Successful Web UI updates for artist and CD title, but not tracks on B2

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Brad Shutzberg

Oct 13, 2020, 12:14:09 PM10/13/20
to Brennan Forum
Hello, when recently ripping CDs, none have been recognized. I have since updated the onboard CDDB by downloading the mydb file. Hopefully future CDs will be recognized.

For all of the CDs that have recently been ripped, the Artist was listed as "Unknown" in the Web UI and the CD was titled "Album 123" with increasing numbers. As a result, I did the following updates in the Web UI for each ripped CD:
- Changed the name of the artist
- Changed the name of the CD title
- Changed the name of all of the tracks

I then do Scan Disk and Compress Now (I have done this multiple times) from the B2 and then, using the Sonos app on my iPhone, I "Update Music Index Now" under Music Library.

Issue --> The name of the artist and the CD title update correctly, but all of the tracks remain as track 01, track 02 when using the Sonos app. See attached pictures - one image is from the Web UI with updated track names for a CD and the other image is from the Sonos app - the same CD is listed but the track names are not updated.

Question --> Is there a way to fix this? It is puzzling that the artist info and CD title info are updating correctly after I make changes using the Web UI, but the track names are not updating. The WiFi strength is -39 dBm.

Thank you - Brad
Web UI.jpg
SONOS music folder.png

Peter Lowham

Oct 13, 2020, 1:07:19 PM10/13/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Brad,

I think that the problem is that the Sonos uses tag data (held inside the music track files) whereas the B2 uses the music track name.  When the B2 ripped the CDs and did not find the CDDB database, then the tag data could not be applied to the music files.

What version of B2 software are you running on?  If you press the 'Info'  button twice on the remote control, the B2 front panel will display 'Version ...........'

If the version is older than 'Jul 21 2020' then you should run 'Web Upgrade' from the front panel by running the following:

'Main menu' --> 'Settings' --> 'Web Upgrade'  


Brad Shutzberg

Oct 13, 2020, 5:47:10 PM10/13/20
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Peter - the version of the software is July 21, 2020

Peter Lowham

Oct 13, 2020, 5:56:40 PM10/13/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Brad,

I reckon that if you download 'mp3Tag' from the web and run this on your music collection, this should sort out the Sonos issue.  It downloads the tag data for albums from the web.

'mp3Tag' is a free download, and is an excellent tagging program.


Brad Shutzberg

Oct 14, 2020, 12:40:01 AM10/14/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peter,

mp3Tag worked and solved my issue - thank you very much.


Alan Gough

Oct 25, 2020, 10:42:38 AM10/25/20
to Brennan Forum
It sounds like a very useful tool, but I only have a chromebook and an android tablet, which seems to be outside the necessary requirements. I have more than 8000 tracks on my B2 500, lots of which could not be found remotely and the CD title and track info had to be added manually, and in some cases is incomplete (I admit to having s lot of CDs that are a bit unusual, a lot bought directly from artists at folk gigs). 

Before I had the B2, I used to rip to MP3 and use a windows mp3 tag program, but the windows box is no more.

Any suggestions for an app I could use ?

cheers, Alan

Peter Lowham

Oct 25, 2020, 11:09:35 AM10/25/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Alan,

Do you know if your Chromebook uses an 'ARM' processor or an 'Intel' processor?

If the answer is 'Intel', then one option would be to download and install an application called 'Wine'.  This is a Windows emulator program and should enable you to install and use 'mp3Tag' on the Chromebook.  However, 'Wine' only works on 'Intel' based Chromebooks.


Alan Gough

Oct 25, 2020, 11:18:57 AM10/25/20
to Brennan Forum
My chromebook is an Acer, and they seem to use intel processors. Will look further into this. Thanks for the tip.

Cheers Alan.

Peter Lowham

Oct 25, 2020, 11:23:43 AM10/25/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Alan,

Good luck!  I've done a quick web scan of 'Acer Chromebook' and it does seem that the Acers are 'Intel' based, so that does look promising.

Let us know how you get on with this as the information is valuable to the forum and its users.


Alan Gough

Oct 26, 2020, 3:56:23 PM10/26/20
to Brennan Forum
Peter, it does not seem to be a simple one stage process to install 'Wine'. It look like a good option, but there are several alternative routes to make it work, with different pros and cons. I'm not able to follow it up immediately, but hope to in the near future.

Thanks for the info Peter, the routes I have tried in the past seemed to be non starters, just to know of a route is a very good start.
Cheers, Alan

Peter Lowham

Oct 26, 2020, 5:14:43 PM10/26/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Alan,

Unfortunately I don't have a Chromebook, otherwise I would run some tests.  Keep us posted on progress.


Mark Fishman

Oct 26, 2020, 6:56:53 PM10/26/20
to Brennan Forum
Instead of installing Wine on a Chromebook, for this purpose just install mp3tag for chromebook from the apprpriate Google store: see

Peter Lowham

Oct 26, 2020, 7:25:53 PM10/26/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mark,

This is a real 'Duh' moment for me!  I didn't even think to check.

@ Alan; there is your solution, fortunately there are others in the forum who keep an eye on the ball!


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