New UI feedback and feature request

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Geary Ridings

May 16, 2020, 10:59:42 AM5/16/20
to Brennan Forum

I've got some feedback on the "new" Web UI and a couple of feature requests.

I recently managed to get artwork added for most of my music collection and started
using the new UI. After using it for awhile, I find I like it better than the original.
It's nice to have a picture front and center for each artist, and this fits in
with one of the main ways I use the UI, which is browsing via the Artist view. So
thumbs up! That being said there are a couple of minor points that I feel would help
polish the UI a bit. I know this is totally subjective, but here goes.

The Search function works quickly, which is good! I find the search text box hard to read, as 
there's not a lot of contrast between the gray text and the dark gray background. I've tried 
a couple of different browsers, and I'm using Windows 10. Couldn't find a way to control the
display of the individual bakground colors. Perhaps I missed something. If not, could the background be 
made a different color? The Search dropdown has a white background, why not the text entry portion?

The art shown in the Artists view is from one of the albums of that artist. It appears to be
from the first album for that artist loaded onto the B2? It's not alphabetical by album.
Whatever the algorithm, it's fine. It would be nice if the UI would display any .jpg file
that was located in the top-level artist folder on the B2. That would allow the user to easily
control what is displayed for an artist. If there's no file, do what is being done now. 
If there is a .jpg file display it instead. I tried putting some different .jpgs in the artist 
folder and it didn't change what was displayed, so it doesn't appear to work that way now.

Thanks for your time,

Daniel Taylor

May 16, 2020, 12:16:29 PM5/16/20
to Brennan Forum
For what it's worth, I like your idea to have a jpg in the Artist folder for display in the Artist view.  Good idea.
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