iTunes vs Brennan B2

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Mar 4, 2022, 3:45:23 AM3/4/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi. I do apologise if this topic has already been covered elsewhere in the forum. I recently discovered Brennan B2 online through an advertisement and I am very intrigued by the product’s capabilities. However, I am wondering what it is that makes Brennan B2 stand out and makes it different to a platform like iTunes, where you can also store and play your CD collection? Perhaps some of you who own a Brennan B2 and have experience using it, could shed some light on this and satisfy my curiosity? Many thanks in advance for your response/s. 

Philip Davies

Mar 4, 2022, 11:37:55 AM3/4/22
to Brennan Forum
the brennan is a bit if hifi sits in your living room, looks good sounds pretty good and requires no Laptop / thought to use to play music.  itunes is a laptop(ish) based thing that may well suit many people ( including me ) but is not a nice when you just want to play CDs and you dont want window / amazon etc   just want a CD player. 

personally I work with laptops all day - I like the experience of the B2  ( and the BB1 ) being more hifi like and less PC like 

buy one and for the living room you will never use itunes again 

Daniel Taylor

Mar 4, 2022, 2:06:33 PM3/4/22
to Brennan Forum
Phil's view that the B2 is more like an audio component than iTunes sounds accurate, even though I've never used iTunes.  However, I feel that the B2 is more like a computer than a stand-alone audio component.  Much of what can be done with it requires more of a computer and network mindset than most of us have ever needed with our audio-only or AV systems.   I think folks should be informed of the computer-like things that they may have to do with the B2.  I've seen too many stories of people who got into it expecting one thing and finding a learning curve that the did not really want to climb.  But don't be alarmed, there are friendly people here who are eager to help.


Mar 5, 2022, 7:31:03 AM3/5/22
to Brennan Forum
Phil and Daniel,
Thank you very much for your responses. I think the Brennan B2 looks like a great piece of kit that is capable of many functions. I am trying to weigh up, whether or not for me, it is a justifiable purchase. I currently have my CDs stored on iTunes, where I can both play them via the laptop and download them to listen to on iPod. I also have a Bluetooth Speaker (not Sonos), from which I am able to play my music collection out loud. The sound on it is ok, but probably could be better. 

I do like the fact that it sounds like the B2 is fairly easy to use and is a dedicated device that does what it sets out to do. I am slightly concerned, however, by the number of purchasers on this forum indicating that they are having difficulty with it for one reason or another. I am no technical expert, but I think that I would be able to navigate my way around the B2 and were I to be faced with a situation that I wasn’t sure of, I am aware that there is a wealth of information online, as well as this forum. 

At £400+ it isn’t cheap, but I guess in the long term if it does what I require of it, it could well prove to be a great purchase. That is something that I must decide upon myself. Thanks again. Jonathan 


Mar 5, 2022, 8:06:55 AM3/5/22
to Brennan Forum
Jonathan, this is just to say that I’m sure I have  less technical expertise than you and I haven’t had problems with the B2. A couple of queries led me here and I just stay to marvel and maybe learn from these excellent people here.  I’ve set up NAS -it was easy -  and have transferred some MP3 albums from the PC and ripped a couple of CDs on the PC that wouldn’t rip on the Brennan and I now have Sonos speakers set up and I can listen via VLC and Bluetooth speaker in other rooms. My demands on the B2 are fairly simple.
My SD card sticks out of the side and I would be rather afraid of opening up and exchanging an internal card or similar but they say it’s easy and walk people through it. 
I have bought so much more music and listened to so much more than since buying it.

Daniel Taylor

Mar 5, 2022, 1:17:08 PM3/5/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Jonathan,
Another thing to consider is that most of the customers who never have a problem, never post in the forum.  I said "most" because we do get the occasional testimonial here, too.  Thanks to Rik for helping to keep things in perspective.


Mar 6, 2022, 7:59:51 AM3/6/22
to Brennan Forum
Rik and Daniel,
Thanks for your insight regarding the B2. I very much appreciate your help on this. I’m fairly confident that if there were any issues with the device, that I would be able to find a solution, one way or another. It is a fair point, that a lot (perhaps the majority) of customers do not post on here, as they have had a positive experience. I was just slightly concerned that, in spite of this, there does appear to be quite a number of threads highlighting difficulties that people have encountered. I am relatively undecided about whether I will go through with the purchase or not. I need a bit more time to weigh up the pros and cons before reaching that decision. This forum has been a huge help and it’s good to know that there are people out there like yourselves that are eager to offer their support and advice. Thanks once more. 


Mar 6, 2022, 8:12:40 AM3/6/22
to Brennan Forum
The other way to look at it is that if anything does go wrong, the B2 is very repairable at reasonable cost. It sits nicely within the current interest in the "right to repair". You can't say the same of most other audio and IT devices. The Brennan company has an obvious commitment to continuous development and customer support. As an owner, you get the benefit of new features, like Spotify and Sonos Connectivity, at no cost. Some other companies would try to sell you a new model and, sooner or later, end support for older versions.

Daniel Taylor

Mar 6, 2022, 9:34:43 AM3/6/22
to Brennan Forum
I should have mentioned that a lot of the people seeking help here are not very comfortable with technology.  So they are more likely to experience problems than those who have a better "feel" for things.


Mar 6, 2022, 10:07:47 AM3/6/22
to Brennan Forum

just to add to Daniel's technology comment my observation is that a big proportion of the posts for help on this forum relate to issues that are not actually with the Brennan products themselves.
Many relate to networking issues and integration with other technology components. A B2 is often the first time that users have bought into a networked audio streaming component so are on a learning curve.
The strength of a B2 is that at one end of the spectrum it is a "one box" audio solution, which suits many, but for those with the inclination, time, and money can also be integrated with both legacy
and newer audio technology components.
There are competitor products on the market and multiple ways to put together an audio solution that works for you.
My advice would be to put together a list of the features and functions you want and how important they are to you.
You can then see how the B2 (and other solutions) stack up against those criteria.
As you've already discovered members of this forum are very generous with their knowledge and experience and will not be shy about commenting if you have other questions :)


Daniel Taylor

Mar 6, 2022, 10:26:58 AM3/6/22
to Brennan Forum
Wow, ain't that the truth.
With regard to netorking:  That is a deep subject.  Although I may know a little more about it than the average user, it doesn't take long for me to get lost in it.  This forum is invaluable for the knowledge base the collective of contributors brings to it.  My own knowledge of networking has benefitted just from reading the posts here.  For example, I now know that a router can provide more than one independent network in your home, and that the first three numbers of the IP addresses must match in order for two pieces of equipment to be able to talk to each other on a network.  Now that I know it, it seems fundamental.  But how often is that spelled out by any manufacturer that sells network capable equiment?

Philip Davies

Mar 7, 2022, 3:16:23 AM3/7/22
to Brennan Forum
I think its worth remembering that the B2 will work standalone. I rip CDs on there and as long as you can connect it to your wifi which is not much different to connecting a phone or tablet it will work as a very nice CD player having ripped your CDs with track listings for 90+% of the CDs  - I rarely find a CD that is not in the database and I have some rather odd CDs.    The next stage of use is to use the web pages to drive it - again if you got to read this you can use a web browser so thats not going to be an issue.   Where for me the B2 falls down is that the "iphone app" is to be honest a bit flaky - I find I have to kill it and restart it every time I use it.     However I dont think that will remain the case as long ago I remember the web pages were much the same and over time the bugs have been ironed out so in time I think the app will get fixed. this is not a reason to avoid buying it. I just use it with the web page and the controls.   If you want every CD you ever owned/downloaded/(borrowed)  to be at your fingertips without having to get your laptop out to play them then the brennan B2 is amazingly good. Ive had mine for years and use it most days.   Don't let the fact that actually its a little computer put you off buying it. remember if you bought a washing machine in the last 5-10 years thats also a little computer inside probably.   Use what is good and suits your lifestyle/skillset.  Ask here if you are stuck and enjoy it. 

Ray Dion

Mar 7, 2022, 5:42:10 AM3/7/22
to Brennan Forum
I have never used iTunes or the like. Feel like the nickel and dime you to death.
Rewrite 2 The first one was too long. I'll answer any question you have.
I am a recent purchaser of the B2, took me 4 months to take that step.
I have over 800 CDs but only two Sony 400 CD jukeboxes. I wanted a way to better organize and play the music. B2 is a lot easier.
I purchased the jukeboxes in the late 80s. I am concerned with parts and the like. I won't be playing CDs on a computer one at a time.
I have no backup. If the CD breaks, it is done. Now I have backup.
I have to replace my audio system. This should fit right in with a new receiver/amplifier. Can use bluetooth or wired speakers in the meantime.
I can keep the CD quality and create MP3 for portable use.

As far as getting support. This group is great. Hazah!
I notice a handful of the basic questions are rehashed with regularity, just worded differently.
For people that have a large collection and did not see all of the implications, the groups offers sage advice and solutions. These conversations get the most technical and confusing.
Brennan is very active so you can get support quickly if it is required.

Bottom line was suggested. What do you want to do with your music? Make a list, prioritize and look around at products. I think the B2 is a candidate to managing any large collection or a collection you want to grow. I am very pleased with my purchase.

Suki Azami

Mar 22, 2022, 5:00:04 PM3/22/22
to Brennan Forum
B2 is an IPod classic substitute.

With the B2 coming short on may features, i.e ability to display Kanji on B2 Display, terrible CD database(s) unless you own mostly Western Music.No album art on B2 display.

With that said, the B2 offers more storage (2TB vs 512GB on my ipod classic). Optical output to directly feed external DAC.  (I used an Onkyo Data Transport to extract the data from my iPod and then feed an external DAC), FLAC file compatibility, etc...

I use itunes to rip my CD's. then transfer the files that have been named and identified by iTunes onto an USB drive and import them to my B2.

I have grown quite fond of my B2, and now have an adequate back-up should my iPod ever fail.


Mar 23, 2022, 4:39:56 AM3/23/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi raysph...,

Concerning your comments about the Forum, I agree with your comments about the same questions getting rehashed. With the way the Google site is now displayed I expect it is easier to ask a question than search for existing posts.

However we are looking at other platforms - watch this space - no timescales yet!

Brennan Support.

Ray Dion

Mar 23, 2022, 4:58:13 AM3/23/22
to Brennan Forum
That was not a ping in anyway. Your support is great and I always see good answers promptly. Appreciate the learning experience and Mahalo to those that participate so readily!
I don't think the repeat questions will be eliminated. That is the nature of people. A small number will look over the site before they jump in, others will just add their question. And many shades of the in between.

Looking at other platforms? OK. I'll learn that too. It's a business decision and I'll support. It might even be a positive that people feel your concern and helpfulness instead of having more pushed at them impersonally on the computer.

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