image release notes

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Mar 31, 2022, 12:12:25 PM3/31/22
to Brennan Forum
hello forum,

Some time ago I downloaded and installed the full OS from google drive.
At the time it was called "brennan_B2BNov2019", but now I see there is an updated image (namely, "b2bSDImage18June21").

Is it worth to download and re-flash? Will it add any new feature?


Ray Dion

Mar 31, 2022, 3:22:14 PM3/31/22
to Brennan Forum
My opinion would always be yes. Improvements in existing functions and any bug fixes and security updates are good things to maintain. Two years is a long time. Even the Linux OS has probably had some good upgrades.
The Latest Software new ( page will show a list of changes made with each version of software.
Updating with the Web Upgrade function (assuming your unit is internet connected (WiFi or wired) is a good idea after you do the image replacement.


Mar 31, 2022, 3:43:06 PM3/31/22
to Brennan Forum
thanks for the comment.

let me re-ask explicitly: my B2 gets regularly the web updates (today it says "Software Version B2B Mar 10 2022") 
but I'm not completely sure what's the relationship between the "full" binary image and the web updates.

does the new image carry some files that you won't get otherwise? e.g. a new linux kernel.
or is it just an incremental snapshot? e.g. the 2021 image == the 2019 image + 2 years of updates? 


Ray Dion

Mar 31, 2022, 3:45:39 PM3/31/22
to Brennan Forum
Someone else would have to take that question.

Daniel Taylor

Mar 31, 2022, 3:54:11 PM3/31/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi MH,
If you have the B2B Mar 10 2022 version, you are up to the minute.  

The Linux version changed when the version went from B2 to B2B.  That required either a new SD card or to reflash your existing card.  If your B2 came with B2B software, one could get everything (so far) by just doing a Web Upgrade.

You're all set, for now.

Sometimes there is newer, experimental software available, if you're inclined to test it.  You can download it from the top of the left column on the Latest Software page.  Then it must be loaded from USB with the SW Upgrade command.

Peter Lowham

Mar 31, 2022, 4:56:34 PM3/31/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi All,

The Linux version on  'B2BNov2019' is Linux 4.19.23.  The Linux version on the  "b2bSDImage18June21" version is still Linux 4.19.23 so nothing has changed between the two images.

Therefore there is no difference between the two images apart from the web upgrades.

So there is no difference between building from the older image and running web upgrades and taking the later version and running the same web upgrades.

The current experimental software that is offered is still based on Linux 4.19.23, so there is no basic change.


Apr 1, 2022, 2:28:05 AM4/1/22
to Brennan Forum
thanks, that's great to know.

1) I think this information is quite important and it should be written somewhere alongside the full image or on the web page.
e.g. something like "this image is based on linux 4.19.23. open the web interface, click here and read your version. if you see 4.18 you should consider a full re-flash"

2) just curious: what's precisely the capability of a web update? my naive impression is that basically they touch only the web gui, but possibly that's just a coincidence (because that's just what they do most of the time). I'm unsure if they can replace an arbitrary binary, or even update the kernel.
the B2 does not have "apt" installed, doesn't it? :)

Daniel Taylor

Apr 1, 2022, 6:08:21 AM4/1/22
to Brennan Forum
The Linux version would be meaningless to most of the users.

The Web Upgrade updates the B2 application layer of software.  To update the Linux kernel, you must reflash the SD card using the Etcher program.  Most users are not interested in doing the latter - they opt for ordering a new SD card from Brennan.

I'm not sure what you mean by "apt."  If it's aptX Bluetooth, then no, I don't believe it's installed.


Apr 1, 2022, 6:14:53 AM4/1/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi MH,

my understanding is that the Brennan OS is a customized OS based on a Linux kernel.
For efficiency and code integrity I assume that any unnecessary Linux functionality not required for the operation of the B2  has been stripped out. That includes APT because you don't want users
adding additional packages that screw things. This is for the users own benefit :)
The web upgrade definitely updates more the than the Web UI as in many releases its added/improved significant pieces of functionality not directly related to the web UI.



Apr 1, 2022, 6:18:01 AM4/1/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Daniel,

its this APT

Screenshot 2022-04-01 111704.jpg

Peter Lowham

Apr 1, 2022, 6:21:29 AM4/1/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi All,

The web updates will update any aspect of the B2 application.  The WebUI is only a part of that.  But the B2 has only used two Linux releases in 7 years (B2 software on 3.12.28 and B2B on 4.19.23), so I don't think that it is worthwhile to trouble end users with any more detail than is already provided.  The user is either running on B2 or B2B application; nice and simple!

@ Daniel;  the 'apt' that is referred to is one of the Linux package and patching management systems, and yes it is not present in the B2 environment probably because the B2's version of Linux is a 'stripped down. version; I would reckon that this is done for compactness and efficiency of running.


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