MAC address missing from info

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John Bisset

May 6, 2020, 10:00:13 AM5/6/20
to Brennan Forum
Suddenly(!) the ip address for the Brennan B2 keeps changing. Trying to change it to a static address but I need the MAC address which supposedly is on the Info button. When I look it simply says Wifi MAC with no number. I'm not using wifi as I have the Brennan wired using ethernet. I can look up the ip address on the display but it's a pain that it keeps changing. 
I'm using software dated March 24 .Any ideas? 

Edwyn Corteen

May 6, 2020, 11:30:47 AM5/6/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi John, Available on B2 screen, using remote click on info then up arrow.

May 6, 2020, 11:37:01 AM5/6/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi John - Not sure what router you have. However if you look at the label that gives you your Wireless Network Name and the password key - there is also likely to be an Admin Password for something like "hub manager" . This will also give an IP address for you to access the router / hub and once in that if you look within the options you should see the MAC address and also option to fix an IP address for a given device on your home network. Your label with the information is likely to be on the back of the router if you have not moved it. I hope this helps -Cheers Russ

Edwyn Corteen

May 6, 2020, 12:03:52 PM5/6/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi John, just reread your issue, you will not have a WiFi Mac address as you are not using a WiFi adapter,! The MAC address is built into the adapter not the B2, , on your Router you should be able to see connected devices with the current IP address of the B2 and set a fixed IP from there, exact method depends on your router, a quick Google should show you how.

Peter Lowham

May 6, 2020, 12:28:49 PM5/6/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Guys,

The B2 does have a MAC address for the wired network, but it is difficult to access because there is no utility within the Brennan menus to display this (rather strange but perhaps it is an oversight or omission).

Russell's suggestion above is the most direct way to obtain the wired port IP address by logging in to the router and finding it there.

If you have knowledge of Linux, you can log into the B2  at character level and get the MAC address by running the command:

'ifconfig| grep HWaddr'

Below is the command that I ran on my B2 (with some digits changed for security) 

# ifconfig|grep HWaddr
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr B7:27:EB:35:50:04


John Bisset

May 6, 2020, 1:17:29 PM5/6/20
to Brennan Forum
It's not there - as i said it just says Wifi MAC

John Bisset

May 6, 2020, 1:19:29 PM5/6/20
to Brennan Forum
Thanks - I'll give it a go.

John Bisset

May 6, 2020, 1:32:29 PM5/6/20
to Brennan Forum
That's exactly how I did it when first I set the up the wired connection.  I disconnected everything except the Brennan and one PC and set up the assigned address as static. It has remained stable for months. That address with a MAC number is still there reported as disconnected. The ip address being reported on the Brennan is there with another MAC number but, if I try to make that static, the router (BT Smart HUB 2) reports ip conflict and tells me to choose another. I can use the web interface with the reported ip address but if I turn the Brennan off or reboot it changes. I was trying to avoid disconnecting everything as it takes ages. Bugger!!

May 6, 2020, 1:43:31 PM5/6/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi John - not sure if you've tried already - but you should be able to log in as Hub Manager with the admin key and select an option to remove one of the devices in conflict - then keep the correct device and fix an IP to that - Cheers Russ

Peter Lowham

May 6, 2020, 2:03:02 PM5/6/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi John,

I also have the BT Smart Hub 2 and had a similar problem about 8 months ago.  What happened, in my case, was that I accidentally assigned an IP address to a newly built  VMware server which was already assigned to my BB1.  The ensuing havoc was a lesson to me to be very careful when adding new devices to the network, especially where fixed IP addresses were being used.

When I realised my mistake, I tried to correct the addresses.  However the BT Smart Hub just persisted in trying to issue the errant address to both devices, no matter what I tried.  In the end, I did a full factory reset on the router and went through the pain of rebuilding the router again.

So, after that rebuild, everything settled down and has been OK since.  My battle with the Smart Hub only ended when I ran the factory reset, but in the end it was worth the pain.

Good luck!

John Bisset

May 6, 2020, 5:22:39 PM5/6/20
to Brennan Forum
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