Martin : Can rsync be added to the b2 ? A very useful thing to have for automated backups.

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Feb 18, 2018, 2:30:08 PM2/18/18
to Brennan Forum
Martin :

By now you've noticed the interest in being able to back up the b2 to a PC, NAS or other networked device.  This could be made quite easy if the embedded Linux distribution in the b2 included the rsync package. rsync is very handy for doing incremental backups (i.e. actually copying only what has changed since the previous backup).  And automating rsync backups is trivial on a Linux PC or NAS.

If you are using something like bitbake / Open Embedded / buildroot  to create the core b2 OS then adding rsync should just require enabling the option the next time you rebuild? The additional disk space needed is minimal.

Any chance this can show up in one of your updates?



Brennan Support

Feb 19, 2018, 4:50:40 AM2/19/18
to Brennan Forum
Hello Tony

I've noted your request.

Please bear in mind that the forum is skewed towards more tech savvy owners so what might appear popular on the forum may not be as popular with B2s owners generally - and I have to use my time accordingly.



Feb 19, 2018, 2:56:11 PM2/19/18
to Brennan Forum

Understood about priorities.  While adding rsync server capability might be just a simple two second configuration option in your build file, setting up the necessary runtime config files and testing would take much longer.

I'd be a happy to do the configuration and testing leg work for you but obviously I'd need to know what tool set you use and have the appropriate build files.  No other support needed - and I obviously would not need source code for your b2 task either. 

I'd also provide end user instructions on how to use it for incremental backups once incorporated.

Free offer - but I won't be offended if you don't take it.  Send me details via email otherwise?



Feb 19, 2018, 11:46:43 PM2/19/18
to Brennan Forum
The build is custom built with Buildroot, but (I haven't yet tested) any Raspbian build should -- might -- work.  You'll need to cross-compile, and that's a skill.  There's no "apt" or "git" available.


Feb 20, 2018, 3:20:43 PM2/20/18
to Brennan Forum
If it's Buildroot, then all I would need is the config files used to build the b2's Linux core.  

Brennan Support

Feb 21, 2018, 4:20:58 AM2/21/18
to Brennan Forum
Hello Tony

Email on - give me a day or two. Let me know your experience with Buildroot.



Feb 21, 2018, 7:19:57 PM2/21/18
to Brennan Forum
The config file is on the B2.  Away from home, so can't tell you for sure, but "find / -name 'config*.*' -print" should find it.  It's compressed -- .gz, I think.

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