 2019

Peter Lowham

Jul 21, 2020, 11:51:10 AM7/21/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi there,

You should run the 'Web Upgrade' function, found in the B2 front panel  'Settings' --> 'Web Upgrade'.

This should take you up to 'B2B Jul 14 2020'.

Then retry your Bluetooth pairing and connection to your Bose speakers.


Jul 21, 2020, 12:02:37 PM7/21/20
to Brennan Forum
That worked Peter, thanks.  Only issue now - I can’t vary the volume (up or down) either on the B2 or on the Bose!

Peter Lowham

Jul 21, 2020, 12:25:38 PM7/21/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi there,

Does the Bose Revolve not have a set of buttons on the top?  I've had a quick look on the web and the model that I found has '+' and '-' buttons amongst a couple of others..

I have an old Soundlink which does have volume control buttons and I use those when connected via Bluetooth.

I believe that the Bluetooth signal comes from the B2 at a fixed level, so the sound volume needs to be managed at the speaker.  I think that this query was raised a while ago on this forum and that was the conclusion.  If you search for 'Apple Airpod' or just 'Airpod' you might find the original discussion on this topic.


Jul 21, 2020, 12:53:21 PM7/21/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peter, thanks for this.  Yes the Bose does have + and - buttons but they make no difference to the volume!  I’ll check the earlier query on the forum.  Kind regards,

Peter Lowham

Jul 21, 2020, 1:08:09 PM7/21/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi John,

That is strange; could the Bose be faulty?  My old Soundlink has the + and - buttons and they work when using Bluetooth from my BB1.

I've had a look at the Revolve on-line manual, and those buttons are stated to be 'Volume Up' and 'Volume Down', which makes me think that there is a problem with your Bose.  There is also a desciption of how to do a 'factory reset' which might revive the buttons.


Jul 22, 2020, 7:00:47 AM7/22/20
to Brennan Forum
The volume controls work on the Bose when paired with my iPad, but not with the Brennan.  Any other thoughts?  John


Jul 22, 2020, 4:11:54 PM7/22/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi John,

Have you tried resetting the Bose? You'll have to pair it again after.

Brennan Support.

Jul 23, 2020, 3:43:59 AM7/23/20
to Brennan Forum
I’ve reset the Bose but then the Brennan wouldn’t pair with it!  So I tried another Bluetooth speaker (Samsung) which did connect but again the volume didn’t change when using either the remote or the knob on the device.  Any ideas? 

Daniel Taylor

Jul 23, 2020, 6:43:03 AM7/23/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi John,
It's my understanding that the B2 & BB1 will not control the volume on a Bluetooth speaker.  You have to control the volume on the speaker itself.


Jul 23, 2020, 11:03:26 AM7/23/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi John,

Daniel is correct - the level from the BB1 and B2 is fixed and the playing volume has to be adjusted on the Bluetooth speaker itself.

Brennan Support.

Richard Cosgrove

Jul 24, 2020, 10:42:00 AM7/24/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peter

Sorry for the late reply - too bust enjoying my Brennan :-)

I haven't tried the backup yet, as I'm still initially ripping any new CDs via my laptop to my HDD first, and then importing them via USB to the Brennan.

Therefore I've already got a back up effectively, but I do intend to try a proper back up at some point in the not too distant future. I've read some of the advice on how to do so, but when the time comes I'll have to give it my close attention!

Glenn Jensen

Jul 25, 2020, 11:46:13 AM7/25/20
to Brennan Forum
I am no digital expert but the Brennan is user friendly after making it through the learning curve.  The instructions included with the device will get you started but the youtube videos will help greatly.  This forum is also helpful and filled with pleasant people that provide guidance rather than be demeaning like some audiophile sites.  I have a large cd collection and the random play has been a lot fun because all my music gets a chance to be played.  Cd's I haven't listened to in a long time get an opportunity to be showcased.  It's as if it is my own radio station playing all my favorite tunes.  I would recommend getting an external spinner like Rioddas that can be purchased for $20 and you can rip cd's much faster than with just the Brennan.  


Jul 27, 2020, 4:24:45 AM7/27/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Glenn,

Thank you for the positive comments. So far we have been lucky with the Forum and as you say contributors are pleasant and helpful. I think I have only deleted 2 or 3 negative rants.

Unfortunately the nature of Forums is it is a place to report problems but we do seem to get a good mix between issues and help.

Brennan Support.
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