Album Artwork clarification.

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Me My Self and I

Feb 27, 2021, 10:11:06 AM2/27/21
to Brennan Forum
Hello. Had my B2 delivered yesterday and I've copied 12,000 mp3 format files onto it. Whilst I was copying the files I read on the Brennan website that the Brennan doesn't use the mp3 tags, using it's own database instead. The website also implied that artwork from embedded tags was not displayed and was only used on a 'paired' Sonos device. Having seen some pictures of the "WebUI" showing artwork, I was a little confused by this. The Sonos (as I [don't!] understand it) requires artwork to be in the album folder as a separate file named "folder.jpg". So, before the B2 was delivered I went through all my songs and albums, generating a jpg (and a few png) file from the mp3 tags. I used mp3Tag for this, it has the capability to run through nested subdirectories and create the artwork files automatically. I then connected my disk to the Brennan, found that it wasn't FAT32 but exFAT. Had to format the disk from the Brennan, copy the files again, create the artwork again. Connected the disk to the Brennan (again) and imported all tracks to the hard drive. Four hours later... Started playing some music and loaded the WebUI. Artwork showing beautifully. Installed the Android app. Beautiful artwork there too. Brilliant.

My question is: What is the criteria for artwork to be displayed? Is it read from the mp3 tags, or is the website correct in stating that mp3 tags are not read/used? Is artwork read from the "folder.jpg" or "folder.png" (or artwork.jpg/png) file? Is the artwork pulled from the MusicBrainz library?

I usually import CDs on my iMac, equalise the volume of the tracks, add the artwork and then export them ready for copying to my 'phone and music server. If I have to also generate a "folder.jpg" file, I don't mind that extra step, but I would like to know what the criteria are for the artwork files.


Feb 27, 2021, 12:08:52 PM2/27/21
to Brennan Forum
Hi mkste. I just ran a wee test to clarify your query about Artwork display.

Using NAS on my laptop I went into an album and removed the coverart.jpg. I then ran scan disk to update the change in the B2's music library. 
I then called up the album in the Web UI (original version) and played the first track of the album. It showed the album cover in the top left-hand now playing window, but not in the bottom right-hand Album window. 
So the B2 can read imbedded artwork in tracks, and shows when playing. Checked a few tracks, but needs the coverart.jpg in the album folder to enable it to be seen in the Album window.

 Now I better put the coverart.jpg back in before I forget.
Screenshot (19)_LI.jpg

Me My Self and I

Feb 27, 2021, 3:19:32 PM2/27/21
to Brennan Forum
So... You're suggesting that the embedded artwork from the mp3 file is used for the "Now Playing" image, and the folder.jpg (in my case) file is used for the Album image. I guess we're making progress here. Thanks for looking. And I guess I really ought to have tried that myself, sorry.
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