Problems with back up

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Robin Harding

Mar 19, 2022, 12:27:05 PM3/19/22
to Brennan Forum
Trying to copy my files from my backup drive.
The instructions I have found say select the USB function option and the select the import from C option. Tried this and jet the message on the B2 saying"use restore"
How do I access this?
I can see when I get the USB Functions option on the B2 screen it says 'main' "backup" 'restore' and 'upgrade'. but can't find a way to access these?
Help please!


Mar 19, 2022, 12:44:41 PM3/19/22
to Brennan Forum

how did you create the files on your backup drive ?

Are they copied from a  Brennan JB7 ?


Daniel Taylor

Mar 19, 2022, 1:13:48 PM3/19/22
to Brennan Forum
There seem to be facts not in evidence here.  John's question is right on point.  However, the backup files may not have originated from a JB7, it could have been you used the Backup command from your B2.  Or did the "backup" files even come from a Brennan device.  Are they files that you've accumulated from other sources?  If so, do they satisfy the folder organization requirement of Artist\Album\tracks that the B2 Import command needs?

If the files came from a Backup command, then you need to use the Restore command to retrieve them.  The Import command is for files that came from the Export command, or when the files are organized as Artist\Album\tracks.

Sometimes we don't know how much detail to go into because we don't know enough about your situation and what you already know.  If any of what I said doesn't make sense, please ask and we'll get into it further.

Mar 19, 2022, 2:03:11 PM3/19/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Robin,

All the above are on point, but could we first get to know which version of the Brennan OS is running on your B2.  Get the remote and Press the "info" button twice. Then look at the front screen and you should see something like
B2B Mar 16 2022   or  B2 Mar 16 2022
We need to know if it is B2 or B2B and the date after it.



Mar 19, 2022, 9:20:28 PM3/19/22
to Brennan Forum
I got this reply in my private email.
B2B Mar 10 2022


Mar 19, 2022, 9:36:43 PM3/19/22
to Brennan Forum
OK Robin,

your software version is OK. (there is a newer one but that is not the issue).

Here is some background in respect of the B2 side of things.
1) the B2 can ONLY use FAT32 formatted USB devices - it is best to use the B2's function to do this format (not it will erase all existing content!!!).

Brennan has made several units, the OLD JB7 and the newer B2 and BB1's.

When you make a backup from a JB7 this backup can be read by the B2 to import the JB7 files and one can also write a JB7 format backup to transfer stuff form the B2 to a JB7.
These are the B2 commands which do that
You can use the above to make and restore a B2 backup BUT this is not the BEST way of doing that, instead you should use


The FACT that you got the message "use restore"
would imply that the B2 had detected that you backup was of the JB7 format when you ran the " import from C " command.

If this is the case then using the "Restore USB C" should work for you.

I hope this provides the clarity you need.


Peter Lowham

Mar 20, 2022, 5:54:31 AM3/20/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Robin,

I sometimes get that same message when I go to run an Import even though the backup is a genuine Export.  I ignore the message and just click on the front panel knob to continue the 'Import' and that works fine for me.

It does not happen all the time, so I think that it is an irritating bug that arises every now and then.

Let us know how you get on.


Mar 20, 2022, 7:37:24 AM3/20/22
to Brennan Forum
I got this message to my private email.
Many thanks - backing now.  What I will do is format another drive checking it is correctly formatted (but don't think this was a problem) and then do another backup making sure it the correct B2 backup

Thanks again


Peter Lowham

Mar 20, 2022, 8:06:03 AM3/20/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Robin,

When you say 'backing now', do you mean that you are 'Import'ing (copying) from the USB HDD into the B2?

I don't think that there is anything wrong with the formatting of your USB HDD.  As I said previously, I have had this happen to me on a number of occasions when I know that my HDDs are good.  So I ignore the message and the Import just starts up and runs to completion.

The problem is likely to be a small bug in the B2's software.



Mar 21, 2022, 5:31:26 AM3/21/22
to Brennan Forum
Apologies , I only just found the following messages from Robin in my "junk" email folder...

saved using the Export to C option -  all the files are there

Should have added they were copied from a B2
If I leave the back up drive connected I can see the files (and play them)  but one's that I knew were missing show up with a coloured tag


hopefully Peter & Fred's help will have moved you forward


Mar 21, 2022, 6:02:53 AM3/21/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Robin,

I must admit I am confused about the state of your question to the forum, I am not sure we are understanding each other.

Please understand that when you have a USB drive attached to the B2, then its contents appear in the B2's Web interface along with the content on the HDD. However, you can distinguish the USB derived content by the fact that the icon/tag beside it is coloured while the HDD content is not.

Thus if you have a USB device which was written to By a B2 using the "Export to USB" function. 
This USB device is plugged into a B2 again
Using the B2's Web UI you can see music files with coloured tags that are not also duplicated with the same files without coloured tags, then these music files are ONLY on the USB device and not on the B2's HDD.

You can get the content of the USB device onto the B2 by using the B2's "Import from C" function

However, I do not believe that this function is incremental in operation, it will import all the content of the USB device, overwriting any duplicates already on the B2.
This is how you would get you missing music files onto your B2's HDD.

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