Feature Request - show track numbers on web UI

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John Gwynne

Jan 24, 2022, 1:53:27 PM1/24/22
to Brennan Forum
I'm on Software Version B2B Oct 22 2021 12:29:15

Currently the web UI now playing pane shows track titles without the number at the front, eg "Bach_ Cantata #143, BWV 143, _L" when the full track name is "01 Bach_ Cantata #143, BWV 143, _L"

I give this example because multiple tracks on this particular album have the same name from the database the only difference being the number at the front.

Please can we at least have the option to show the track number so I can figure out where I am in the album without having to peer at the tiny second line of the display on the Brennan box.


John Gwynne


Jan 25, 2022, 4:32:55 AM1/25/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi John,

I have added this to the Wishlist.

If I remember correctly others have found a work around so the Track number is shown.

Brennan Support.

John Gwynne

Jan 25, 2022, 4:40:19 AM1/25/22
to Brennan Forum
Thank you.

Peter Lowham

Jan 25, 2022, 5:00:34 AM1/25/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi John,

It was found that if you prefix the track name with a - (hyphen) and a space, then the track number is displays as well as the track name. 

So if your track names have the format

- 01 Like Clockwork     (hyphen space 01 Like Clockwork)

then the track number and track name will be displayed.in the WebUI.


John Gwynne

Jan 25, 2022, 5:05:50 AM1/25/22
to Brennan Forum
Thanks.  I'd already figured that renaming files with a a non-numeric leading character would do that but I have thousands of files.  Stopping the B2 stripping off the leading numeric would be a much easier solution.  Why did they do that in the first place? Mystery to me.  Make it an option.


Jan 25, 2022, 6:15:06 AM1/25/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi John,

if you have a computer that you can use to connect to your B2 as NAS, then there are are software packages that can make batch updates to file names.
A Scan Disk is mandatory after any changes so that the B2 rebuilds its index correctly.


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