Red and Green LED lights, reinserting Micro SD has no effect

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Iain Cameron

Sep 17, 2021, 8:48:44 AM9/17/21
to Brennan Forum
After a power cut yesterday my Brennan 2 starting showing red and green LED lights when I tried to switch it back on.  I tried rebooting, but the problem remained.  I then followed the guidance and tried removing and reinserting the Micro SD card - twice - but this had no effect.
By way of further information, I'm currently in Italy, and brought my Brennan here with me.  It has worked fine here for the past two months until this episode.  I'm not sure, but the red and green lights may have happened before, but it recovered after turning off and on.
Any suggestions on what to do next?

Daniel Taylor

Sep 17, 2021, 8:54:15 AM9/17/21
to Brennan Forum
It sounds like your SD card has become corrupted, either the software on it, or the card itself.  If it's just the software, you can try to reflash the card with new software by following the instructions at this link.  See the instructions near the top of the left column, where it says New SD Card.

Or, if you don't want to try that, or if that fails and it turns out the SD card itself has gone bad, you can order a new one from Brennan.  Email them at
thebrennanb2 @ gmail . com (no spaces)

Iain Cameron

Sep 17, 2021, 10:37:57 AM9/17/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks for this.  Something like the SD card being corrupted was what I suspected might be the case.
I can't say I'm comfortable with tackling something myself like refreshing the card by the means suggested on the website - it looks beyond my everyday technical expertise.
Can I clarify something though (which will confirm the limitations of my understanding)?  Am I right in thinking that the SD card is separate from the HDD, so that my music collection is still safely stored on the Brennan, but I just need to fix the SD card in order to get it to function again?

Daniel Taylor

Sep 17, 2021, 12:40:16 PM9/17/21
to Brennan Forum
You are right about the SD card being separate from the HDD.  They designed it so that if anything went wrong with the SD card, your music would still be safely stored on the HDD.

At this point, with the SD card not working for you, you really have nothing to lose by trying to flash it with new software.  You could go ahead and order one, just for peace of mind.  Either way you go, you'll still have to open the back of the unit to take the SD card out and put the other one in.

If you want to give it a try to reflash your SD card, the first thing (after taking it out of the B2) that you'll run into is that, if your computer doesn't already have a slot for a micro-SD card, you'll need an adapter that will accept the card and then plug into a USB slot.  They're fairly cheap.

Then just take it slow and be sure to follow the instructions.  We're here for additional help and moral support if you need it.


Sep 17, 2021, 1:03:30 PM9/17/21
to Brennan Forum
The corruption of the card could have happened if the B2 was doing something when you had the power cut. 

Definitely worth a try reflashing the card, or getting a new blank one and flashing that, yourself. It's easy once you get started.

Iain Cameron

Sep 18, 2021, 5:08:56 AM9/18/21
to Brennan Forum
Thanks for all the input.  I'm a bit mystified as to how it happened, as we were out when the power failed so I'm pretty sure the Brennan was off altogether.  I'm hugely relieved to hear the hard drive won't be affected though!

I think I'll play it safe and order a new SD card from Brennan - notwithstanding everyone's encouragement, that will probably spare me a lot of gnashing of teeth.


Sep 20, 2021, 3:04:10 AM9/20/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi ianir...,

Please email us on -   thebrennanb2   @   gmail   .   com   - no spaces, requesting a replacement SD Card.

Brennan Support.

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