New SD card - cannot connect to wifi

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Roger Cooper

Feb 27, 2022, 5:57:41 AM2/27/22
to Brennan Forum
I installed a new replacement SD Card last week - and now cannot get my B2 to connect to Wifi. It worked fine with the old SD card (until that card died) - I have over 8000 tracks and played them via either Sonos or through attached headphones. 
The signal is good (200Mbps) and I'm certain that I'm using the correct password.  I have tried:
1.  updating the SD software using a USB
2.  making sure classical mode is turned off
3.  running Scandisk
4. The B2 wifi dongle seems OK - it can "see" the router - it offers me "VIRGIN MEDIA" and asks for the password.  The thing then runs for three tries and tells me "FAILED".
5. When entering the password I have tried both pressing NEXT as soon as the last digit is entered, and after pressing the main knob before pressing NEXT.

I've rebooted between each attempt; I've tried re-seating both the dongle and the SD card. 
What else can I try ????

Roger Cooper

Feb 27, 2022, 6:30:09 AM2/27/22
to Brennan Forum
Bit more information.....
I have tried connecting the Brenna to the router with a cable.  IT WORKS!  But that is not a convenient solution because the router is in a different room :-( 
I have also noticed that the name of the router which comes up ("VIRGIN MEDIA") is not my router !!  Presumably it is a neighbours? My router is a Virgin Media one, but with a different name, so I guess I'm seeing a neighbours router.  
B2 is not offering me any other routers; although my desktop and iPhone - both adjacent to the B2 - offer me a choice of four or five including my own and this "Virgin Media" one.
So do I need a more sensitive Wifi dongle on the B2?? 
Or is there some way to get the B2 to search more diligently??
Or even to seek a specific router name??

In short the dongle can "see" a wifi router some twenty yards away through several brick walls - but it cannot see my router when I have the two devices sitting just a foot apart !

Still frustrated !   Any ideas anybody 


Feb 27, 2022, 6:36:59 AM2/27/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roger,

when you are attempting Setup Wi-Fi  are turning the Rotary knob on the front of the B2 to scroll through the available networks ?
You can use the up and down arrows on the remote to scroll  as an alternative to turning the knob.
Press the knob in/click Ok when you see your network name (SSID)


Peter Lowham

Feb 27, 2022, 6:37:54 AM2/27/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roger,

I would power down your Virgin router, wait 30 seconds and then power it up again.  When the router is fully back in service (can take 5 - 10 minutes) then see if the B2 picks up your router.

The wireless connection name (SSID) of your router should be displayed on the back or bottom of the router.  You might have to type that SSID in manually, then type in the password.


Feb 27, 2022, 6:51:51 AM2/27/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roger,

Also while switching between methods of connecting to your Router, remember just to use ONE at a time. If the Ethernet cable is being used UNPLUG the WiFi dongle, if the WiFi is being used, Unplug the Ethernet - either at the Router or at the B2, it doesn't matter which end as long as the link is broken. 
Bad things can happen if both connection methods are active.



Feb 27, 2022, 10:15:23 AM2/27/22
to Brennan Forum
Roger replied via email

Thanks John

I would love to try that.
Problem is that the wifi dongle only offers me one SSID - the wrong one.
There are no others to scroll through, and I cannot find a way to key in the correct SSID (just in case that might help)

I have also tried it with an alternative dongle - but no success.


Hi Roger,

from the menu 


will allow you to type in an SSID for one not being picked up by the dongle

I don't think that will help though because you have other devices seeing your SSID and connecting OK.

Can you connect to your router from your desktop and check your wireless settings. The B2 will only connect on the 2.4Ghz band so check it is enabled.

Screenshot 2022-02-27 151101.jpg


Feb 27, 2022, 10:23:27 AM2/27/22
to Brennan Forum
I too got a message form Roger in my private email.

Thanks Fred
I did remove the wifi dongle when I tried the direct connection.
Problem is that my study/den is too far from the router to use a cable; I took the B2 to the router to experiment.

Issue is that the dongle only finds one SSID (my other devices find four or five) and it isn't the right one 



Roger - please try and use the Forum to reply to the Forum and not your Email system. :-)


I think that John has answers the bulk of your email - I suspect that you do not have the 2.4 GHz band turned on properly at your Router.

However, i would like to address your Ethernet point. - While others on this forum are not keen on this solution, I have found that it works well for me

I have used an Ethernet over Powerline solution to get the cable Ethernet to the room I need it in.


Roger Cooper

Feb 27, 2022, 11:41:00 AM2/27/22
to Brennan Forum
Sorry for replying to emails direct rather than through the forum.
Thank you John Fred and Peter

I have checked that the router frequency - it is OK @ 2.4 GHz.
Before I replaced the SD card last week there was no problem connecting to the router.
Thanks for MAINTENANCE hint - I've never used that set of menus before.
Sadly neither the HIDDEN WIFI nor the RETRY WIFI seemed to work BUT......

The SWITCH WIFI function did give me a list of SSIDs including the correct one - but when I selected this it went into the "Connecting..." routine, and still failed to connect.
There is a function called RESET WIFI - but it comes up with "ARE YOU SURE?".  I'm not..... what are the implications of pressing this??? 


Feb 27, 2022, 12:07:15 PM2/27/22
to Brennan Forum
Reset WiFi sets the B2 to factory settings, it forgets all WiFi settings you may have made since you got it. So after the reset you need to set up WiFi again just as you did when you first got the B2.


Roger Cooper

Feb 27, 2022, 1:36:28 PM2/27/22
to Brennan Forum
THANKS Fred  -  will RESET WIFI delete all my recordings???  

Daniel Taylor

Feb 27, 2022, 1:43:07 PM2/27/22
to Brennan Forum
It will not bother your recordings.  It just clears the WiFi settings so you can start fresh.

Feb 27, 2022, 4:45:45 PM2/27/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roger

No "reset WiFi" will not delete your recordings.
To my knowledge the only "global" command that will do that is 
although there are a few other commands that will act across the music that should be used with caution.

IN ANY EVENT you should ALWAYS keep a good, up to date, backup (Export to USB C or A) of your collection. Preferably more than one, with one stored away from your home in case of fire or flood.



Feb 28, 2022, 7:11:08 AM2/28/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roger,

Let us know if 'Reset WiFi' helps.

Brennan Support.

Roger Cooper

Feb 28, 2022, 8:09:40 AM2/28/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Paul:
The problem seems to be the USB Ports.  I have tried connecting several different dongles and a couple of storage devices to both USB A and USB C  - In every case when I go to USB FUNCTIONS I get a message saying "No USB Device".  I do note that USB port C is providing power (the little light on the storage device lights up) but the B2 is still unable to "see" the device.

I have effected a TEMPORARY fix by running a long ethernet cable from my router (kitchen) to my Brennan (study).  The wife isn't going to let that solution last for long - but at least I can now play music via Sonos.  Also - without a USB facility I cannot back up my music (8000+ tracks). 



Feb 28, 2022, 8:44:47 AM2/28/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roger,

just wanted to double check that when you connect a USB storage drive to your B2 that you have previously formatted the drive to FAT32 ?
Do the USB format menu commands also not work ?

Screenshot 2022-02-28 134253.jpg


Daniel Taylor

Feb 28, 2022, 10:03:42 AM2/28/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roger,
While you have your B2 connected with Ethernet cable, I suggest you access your B2 as NAS over your network and do a manual copy of all your music onto a FAT32 formatted USB disk connected to your computer.  With over 8000 tracks, you don't want to take any chances on loosing all that music and time/work it took to accumulate it.

Roger Cooper

Feb 28, 2022, 10:11:56 AM2/28/22
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Daniel - I am about an hour into doing just such a backup !  Looks like it is going to be a long job.

Thanks JFBUK - The drives I have used were FAT32 formatted - but because the B2 cannot "see" either USB port I had not tried formatting the USBs from the Brennan.  At the moment the thing is in the middle of a backup over ethernet, so I wont disturb it by trying until that is complete.

Roger Cooper

Mar 2, 2022, 10:43:14 AM3/2/22
to Brennan Forum

THANK YOU EVERYBODY - I've got the backup issue cracked and proved that the USB ports do function. I've also checked the wifi router is working OK at 2.4 GHz and put in a (very) temporary fix with an ethernet cable. That appears to leave the wifi dongle as a possible culprit, and Paul is mailing me a new one.  
Thank you all for your advice 
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