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Sonos connection - app, b2 and web UI simultaneously playing different tracks

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Dave Robinson

Jul 8, 2021, 4:01:39 AM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum
Dear Support Group,

can you help with the following as I am stuck - my set up is B2 with Sonos5, iphone and pc 

a) app plays to sonos from iphone, if i switch to web UI on iphone it shows a different track but will not play to sonos, the same track is also show on the b2.

b) unable to play from b2 to sonos, b2 scan sonos shows it is searching but does not confirm it has found the sonos.

i am having other minor issues but ill come back to those as i need to know I can get the system running as intended. 


Jul 8, 2021, 5:23:24 AM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Dave,

Your description of your issues is a bit difficult to follow, Can you please first confirm which version of the B2 software you are running.
On the Web UI please press the Cog wheel and if you can capture and post the information that comes up.
Also is the Sonos on the same network as the Brennan.


Dave Robinson

Jul 8, 2021, 7:35:53 AM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Fred

Version B2B Jun 1 2021 09.07.37
Yes Sonos is on the same network.

If I open the app on the iphone I can play any of the ripped tracks on the b2 to the sonos.
If I open the web UI on the iphone it shows it is playing a different track to the app but nothing is hear from the sonos.
If I look at the b2 screen it shows it is playing the same track as the web UI but nothing is hear from the sonos. 
I am unable to hear anything played using the b2 menu (CD or ripped files) to the sono

s.web ui.jpg

Jul 8, 2021, 8:41:16 AM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum

Hi Dave,

OK I think I understand now (although I am not an iPhone user).

In summary with the iPhone app you are happy -  ("If I open the app on the iPhone I can play any of the ripped tracks on the b2 to the sonos.)
however, if you open the Web UI in a browser you are not getting the same experience!.

First please understand that when the B2 plays to Sonos, it plays to the Sonos "system", not direct to the speaker. Thus if you open the Sonos app it helpfully shows what the B2 is doing. 

In the Web UI (here images are being captured from my PC (chrome) browser), you have to select what Sonos speaker(s) you want to send the music to!



Thus in my case I can send music (at the same time) to the Brennan connected speakers and 2 different sets of Sonos speakers. 
As you switch between them the Blue highlighted tab shows which speakers the UI is controlling at that time.=


Note - alternatively you can turn on the B2's NAS and see the B2's music as a library from within the Sonos app.

Hope this helps


Dave Robinson

Jul 8, 2021, 9:00:20 AM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Fred,

Good news the web UI is now playing to the Sonos (system ;-)
Its not clear what the differance is between the blue and red highlight buttons above?
I still cannot play from the b2 menu to the sonos?


Jul 8, 2021, 12:24:45 PM7/8/21
to Brennan Forum
The Blue circles highlight Informative labels which show you what speakers the UI is currently dealing with - the Red circles highlight "clickable" buttons which open new windows or change things.



Jul 9, 2021, 3:26:14 AM7/9/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Dave,

I think the confusion is the Sonos zone selected on the app, the web UI and the front panel of the B2 are different settings and they do not talk to each other. So think of them as three different sources for Sonos.

To play from the front panel of the B2 - use the front control to go to 'Pick Zone' >> click (press and release) the control >> rotate to see your Sonos zones >> select one and click - the scrolling text on the display will show 'Speaker: a Sonos zone'.

The front panel is now assigned to that Sonos zone and you won't be able to select what's played to the Brennan's outputs (speakers, Line Out, etc) without going to 'Pick Zone' and selecting 'Wired'.

Brennan Support.

Dave Robinson

Jul 13, 2021, 6:19:03 PM7/13/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul,

I'm still have a number of issues:-

My system is B2, sonos5 and alexa echo blue tooth speaker, which I use in the home office when ripping CDs and making playlist.

1) Switching between sonos and blue tooth speaker using the web ui on my PC is hit and miss, Im not clear what to do.
Above you said the blue highlight is a label, yet when i click it on my web ui the text toggles between Brennan  / Brennan Speakers.
The red highlight (see your email above) has the text Sonos, and when clicked two options Brennan Speakers and Family Room (the sonos) 

2) Using the web ui on my PC I am unable to play a playlist to the alexa echo blue tooth speaker, when I click the playlist nothing happens, yet i can play any ripped track, to the alexa echo blue tooth speaker? When I click the playclick the ui seems to buffer the button clicks, freezing for a few seconds before coming back to life?

3) From time to time the web ui on my PC just freezes, or starts playing a different ripped track.

4) From time to time when i move the Time slider the web ui on my PC stops playing the track or starts again.

Sorry to say I am starting to lose confidence in the b2.


Dave Robinson

Jul 13, 2021, 6:28:38 PM7/13/21
to Brennan Forum

And now another issue. Green light was coming on each time I turn the front knob, so I hit save, but its been displaying Saving for 15 minutes

Jul 13, 2021, 6:36:31 PM7/13/21
to Brennan Forum
What is the WiFi strength and quality that your B2 is seeing?
The B2 NEES a good stable WiFi connection to work properly (remember it is a server) - I have a suspicion, from what you describe that this may be an issue.



Jul 14, 2021, 4:40:09 AM7/14/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Robin,

I suspect some of the web UI issues could be WiFi related, so check the signal at the B2 - using the front control go to Settings >> Maintenance >> WiFi Strength - it needs to be around -50dBm (-40dBm is a stronger signal and -60dBm a weaker one) and should not fluctuate wildly for a reliable connection.

The 'Saving' screen will only change if you save from the Clock screen i.e. with the B2 paused (not playing) - however it is safe to power off if 'Saving' has been displayed for a few seconds.

I haven't tried switching between Sonos and Bluetooth devices but will give a try.

From your description it sounds like you may be listening to the B2 while ripping - this is not recommended - the B2 is happiest doing one task at a time.

Brennan Support.

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