Tagging guidance, please

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Warren Knauer

Mar 11, 2021, 4:27:27 AM3/11/21
to Brennan Forum
Having ripped 300+ CDs in roughly 2 weeks, the time is right for pausing and learning the best way forward on the issue of adding tags to the FLAC files.

Forum members: 
Which programs do you favor, and why, for adding tags?  
Do added tags complicate using the Brennan as your player?
Are tags how you handle your ripped discs attributed to "Various Artists"--?  I have already ripped 50+ CDs that rightly fall into that bucket!

Kindly take note... I don't want answers that speak to iTunes -now- since I have not been loading from iTunes.  I expect to do some of that eventually.  The only place I have used "tags" in the past was within iTunes.  On reflection, I don't even know if populating the various fields within iTunes is actually populating any standardized formal tags. 

Many thanks in advance for your wisdom!


Mar 11, 2021, 11:40:50 AM3/11/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Warren,

Assuming you have ripped these 300+ CDs using the Brennan to do it, then in the Brennan environment "Tags" are irrelevant. The Brennan will have copied what is actually on the CD but will not have added anything to this (ie Tags) in the process of ripping. The reason for this is that in the Brennan system the identification of your ripped music is by "text" names applied to the following file structure.

The "Unknow", "Various" & "Various Artists" are containers into which the Brennan has placed a CD during ripping when it has not been able to find (or if there were options - for it to find and you to select from) "text" names for so that it could place them into its directory structure.

You can access and manually rename CDs that have been placed into the "Various.." bucket - one at a time - (telling the Brennan what to call them yourself), using both/either the front panel or the Web UI.

However, many of us find it easier to mount the Brenan's HDD music directory as a NAS. so that we can use the Windows/Mac file tools to see, move and rename the music folders.

This is the basics. There is a lot of discussion on Tagging in this forum. if you want more information please come back to this thread ans ask further.


James Wyatt

Mar 11, 2021, 3:13:59 PM3/11/21
to Brennan Forum
Once the WAV files convert to FLAC, I use Mp3tag to edit & update tags, album art, etc.
I also use Bulk Renaming Utility to mass modify the files. (Insert a zero to tracks 1-9) 

Warren Knauer

Mar 11, 2021, 3:47:03 PM3/11/21
to Brennan Forum
Fred--yes, thanks for your reply--all ripping of these 300+ on Brennan--been using the NAS feature since first day.  I think your answer will be very instructive to others but James is on the scent of my question slightly better

James--I had heard a couple good reports in YouTube videos for mp3tag
So I will infer that once you've used mp3tag, the ability to play your music using the Brennan itself has not been adversely affect? 
(presuming any artist / album text changes were followed by a "Scan Disk")

My plan from day of purchase has remained consistent.  Rip discs using the Brennan. Maximize use of NAS feature.  Eventually transition playback to an as yet not purchased component that will handle streaming duties as well as FLAC playback of my ripped inventory.  Will likely remove a good bit of the music collection eventually, leaving more frequent listens only on it and place the majority of my collection on another NAS.  Transition the Brennan to "bedroom duty" (and actually use the amps) as well as loan it to a buddy who needs help ripping his collection.
I haven't purchased any other component yet because I've been researching whether to get separate DAC.  Also, isn't it a bit intimidating to face all the different possible configurations these days?  Everything from do-all boxes (e.g., NAD M10, M33 ...) to the likely more expensive route of single-function boxes.  Time consuming to plan out how best to continue using existing gear with wisest purchases!

The only unexpected turbulence so far is Spotify's plan to have better (higher-res / lossless?) tracks in their premium service.  This means I want to try the Librespot thing--but then will the Brennan be able to play the better stream? 

First-world problems, eh?

Daniel Taylor

Mar 11, 2021, 3:57:52 PM3/11/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi Warren,
As you consider future equipment to buy, you might want to investigate the Bluesound products, in particular the Node 2i and the Vault 2i.  The Vault does much the same as the B2, but is more of an audiophile bent.  The Node is a subset of the Vault, having neither internal hard disk nor amp.  I think they both have a higher quality internal DAC.


Mar 11, 2021, 5:42:54 PM3/11/21
to Brennan Forum
I have been using Media Monkey for tagging my Flac files on the B2, once you have NAS up and going Media Monkey can populate all the files on the B2 via NAS, once populating is complete you can start tagging your B2 Flac files. I hope this helps.


Warren Knauer

Mar 11, 2021, 6:13:50 PM3/11/21
to Brennan Forum
Rocky--WHY did you choose Media Monkey ?  If there is a rationale, that helps me chose one over another (e.g., mp3tag vs Media Monkey)
If they're all the same & you chose based on appearance...  or does one let you import some stuff from an Excel worksheet or ... ???

Warren Knauer

Mar 11, 2021, 6:15:42 PM3/11/21
to Brennan Forum
Daniel--looks like BluOS is good but, really, the visual impression of the Node 2i doesn't do it for me


Mar 11, 2021, 9:20:38 PM3/11/21
to Brennan Forum

Could you provide more detail on your process (a little how to with examples would be MUCH appreciated)



Mar 11, 2021, 9:40:28 PM3/11/21
to Brennan Forum
You had said in your original post "The only place I have used "tags" in the past was within iTunes.", well one thing I really liked about Media Monkey was how similar it was to iTunes once you have your library populated into the Media Monkey program.  Now it's not exactly like iTunes, so it takes some getting use to, but after I got comfortable using this program, now I think it's "Awesome".  I have used mp3tag in the past and it made my files become invisible to some programs and ended up having to delete those files and reload them via the source CD that I had originally used, but as long as I use Media Monkey this is not a problem. Also Media Monkey is the only program that recognized all my album art work as saved on the B2 when all the other programs that I tried did not.  I hope that this helps.


Warren Knauer

Mar 12, 2021, 2:49:06 PM3/12/21
to Brennan Forum
Rocky--Thanks for this very informative reply but two final points, please...  

Did you use Media monkey to add tags directly to the files stored on the Brennan accessing them via the Brennan's NAS feature?  Or did you add tags to the files after you copied them to a second place?  I am wanting to know if tagging them directly on the Brennan was safe.

Also, were your tagged FLAC files always playable using the Brennan?  Or maybe you only played them using something else after you added tags? 

Fred--thanks for the "bump"


Mar 12, 2021, 9:01:20 PM3/12/21
to Brennan Forum
Did you use Media monkey to add tags directly to the files stored on the Brennan accessing them via the Brennan's NAS feature? Yes
Also, were your tagged FLAC files always playable using the Brennan? Yes

I hope that this was helpful

Warren Knauer

Mar 12, 2021, 11:58:19 PM3/12/21
to Brennan Forum
Wonderful--thank you Rocky for your patience and sharing info!
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