Album ripped (15 tracks), initially play, but then deleted

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Michael Smith

Sep 28, 2021, 12:24:42 PM9/28/21
to Brennan Forum
I've ripped this album 3 times.  After ripping, the tracks appear and will play.  But then, shortly thereafter, all the tracks are deleted.  The album remains in the list, but with no tracks.  Settings & Status still show 15 WAV files, but after a rescan they are gone.

Source Hard Disk Paused

Volume: 35

Time: 0:062:27

 Bulk upload - pick a folder, uploads all music and art below
 File upload - specify Artist and Album, then pick files.
Classiks On Toys
Symfunny Orchestra- Robert Lafond
No file chosen
Artist Symfunny Orchestra- Robert Lafond
Album Classiks On Toys 


webPlayID id = 2008000 sonos = 0

startPlayingTrack () new ffwdfetch using /tmp/ffwdPipe1

startPipePlay () pipe=0 pid=931

startFfwdFetch2 (1)

ffwdThreadCode3 started channel = 1

refreshUI () called by webPlayID

getCurrentArtPath () current id=2008000, cached id=2008001, cached path=0

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New UI stop channel 0 pipe 1

uiStopPipe (0)

TODO consider whether play_mutex should be locked during stopPipe

ffwdThreadCode 0 finished

ffwdThreadCode 0 deleting pipe

Deleting zombies

Child 1 terminated


webPlayID id = 2007999 sonos = 0

startPlayingTrack () new ffwdfetch using /tmp/ffwdPipe0

startPipePlay () pipe=1 pid=936

startFfwdFetch2 (0)

refreshUI () called by webPlayID

ffwdThreadCode3 started channel = 0

getCurrentArtPath () current id=2007999, cached id=2008000, cached path=0

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New UI stop channel 1 pipe 0

uiStopPipe (1)

TODO consider whether play_mutex should be locked during stopPipe

ffwdThreadCode 1 finished

ffwdThreadCode 1 deleting pipe

Deleting zombies

Child 1 terminated


webPlayID id = 2007998 sonos = 0

startPlayingTrack () new ffwdfetch using /tmp/ffwdPipe1

startPipePlay () pipe=0 pid=940

startFfwdFetch2 (1)

refreshUI () called by webPlayID

ffwdThreadCode3 started channel = 1

getCurrentArtPath () current id=2007998, cached id=2007999, cached path=0

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New UI stop channel 0 pipe 1

uiStopPipe (0)

TODO consider whether play_mutex should be locked during stopPipe

Deleting zombies

Child 1 terminated

ffwdThreadCode 0 finished

ffwdThreadCode 0 deleting pipe


webPlayID id = 2007997 sonos = 0

startPlayingTrack () new ffwdfetch using /tmp/ffwdPipe0

startPipePlay () pipe=1 pid=944

startFfwdFetch2 (0)

refreshUI () called by webPlayID

ffwdThreadCode3 started channel = 0

getCurrentArtPath () current id=2007997, cached id=2007998, cached path=0

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New UI stop channel 1 pipe 0

uiStopPipe (1)

TODO consider whether play_mutex should be locked during stopPipe

Deleting zombies

ffwdThreadCode 1 finished

ffwdThreadCode 1 deleting pipe

Child 1 terminated


webPlayID id = 2007996 sonos = 0

startPlayingTrack () new ffwdfetch using /tmp/ffwdPipe1

startPipePlay () pipe=0 pid=950

startFfwdFetch2 (1)

refreshUI () called by webPlayID

ffwdThreadCode3 started channel = 1

getCurrentArtPath () current id=2007996, cached id=2007997, cached path=0

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New UI stop channel 0 pipe 1

uiStopPipe (0)

TODO consider whether play_mutex should be locked during stopPipe

ffwdThreadCode 0 finished

ffwdThreadCode 0 deleting pipe

Deleting zombies

Child 1 terminated


webPlayID id = 2007995 sonos = 0

startPlayingTrack () new ffwdfetch using /tmp/ffwdPipe0

startPipePlay () pipe=1 pid=954

startFfwdFetch2 (0)

refreshUI () called by webPlayID

ffwdThreadCode3 started channel = 0

getCurrentArtPath () current id=2007995, cached id=2007996, cached path=0

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New UI stop channel 1 pipe 0

uiStopPipe (1)

ffwdThreadCode 1 finished

TODO consider whether play_mutex should be locked during stopPipe

ffwdThreadCode 1 deleting pipe

Deleting zombies

Child 1 terminated


webPlayID id = 2007994 sonos = 0

startPlayingTrack () new ffwdfetch using /tmp/ffwdPipe1

startPipePlay () pipe=0 pid=957

startFfwdFetch2 (1)

refreshUI () called by webPlayID

ffwdThreadCode3 started channel = 1

getCurrentArtPath () current id=2007994, cached id=2007995, cached path=0

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New UI stop channel 0 pipe 1

ffwdThreadCode 0 finished

ffwdThreadCode 0 deleting pipe

uiStopPipe (0)

TODO consider whether play_mutex should be locked during stopPipe

Deleting zombies

Child 1 terminated


webPlayID id = 2007993 sonos = 0

startPlayingTrack () new ffwdfetch using /tmp/ffwdPipe0

startPipePlay () pipe=1 pid=962

startFfwdFetch2 (0)

refreshUI () called by webPlayID

ffwdThreadCode3 started channel = 0

getCurrentArtPath () current id=2007993, cached id=2007994, cached path=0

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New UI stop channel 1 pipe 0

uiStopPipe (1)

TODO consider whether play_mutex should be locked during stopPipe

Deleting zombies

Child 1 terminated

ffwdThreadCode 1 finished

ffwdThreadCode 1 deleting pipe


webPlayID id = 2007992 sonos = 0

startPlayingTrack () new ffwdfetch using /tmp/ffwdPipe1

startPipePlay () pipe=0 pid=965

startFfwdFetch2 (1)

refreshUI () called by webPlayID

ffwdThreadCode3 started channel = 1

getCurrentArtPath () current id=2007992, cached id=2007993, cached path=0

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New UI stop channel 0 pipe 1

uiStopPipe (0)

TODO consider whether play_mutex should be locked during stopPipe

Deleting zombies

ffwdThreadCode 0 finished

Child 1 terminated

ffwdThreadCode 0 deleting pipe

web Play key

refreshUI () called by doui playStop


webRenameId url = &id=1000734&time=1632844664413&name=Classiks%20On%20Toys

id = 1000734 name = Classiks On Toys

changeAlbumName 734 <Classiks On Toys>

Renamed </media/hdd1/music/Symfunny Orchestra- Robert Lafond/>

to </media/hdd1/music/Symfunny Orchestra- Robert Lafond/Classiks On Toys>

Result -1

writeDB ()

blacklist id = 0

Sorting artists

webRenameID renameID () returned

refreshUI () called by webRenameID

webRenameID refreshID () returned

WAKEUP in webListPlaylists ()

webGuest url = guest&mode=0&playlist=1&time=1632844685143

setGuestModePlaylist 0

refreshUI () called by webGuest

refreshUI () called by processStdin

Posted writeDB complete

refreshUI () called by isUploading


webPlayID id = 2007992 sonos = 0

stopPlay ()

stopPipe3 channel 1

Calling flushPipe (0)



startPlayingTrack () new ffwdfetch using /tmp/ffwdPipe0

startFfwdFetch () cannot open /media/hdd1/music/Symfunny Orchestra- Robert Lafond/Classiks On Toys/02 Water Music (Hornpipe).wav

startPlayingTrack () prepareFfwdFetch failed

refreshUI () called by webPlayID

ffwdThreadCode 1 finished

ffwdThreadCode 1 deleting pipe

web Play key

stopPlay ()




startPlayingTrack () new ffwdfetch using /tmp/ffwdPipe0

startFfwdFetch () cannot open /media/hdd1/music/Symfunny Orchestra- Robert Lafond/Classiks On Toys/03 Toccata.wav

startPlayingTrack () prepareFfwdFetch failed

refreshUI () called by doui playStop

web Play key

stopPlay ()




startPlayingTrack () new ffwdfetch using /tmp/ffwdPipe0

startFfwdFetch () cannot open /media/hdd1/music/Symfunny Orchestra- Robert Lafond/Classiks On Toys/03 Toccata.wav

startPlayingTrack () prepareFfwdFetch failed

refreshUI () called by doui playStop

web Play key

stopPlay ()




startPlayingTrack () new ffwdfetch using /tmp/ffwdPipe0

startFfwdFetch () cannot open /media/hdd1/music/Symfunny Orchestra- Robert Lafond/Classiks On Toys/03 Toccata.wav

startPlayingTrack () prepareFfwdFetch failed

refreshUI () called by doui playStop

webGuest url = guest&mode=0&playlist=1&time=1632844798025

setGuestModePlaylist 0

refreshUI () called by webGuest


Michael Smith

Sep 28, 2021, 12:55:44 PM9/28/21
to Brennan Forum
Software Version B2B Jul 26 2021 15:40:05

Peter Lowham

Sep 28, 2021, 1:00:12 PM9/28/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Michael,

I think that the problem is as follows.

Your Brennan is initially ripping the CD and is storing the tracks as '.wav' tracks.  This is normal.  At this point it is possible to play the '.wav' tracks.

However, there is a second stage to the process, called the compression stage.  This takes the 'wav' files and converts them to '.flac' or '.mp3' depending on which compression type that you have selected. As each '.wav' track is converted it is deleted.

This compression stage begins when the Brennan goes into 'Standby mode', which is 5 minutes with no activity on the Brennan and with the WebUI closed down.

It could be that you are trying to play the music while the Brennan is compressing and deleting the '.wav' files.  The Brennan is possibly getting confused.  After a 'Scan Disk' is run, the '.wav' files should disappear and be replaced with the '.flac' equivalents.

If the album is still missing, you could re-rip the CD and then let the Brennan run and complete the compression cycle, then all should be well.  The compression cycle will take about 20 - 25 minutes for your 15 tracks.  When compression is running, you will see the red light on the front panel fashing rapidly.


Michael Smith

Sep 28, 2021, 1:28:21 PM9/28/21
to Brennan Forum
I deleted, the re-ripped the album.  Showed 15 tracks.  I then manually selected "Compress Now".  It appeared to try compressing track 1/15 for a while, but the percentage never changed.  Then it just stopped.  Hitting "Compress Now" again and nothing happens. Re-scanned and the WAV tracks disappeared; no tracks in the album :-(

Peter Lowham

Sep 28, 2021, 2:50:32 PM9/28/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Michael,

Is there anything special about the first track?  The Brennan does the compression in the order in which the tracks were ripped, and if a ripped track is corrupt it will act as a 'blocker', i.e. the Brennan cannot bypass the bad track.

So, one way to test this would be to re-rip the CD (yet again!!) and delete track 1 and run 'Compress now'.  Then see if compression starts.  If not, then delete track 2 and repeat.


Michael Smith

Sep 28, 2021, 3:06:30 PM9/28/21
to Brennan Forum
I will give that a try later.  At the moment I'm just using the B2 as a CD player to play this CD.  So far (I'm now on track 5), it is playing without any problems...

Peter Lowham

Sep 28, 2021, 3:20:40 PM9/28/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Michael,

That is interesting!  It sounds like the tracks on the CD are OK.  On looking back, I note that your B2 is running 'B2B Jul 26 2021'.  There is a fix for a CDDB matching problem in the 'B2B Sep 17 2021' version, so it would be worth thinking about doing a 'Web Upgrade' and retesting.


Michael Smith

Sep 28, 2021, 4:23:13 PM9/28/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peter,
The B2 just finished playing all 15 tracks with no issues.  Meanwhile, I had already upgraded to Software Version B2B Sep 17 2021 07:56:05.  Re-ripped, deleted the first track and tried to "Compress Now".  No joy.  Album and tracks appear to be there, but don't play or freezes when I try.  Did a Rescan.  Why do all the .WAV files disappear after a Rescan?  BTW, one other thing I noticed, is that when it loads the CD it finds the name of the Artist and all the track names, but the Album Name is blank/empty?
Thanks for your help!

Michael Smith

Sep 28, 2021, 4:59:38 PM9/28/21
to Brennan Forum
Update: the blank/empty Album Name issue bothered me a bit (knowing how weird software can be about things).  So I selected the other setting and ripped it as 'Album 735'.  Well, bottom line is that seems to have resolved all issues.

Peter Lowham

Sep 28, 2021, 5:19:05 PM9/28/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Michael,

I was just thinking about the blank album name and the fact that the track names were correct.  I think that there are one or two software bugs lurking around there!

Anyway, that information is good to know so thanks for this update.


Michael Smith

Sep 28, 2021, 5:30:52 PM9/28/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks.  Glad I was able to work around it.


Sep 29, 2021, 4:44:07 AM9/29/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Michael,

Glad you found a workaround. So the CDDB returned Artist and Track info but no Album name in this case?

Brennan Support.


Sep 29, 2021, 4:45:08 AM9/29/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi All,

On a practical note, if you are posting the debug list it is best to do it as an attachment. Saves a lot of scrolling...

Brennan Support.

Michael Smith

Sep 29, 2021, 10:23:14 AM9/29/21
to Brennan Forum
Yes.  Not sure if it returned blank, or no response at all, for Album name.
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