More problems in uploading back up files

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Robin Harding

Mar 25, 2022, 10:22:04 AM3/25/22
to Brennan Forum
I can't get the B2 to up load my back up files. This problem came up last week.
(I can though access all the file on the back drive when it is plugged into the B2 so I have a work around here.
I had looked a few CD's last night an all seemed fine but this morning can't find the files on the B2

I tried the advice I got last week on importing for the USB C drive to no avail. Still get use restore which looks like advice for the JB 7 ?

To add the problem the B2 now tells me it is read only (!)

I had thought that reformatting the HHD might have helps but this does not seem possible.

Any advice would be welcome



Mar 25, 2022, 10:45:52 AM3/25/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Robin,

can you confirm that this is the menu command you are using to load your backup on to your hard drive ?

Screenshot 2022-03-25 144347.jpg


Mar 25, 2022, 12:09:33 PM3/25/22
to Brennan Forum
The Read Only needs to be addressed first. Please do not try Reformatting the HDD, unless you have a good backup you will lose all your 
Music if you manage to reformat it.

While the HDD is Read Only you can still make a backup.

So first, can you confirm you have at least one, good, fresh, complete backup of your B2's music, that you have checked to be good by looking at it on your computer?



Mar 25, 2022, 1:02:22 PM3/25/22
to Brennan Forum
I got a direct email from Robin

Yes Using 'import from C' and get the message on the B2 screen saying 'use restore'


as per Fred's post you need to sort the 'Read only' issue first.
If the B2 HDD is in a read only status then you will not be able to write anything to the HDD.
If you have a good backup that you have checked and confirmed for completeness then that's the first step.

Follow these instructions posted by Peter Lowham regarding  format of your HDD


How To Format A B2 Internal HDD

Firstly, do you have a backup (Export) of your music collection stored on a USD HDD or memory stick?  If you do, then I think that the way forwards is as described below in steps 1 to 8.

If you do not have a backup, can you rebuild your music collection by re-ripping all of your CDs?  (Very painful).

Assuming that you have a backup, then the best way of fixing this is to format the HDD, then 'Import' your collection back on to the B2 from the USB device.

1.  Select 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Stop NAS'

2.  Select 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Use SD'

3a.  Power the B2 down, wait 30 seconds and power up.  (This step is important)

3b.  Leave the B2 idle for 30 minutes.  (This step is also important)

4.  Select 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Advanced' --> 'Format HDD'

If at this point you see an error message on the front panel display, the it is is probable that the internal HDD has failed with a hardware fault.

If you see a message ‘Partitioning’ briefly followed by another message ‘Formating’ which should show for a time between approximately 1 and 3 minutes, depending on the capacity of the HDD, then the HDD is formatting and you should continue to step 5.

If ‘Formating’ disappears after a few seconds then the format has failed, then the above steps 3 and onwards should be repeated.  If the problem persists then the HDD is probably faulty.

5.  When the format has completed select 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Use HDD'

6.  Select 'Settings' --> 'Maintenance' --> 'Start NAS'

7.  Plug the USB backup device back into the B2

8.  Select ‘USB Functions’ --> 'Import from C’ (or ‘A’)

Mar 25, 2022, 6:16:23 PM3/25/22
to Brennan Forum
Yep, John has it just correct.


Mar 26, 2022, 7:26:55 AM3/26/22
to Brennan Forum
I had two more direct responses from Robin

Thanks for the help here.
The formatting worked fine.
But when I select USB functions the display shows "main" (highlighted in white), 'back up', 'restore' and  'upgrade'
Can only select 'Main' .
From here I can select 'Import from C ' but then the display shows ' use restore" 
But can't select 'restore'
What do I do now?!


I have looked. back at the emails from last weekend.  The advice then was to treat the back up as if it had been for a JB7.
Trying that now and will see what happens. Might be some time - there are over 24000 tracks.



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Are you sure the format worked ?

If you are still seeing 'read only' I suspect it has not

I have only seen this message

"main" (highlighted in white), 'back up', 'restore' and  'upgrade'

on the front panel display when the import is actually in progress and the B2 red light is flashing

As per the posts on the previous thread you just need to 'ignore' the 'use restore' message and click OK.

If its working the front panel will continually update with progress and the red light will flash.



Mar 28, 2022, 3:25:37 AM3/28/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Robin,

Have you cleared the 'HDD Read Only' message?

What software version is your B2 running - press INFO on the remote, twice?

Brennan Support.

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