Connection (or otherwise) to Wi-Fi

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Roc Walker

Mar 7, 2022, 5:59:13 AM3/7/22
to Brennan Forum
Good morning everyone.  i hope this question hasn't been asked before.  i had a quick look and couldn't see it.

I have a B2 which I used to control either through my phone or through a lap top.  This used to work fine until recently, when the signal became very weak, not just for the B2 but for everything.

Eventually Virgin sorted it all out and I now have a strong signal. However, the B2 doesn't seem to talk to it.

I tried to reset Wi-Fi via the Maintenance routine but the sequence that iI see on the screen is: "Connecting1, Connecting 2, Connecting 3, Failed.". If I put my phone next to the B2 I can see that there is a good signal.

Does anyone have any ideas please?

Mar 7, 2022, 6:18:59 AM3/7/22
to Brennan Forum
Can you please tell us what Virgin have given you as your home Router/WiFi system.


Roc Walker

Mar 7, 2022, 6:27:38 AM3/7/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Fred
The router doesn't appear to have any serial/model numbers on it apart from "Hub 3.0" but they sent me an "Intelligent WiFi pod " which i have plugged into a socket downstairs (the router is upstairs).  This appears to have worked because the laptop and I-pad and my phone are now functioning perfectly.

Regards Roc

Peter Lowham

Mar 7, 2022, 6:53:07 AM3/7/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roc,

Two situations come to mind here for me.

1.  The B2 may not be able to connect to the intelligent Wifi pod, as some of these booster devices create a different network connection type and the B2 cannot see the router.

2.  The B2 needs a 2.4GHz Wifi signal and the booster might be operating on 5GHz, so again the B2 will not see the network.



Mar 7, 2022, 7:07:49 AM3/7/22
to Brennan Forum

Hi Roc,

the Virgin Pods are providing you with what is called a mesh network.
Mesh networks use algorithms to increase Wi-Fi coverage , strength and speeds.
Several users have experienced issues with connecting their B2 to a mesh networks of various brands.
The forum has been scratching its collective heads as to why mesh networks add these issues.
As per Peter's post its possible that the B2 is not getting connection because its not seeing a network connection type it expects though my reading of the documentation is that both the 2.4Ghz and 
5Ghz bands of your network are broadcast by the pods but they must have the same SSID(name) and password for the pods to work
The pods do have an ethernet port which you could wire your B2 to if that's practical.
Have you posted on the virgin community support forum about this issue ?


Roc Walker

Mar 7, 2022, 7:10:25 AM3/7/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Peter
Thanks for this.  I guess the best way to test this is to disable the pod and see if the B2 can actually talk to the (weak) signal.  I'm not a techie so if you have a better idea, I would be grateful.



Roc Walker

Mar 7, 2022, 7:23:33 AM3/7/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi John
Thanks for this.

I'll try taking the pod out of the socket and see what happens.

Unfortunately the B2 and the pod are in different rooms so I can't connect them with a cable. I f I were to move the pod close enough to use a cable, it would have to share a 3 gang extension lead and I hather that they must have dedicated sockets.

I didn't even know that a Virgin community support group existed!  I'll see if I can find them and post the issue on there




Mar 7, 2022, 8:41:28 AM3/7/22
to Brennan Forum

Roc Walker

Mar 7, 2022, 10:05:45 AM3/7/22
to Brennan Forum
Thanks John.  Much appreciated.

i've posted the question and will update here if I receive a response.


Roc Walker

Mar 8, 2022, 6:34:01 AM3/8/22
to Brennan Forum
I posted the question on the Virgin community site. There was a suggestion that I disable the 2.4 GHz band then reenable it but I can't find the mechanism to do this on my hub.  I'm not sure that the hub per se is the problem because before I had the pod i had a booster which gave us a sugnal in places albeit a very weak one. Since the arrival of the pod, the signal has been stronger.  Last night I removed the pod from its socket and tried the B2 again.  it couldn't even find a signal!  I guess I shall have to go back to Mark 1 manual mode.  It worked with the JB7. Obviously, I won't have the clock or the radio and I won't be able to update the database.   I could have saved money by just having the JB7 repaired.  Ho hum!


Mar 8, 2022, 7:22:54 AM3/8/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roc,

I've read the post on the Virgin forum and I'm not sure that switching off the 5Ghz band is going to help (btw it was the 5Ghz band not 2.4Ghz band that was suggested).
You may not feel confident enough to try it but if you do I can post some instructions as I have the same hub/router.
What make of booster were you using previously ?
Did it have an ethernet port like this one ?

Screenshot 2022-03-08 121248.jpg
Its possible that a Wi-Fi repeater with an ethernet port that you can wire the B2 to may work for you.

There is lots of help on the forum about connecting to the B2 with an ethernet cable

Also have you tried all theses suggestions ?
Switching the Wi-Fi dongle to USB C.
Moving your Wi-Fi dongle to the end of a USB extension cable.  (not necessarily very cosmetically pleasing)
Trying  a new Wi-Fi dongle that has an antenna


Roc Walker

Mar 8, 2022, 10:54:59 AM3/8/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi John

The booster is a TP-LINK  model EAP115. it doesn't have an ethernet port.  It was of only limited use; my wife uses a laptop and an Ipad downstairs and she couldn't pick up a signal for either in the rear room and in the front room it frequently dropped out. Since I put the pod in the hall downstairs she has four bars (full strength) on both machines and I think my hearing will probably be back to normal in a few days...

I haven't tried any of the suggestions which you mention.  I'll move the dongle to USB C tonight and if that doesn't work, I'll buy a dongle with an antenna.  I'm loth to use an extension if I can avoid it. My wife isn't too steady on her feet any more and it would create a potential hazard.  I have USB extension leads which  I use for transferring data from cameras etc but i only use them in the study where she rarely goes.   I guess it's worth a try but to quote an ex Technical Director of mine years ago "It's not a solution; it's a fix!). 

I received another message from the guy on the Virgin site regarding the switching of bands etc but I'll try the less technical method first.

Many thanks for your interest and suggestions so far.  I'll keep you informed of any results.



Mar 8, 2022, 2:10:36 PM3/8/22
to Brennan Forum

Roc Walker

Mar 10, 2022, 6:09:11 AM3/10/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Fred

Sorry about the slow response time; clients getting in the way.

This looks like just what I need.  At the risk of exposing my technical ignorance, I would like to ask a couple of stupid questions:
Do the plugs need a dedicated socket? (Can they be plugged into a 2 gang wall socket or even a 3 gang extension lead)
is there an optimum place to site them and should they be spaced a certain distance apart?  At the moment i have the hub in a front room upstairs, the pod in the hall downstairs and the B2 in the front room downstairs. SWMBO uses a laptop or I-pad mainly in a back room downstairs.
Can i actually plug the B2 into one of them?

Apologies for bombarding you with questions after you have been so helpful.  As a friend once told me "No good deed goes unpunished".

Seriously, I am extremely grateful for your advice.



Mar 10, 2022, 7:49:02 AM3/10/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roc

If you get a "pass through" version then you plug this into the wall socket (mine fits into a dual gang UK wall socket without blocking access to the one beside it) and it has a 3 pin plug socket on its front face so you can still use the socket for power!

It is NOT reccomended that you plug them into an extension plug.

Provided your house is single phase and has just one consumer unit and fuse box you can use them in any wall socket.


Mar 10, 2022, 9:15:07 AM3/10/22
to Brennan Forum
here is what i mean by pass through

One of the plugs takes an Ethernet out form your Router, the other is in to your B2 (but note you can add more plugs if you need Ethernet elsewhere in your house).


Roc Walker

Mar 12, 2022, 2:35:03 AM3/12/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Fred
Thanks for this.  Will i still be able to leave theexisting pod in place? I need that to work for my wife's laptop etc.

Many thanks



Mar 12, 2022, 7:15:17 AM3/12/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roc,
without wishing to step on Fred's toes, the answer is yes.
You can connect one end of the powerline adaptor pair to your router using an ethernet cable and the router will see this as as wired connection and separate
 to your Wi-Fi connections so the pods should still work.
The other powerline adaptor needs to be plugged in adjacent to the B2  and connected to the B2 via an ethernet cable.
So you will need to two ethernet cables and if you buy the tplink product Fred used as an illustration the kit comes with these.
You will need to follow advice on the forum about how to connect your B2 via a wired ethernet connection.
Once you have it working its recommended that you configure the router to always reserve the same IP address for your B2.
I can help though that process for reserving an IP address  because as per my previous post I have the same Virgin router/modem.



Mar 14, 2022, 6:21:01 AM3/14/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roc,

The slots in the rear panel of the B2 can only take a 5.5mm diameter cable. Some Ethernet cables are larger. A work around is to fit a short Ethernet extension cable like this - 
Male-Female Extension cable.jpg

This one from the Pi Hut has a smaller diameter cable. Remember to make a loop in the cable where is exits the B2's rear panel - see our Techy Stuff page - link - for photos. 

Brennan Support.

Roc Walker

Mar 15, 2022, 8:59:19 AM3/15/22
to Brennan Forum
Thanks to all for your help on this. i will now go ahead and order the necessary bits of kit.

John - i will take you up on your hand holding offer please. i'm afraid that my technical expertise and understanding  is not my strongest suit.

Thanks again everybody.


Roc Walker

Mar 18, 2022, 1:56:51 PM3/18/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi People

Apologies for being such a pain.  i promise that if this works i will never darken your doors again - well not for some time anyway.

Amazon haved delivered the passthough powerline adaptors and PiHut have delivered the short extension lead. The kit came with two ethernet cables so it looks like I am good to go. Looking at the instructionsfor the adaptors, they recommend pairing and (sort of) tell you how to go about it. They say that the paired units must be connected to the same electric circuit.  We have seperate circuits for upstairs and downstairs power although they are both served by the same distribution box.Assuming that this will work, it appears that all I need to do is:
1. Plug one of the links into a socket near the hub and connect it to the hub via an ethernet cable.
2. Plug the other link into a socket near the B2 and connect it to the B2 via an ethernet cable with the extension.
3.  Push the pair button on one of the links and wait until its light starts flashing
4.  Repeat the above with the other link.
5.  In the fullness of time (and with John's valuable assistance) configure the hub, bearing in mind that the WIFi in the hoouse also serves my desktop,  our phones and Kindles and  far more importantly, the laptop and notebook of SWMBO, either from the hub directly or from the Virgin pod which is plugged into a socvket downstairs.

Please forgive the stupid questions.  I'm just a dumb number cruncher who doesn't understand these clever techie things.  i would hate to upstuff something just because i didn't ask advice.  I used to work for a computer bureau that had twin IBM mainframes in a dedicated room.  Hanging above either of them was a sign written in large red capitals: "If in doubt, DON'T TOUCH THEN ASK"

Many thanks to all.


Daniel Taylor

Mar 18, 2022, 2:02:10 PM3/18/22
to Brennan Forum
I'm looking forward to reading how this comes out for you.  Good luck!

Mar 18, 2022, 2:13:29 PM3/18/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Roc
Looks like you are set to go
I would however set the PiHut extension lead into the rear of the B2 first (power off and unplug the B2. Then take the top two screws out of the back (they are marked with "<" s) then gently pull the back away form the unit until you can see the Ethernet socket - don't pull it too far or you may dislodge the CD plug) Inset the PiHut cable into the socket till it clicks then rout the cable through the back plate using the "U" cutout - you may need to make a loop. Replay the back and screws.

The Powerline ethernet will then plug into the PiHut cable.


Daniel Taylor

Mar 18, 2022, 3:29:36 PM3/18/22
to Brennan Forum
And make sure you have removed the WiFi dongle before using the wired ethernet connection.


Mar 19, 2022, 8:08:32 AM3/19/22
to Brennan Forum

Hi Roc,

when you get to the point that you want to configure your router to always allocate the same IP address to your B2 then follow this process.
Before you start make sure your B2 is connected to your network and make a note of the IP address from the front panel display.
This process will configure your router to always allocate the same IP address to the MAC address of the network connection on your B2.
The MAC address is unique to each network interface. This means that the wireless dongle and the wired ethernet connections have different MAC addresses.

On your computer start a browser and type in the IP address of your router. As you are using Virgin Media this will

You will get this screen displayed
Screenshot 2022-03-19 111808.jpg
Type in the Settings password. You will find the default Settings password on a label that is on the bottom of your Virgin router.
Note that this is NOT your Wi-Fi password.

You will then get a screen displayed similar to this
Screenshot 2022-03-19 112003.jpg

1. Click on "Advanced Settings"
This will reveal the sub menu listing on the same screen

2. Click on DHCP
This will bring up the DHCP settings screen

Screenshot 2022-03-19 112558.jpg
3. Identify the B2 in the list of "Attached Devices" by its IP address you made a note of earlier and click on the radio button next to it

4. This will automatically populate the "Add Reserved Rule" will the MAC address of the B2 network connection and the current IP address of the B2.
You can choose to use this IP address or you can choose another more memorable one. It can be any number between 11 and 254 as long as that number is not already in use by another
device connected to your network. I chose 101. Just type your selected number into the last box on the IP Address line.
If you choose a different IP address then you will have to power recycle the B2 after you have finished this process so that it picks up the new address.

5. Click on "Add Rule"
The router will tell you its making changes.
When its done a new line will be added under "Reserved List" with the requisite details of MAC address and IP address

6. Click on "Apply Changes"
The router will then make the changes.
This may take a little while.
If it seems to be taking too long don't worry.
If in the event it seems to be frozen then power recycle the router.

You can use this process for any device that you connect to your network so that they always individually get allocated the same IP address every time they connect

Hope this helps.

Good luck


Roc Walker

Mar 29, 2022, 12:10:34 PM3/29/22
to Brennan Forum
Hi Guys

I haven't gone quiet because I am ungrateful; I am waiting for my tame sparks to install a couple of extra sockets so that the two plugs can have dedicated sockets.

i will report back when it's all done.

Thanks to everyone for the help and advice.

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