Enthusiastic amateur completely brings down new b2 Playlist system

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george mechem

Feb 22, 2022, 4:05:07 PM2/22/22
to Brennan Forum
I tried importing appropriately formatted to text M3U playlists.  Names were imported but no entries, except one (longest of all, I think).  I then loaded one tune into Red, exported the playlist to usbc and created another, duplicate of Red in Notepad only of a different name but using the same format (parsing beyond the name= line the track entry lines were character by character alike and of the same length).

I then tried several other experiments, silly me, and the Playlist system looks to be in need of repair - the only playlist I can see on the phone app is Red, and it is inoperable.  I would like to get back to a fresh start on this, if I could.

I have, by the way, nearly 8,000 tracks in the b2, which imported flawlessly from an external HD via usbc. I have 8 or 9 playlists totaling well over 500 tracks I would like to import.

Long post, for which I apologize.  Any help would be greatly appreciated


Feb 22, 2022, 4:12:43 PM2/22/22
to Brennan Forum
Nothing useful to add except kudos for the wonderful subject title. 

Daniel Taylor

Feb 22, 2022, 4:25:16 PM2/22/22
to Brennan Forum
The first thing I would do is run a Scan Disk.  But I don't really expect that to fix the problem.

Try deleting the new playlist(s) which you added manually.  If you named it one of the original colors, I think the B2 should take it back to empty.  If it was named something else, the B2 should delete it completely.

I don't suppose that you had backed up your playlists before starting your experiment?  If you did, then you can restore them - but after you've deleted the problem playlists.  See the Playlist menu for commands to save and retrieve the lists (no music) and export the music for a playlist (no list).

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