Capacity used says zero

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Daniel Lowe

Mar 26, 2022, 6:28:38 PM3/26/22
to Brennan Forum
I ran Free Space under maintenance and on the Info screen it says capacity 240 and used zero but I am near full. How do I find out my free space?

Ray Dion

Mar 26, 2022, 7:48:02 PM3/26/22
to Brennan Forum
The first thing I would do is to run "Scan Disk". This will update what the B2 sees on the HDD. When it completes do an "Info" function on the B2 webpage (the little gear on the top left column in the original webpage style. It is on the top right if you use the V3 version of the webpage. You can also hit the "Info" button on the remote or select from the front panel.
This sequence should provide you the detail you are looking for.

A different option would be to look at the hard disk with NAS. You can then see all the files and use your desktop/laptop to examine the size. You are directly touching the stored music so be careful not to delete stuff. If you make any filename changes or directory changes you must run SCAN DISK again so the B2 finds the changes. In Windows I open a file manager and type \\\music in the file name. You would substitute your IP address which is probably different.

If the disk is full as you indicate be sure to get a complete backup and keep it current. I find operating systems (Windows or Linux (no MAC experience)) really hate writing a disk to 100% full and unknown things may happen.

Mar 26, 2022, 9:52:29 PM3/26/22
to Brennan Forum
The "Free Space" command should tell you from the Linux viewpoint how much space is left on a Disk (it should take some time to run1).
However you should marry this information with the information the B2 provides on its front display. 
There is however a "quirk" in some of this front screen information as it relies, in part, on the output of the "Scan Disk" function.

However if you Disk is full then it could be that there is no room for the Unit to create the temporary files that may be needed to run/ report back on operations like "Free Space"  - As Ray says a 100% full disk and unknown things may indeed happen.

My advice here would be to wait for Peter Lowham  (one of the Fourm members) to pick up on this thread because this sort of problem is his area of expertise and will provide the best advice for you. In the interim I would not "fiddle" yourself as bad things may happen!.


Peter Lowham

Mar 27, 2022, 10:20:22 AM3/27/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Daniel L,

First of all, do you have a full Export backup completed?  If not, you should run this function in order to secure your music collection.

It does sound like you have run out of disk space, and that the 'Scan Disk' might not be running properly because of the lack of disk space to operate in.  So I think that a careful way forwards would be to do the following.

1. Can you post here the B2 stats for # artists, # albums, # tracks, etc. At the front panel, using the B2 remote control, press the 'Info' button once to get these stats, then press 'Info' button again to get the B2 software version number. 
2. Run the full Export.
3. If the Export won't run to completion, then delete three albums, taking a note of the names of those albums, and, for safety, only choose albums that you have the CD for (in case they need to be re-ripped later).
4. Run 'Scan Disk' again and post the results here so that we can provide additional advice.

A full Export of 240GB of music will take about 8.5 hours to complete.


Peter Lowham

Mar 27, 2022, 10:55:25 AM3/27/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi All,

I received this from Dan in my PM, so I have reposted it here.

Tracks 4760
Albums 416
Artist 204

Version Oct 22 2021. 12:29:15

Sent from my iPad

Peter Lowham

Mar 27, 2022, 11:00:43 AM3/27/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Dan,

I've run the numbers and if the tracks have been ripped in '.flac' compression then your 'Disk used' should be about 100GB, so there might be another issue here.

Can you confirm that you are using 'flac' compression?


Daniel Lowe

Mar 27, 2022, 1:41:12 PM3/27/22
to Brennan Forum
That makes sense because I did not think I had loaded the HD. Yes it says FLAC for compression.

I bought a portable HD for backup. Windows only gave me exFAT as an option for formatting which I did. The B2 is rejecting it saying expects FAT when I plug it in.

Daniel Taylor

Mar 27, 2022, 4:10:36 PM3/27/22
to Brennan Forum
The B2 can format it to FAT32 for you.  Use the  Format USB C command (or  Format USB A) in the Maintenance menu.

Peter Lowham

Mar 27, 2022, 4:12:09 PM3/27/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Dan,

The external disk must be FAT32 format.  Windows cannot format the external USB drive to FAT32 unless you download a specialist program to format the drive.  But the B2 will format the USB drive to FAT32 if you follow the notes below.

1.  Plug the external HDD into the B2's USB A or USB C port.
2.  From the front panel and using the B2 remote control, go to 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Format USB C' (or USB A)
3.  Go to 'USB Functions' --> 'Export to C'


Peter Lowham

Mar 28, 2022, 6:15:42 AM3/28/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi All,

I received this from Dan in my PM, so I have reposted it here.


This worked. The export number of songs went well over 5,000 even in the song count on Info is 4760. 

Info still says zero for capacity used.

Next step?

Peter Lowham

Mar 28, 2022, 6:56:08 AM3/28/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Dan,

The Export number counts all items exported, including 'JPG', 'PDF', etc. as well as the music files.  The B2 tracks counter only counts the music files, so the tracks count of 4760 is probably about correct.

1. Run 'Scan Disk' ('Settings' --> 'Scan Disk') and post the stats here.
2. Run 'Free Space' ('Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Free Space') and post those results here.


Keith Gardner

Mar 28, 2022, 9:28:12 AM3/28/22
to Brennan Forum
I had the same problem last year. Although not really helpful here, I temporarily reverted to an SD card with software version 13.Nov.2018 where 'free space' works correctly. I still use this work around.

Daniel Lowe

Mar 28, 2022, 10:16:55 AM3/28/22
to Brennan Forum
That worked. Less than half the capacity used. Thanks for helping me through this.


Mar 28, 2022, 10:22:05 AM3/28/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Dan,

Glad Peter's help worked, but for completeness please past the results Peter asked for here in the Forum.
Peter asked:-
1. Run 'Scan Disk' ('Settings' --> 'Scan Disk') and post the stats here.
2. Run 'Free Space' ('Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Free Space') and post those results here.
I ask this because while you may be happy with the results (you have moved forward), Peter will, I think, want to check the results with his database/spreadsheets to confirm the position.



Peter Lowham

Mar 28, 2022, 5:46:34 PM3/28/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Dan,

Yes, as Fred has stated, the reason that I request the stats is to run some further checks to make sure that there is no further underlying problem that needs to be looked at.


Daniel Lowe

Mar 28, 2022, 8:04:01 PM3/28/22
to Brennan Forum

Tracks 4794
Capacity 234.37G
Used 99.75G

Peter Lowham

Mar 29, 2022, 5:06:20 AM3/29/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Dan,

Those figures look good; my 'Estimator' gives 96GB used as an estimate, so it's very close.

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