Compression Issue

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j h

Dec 31, 2020, 6:41:09 AM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
Looking for some clarification on a compression issue I have on my B2. Plus i am also getting the random CD artist and track data when ripping some CD's.

I have 48 recently ripped tracks that I cannot seem to compress, I have run scan disk, web upgrade and reboot but to no avail. Looking through the forum it appears that the next step would be to take action with the SD card.

Any advise greatly received

j h

Dec 31, 2020, 9:25:44 AM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
An update on my own post.

Tried a scan and reboot just in case, switching back on got the red and green flashing lights and nothing else. So tried reseating the SD card, it stopped the flashing lights and B" restarted ok, but still uinable to compress the tracks.

Is it worthwhile me re-flashing the exisiting SD or just get a new one?

Dec 31, 2020, 9:28:14 AM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
First, what version of the software is your B2 running (UI "cog" or "info" button on the little remote control -look at the front screen).
When ripping are you aware that after loading the cd, turning the front knob allows you to select different Artist/CD options from the databases.
There is a lot about the CD names databases/providers/cover art on this forum the B2 uses public (free) resources when trying to mach a CD's content with a name for it.
Have your tried a "Compress Now" to see if you can get the 48 files to compress (leave the machine alone till the red light stops winking while it does this).


Dec 31, 2020, 9:31:08 AM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
It may be worth you trying to re-flash the SD Card (remember to web upgrade afterwards to get the very latest OS ).


j h

Dec 31, 2020, 9:36:33 AM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
Hi Fred,
Running  Software Version B2 Dec 9 2020 11:28:05 
Thanks but yep I know about the option to select other titles and artists, TBH I find it's usually a timing issue and the correct details appear in a few days, but wondered this time if it may be linked.
Also thanks re. the compress now, generally if I'm only adding a single CD I use this option once ripped, more so I can then get playback via Sonos. So I have tried it a few times and it starts I can see compressing MP3 1 of 48, red light flashing which then stops but nothing further seems to happen, on screen display returns to the clock and date

On Thursday, 31 December 2020 at 14:28:14 UTC wrote:

Dec 31, 2020, 9:43:39 AM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
So are you compressing WAV(CD format) to MP3 or to FLAC?
Also if you do ANYTHING to the B2 while it is compressing it will stop compressing. Don't even use the UI

j h

Dec 31, 2020, 9:56:43 AM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
So it's to MP3, probably should have done FLAC, but went for MP3 when I started so have stuck with it ever since.
I thought maybe I'd accessed something one time when trying to compress so have left well alone ever since, it's erratic as over the course of the last few days I have ripped 4 CD's 2 of which have compressed fine. It's only because I couldn't see the other 2 on "my music" via Sonos I realised there was an issue which led to me looking a little further and seeing the 48 tracks not compressed.

Dec 31, 2020, 10:30:24 AM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
If you know which CDs are causing the problem, I would recommend that you delete them (using the Web UI), then re - rip and compress them again one at a time, I feel this is a data issue (is there something funny as a track on one or other of the CD's).

My routine is Rip (one or more CDs) then Scan Disk, then hole the Stop/Play button in to "SAVE". then start Compression the Scandisk/Save again before the next rip - with an incremental backup once CD ripping is finished or every 50 CDs (whichever comes first).



j h

Dec 31, 2020, 10:37:21 AM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
Cheers Fred,

I was contemplating that, got nothing to lose in giving it a go


j h

Dec 31, 2020, 11:14:49 AM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
Deleted offending CD's and have ripped the first one again, scaned disk, saved the compressed. I see flashing red light and compressing MP3 1 of 12 message, then reverts to time and date screen and the red light is constant not flasshing - nothing appears to be happening.

Got a micro sd card reader coming Sunday and have a spare 8GB micro sd so will try that out and see what happens

Dec 31, 2020, 1:32:20 PM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
Just out of interest, you did delete the 2 CDs first (using Web UI or front controls) before re-ripping?
If so then try re-ripping the other CD (or a different new CD if you have one) and see if that compresses.
I do agree a re-flashed SD card is the next step 

j h

Dec 31, 2020, 1:41:11 PM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
Yep I deleted all albumns for the 48 tracks, I'll give ripping another one a try and see where it takes me.
Thanks for all the input Fred, happy New Year to you.

Dec 31, 2020, 7:54:18 PM12/31/20
to Brennan Forum
When you come to create a new SD Card, do not try un-zipping the file you download from the Brennan site, point "Etcher" at the zipped file as it comes to you, "Etcher" knows what to do with it.


j h

Jan 3, 2021, 11:17:50 AM1/3/21
to Brennan Forum
Situation update - New SD card created and 24 tracks currently being compressed. :)
Thanks to Fred for assisting directly on my post but also to others for your posts elsewhere that helped guide me throgh this.

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