B2 Occasional stop at end of a track

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Mitchell Howard

Mar 9, 2019, 4:34:12 PM3/9/19
to Brennan Forum
Hello All - 
My B2-2T (update Mar 1st) seems to have developed a small glitch after the most recent update. On occasion, the deck will stop playing at the end of a song. I can't discern any pattern to the stops other than it occurs at the end of a song. Different Cds, different tracks, different days. The B2 doesn't "lock-up" as others have mentioned. I can click the PLAY icon for the next song in the ALBUM list, and play resumes and all functionality resumes as if no problem. But when this event occurs, the NEXT and BACK buttons that live below the scrub bar seem to not be working.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you -

Daniel Taylor

Mar 9, 2019, 5:24:53 PM3/9/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mitchell,
How long did you have your B2 playing without problems before updating to Mar 1st?  If the problem only started after the update, I'd suspect something could have gone wrong during the update.  In that case, rebuilding the SD card's operating system might help.  See instructions on the Techy Stuff page of the Brennan website, upper left column SD Card Image.

If the problem has been there before the software update, I'd suspect a problem with isolated tracks when they were ripped.  When it stops at the end of a track, try playing the track again and see if it stops again or continues to play through to the next track.

Mitchell Howard

Mar 9, 2019, 7:22:07 PM3/9/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Daniel - 
Thank you for the quick reply. The problem does seem to have started with the current update. I don't believe it has to do with particular isolated tracks though, because a track that stopped one instance plays fine (switches to next track after finished playing) in another instance. And these tracks have been on my B2 since Jan 2018 with no problems. Which song causes the problem appears to be completely random.

Re-doing the SD card and then restoring the backup all seems to be a bit much for now. If necessary, I will do that, but I'm holding out for a less "techie intensive" solution.   



Mar 10, 2019, 6:38:16 AM3/10/19
to Brennan Forum
I think I may have the same issue.  By way of example, when I stop the B2 mid track, come back to it the next day, it will play but stop almost at the end of the track with say 2 seconds to go.  I then need to manually forward to the next track.  It is then usually fine.  This does not bother me, I have got used to it.  I certainly do not want to re-do the SD card etc.


Jonathan Marsh

Mar 10, 2019, 6:03:21 PM3/10/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi, I've had the same issue with the occasional track stopping with a second remaining, this has started since the January update. It been a month or two since its started.


Mar 10, 2019, 7:58:07 PM3/10/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mitch, Tim and Jonathan,

If not already done, backup B2; via NAS or USB device ...
USB Menu->Export to C    or, if you require JB7 compatibility use   USB Menu->Backup to C

Remove empty albums, hidden files and any files beginning with '._' (dot underscore) from the HDD.

Power cycle:
    Press and hold PLAY/STOP button until SAVING appears and then changes to CLOCK display.
    Turn off power.
    Wait 30 seconds.
    Turn on power.
    Wait for B2 to finish booting up.

Rebuild the music index (b2db) on the HDD.
Settings->Scan Disk

Another view; I'm thinking "illegal" characters from CDDB/mydb database.
If problem is due to CDDB/mydb database, ripped into b2db content, and repeats, then a text extract from the b2db file might help Brennan support.
Settings->Maintenance->b2db to USB C
Please provide a short description and text for the artist/album/tracks from b2db for the previous, the affected, and the following albums.

HDD serious re-loading - I think this should only undetaken under Brennan support guidance, as there may be some more "soft" fixes possible.
Settings->Maintenance->Stop NAS
Settings->Maintenance->Format HDD
Recover music to B2; via NAS or USB device ...
USB Menu->Import USB C    or, if you require JB7 compatibility use   USB Menu->Restore USB C


Daniel Taylor

Mar 10, 2019, 8:53:41 PM3/10/19
to Brennan Forum
Steve gave excellent advice, so I don't want to nitpick.  But one more step at the end of 3

If restoring the B2 HDD via NAS, be sure and do the Scan Disk command afterward.

Mitchell Howard

Mar 11, 2019, 4:34:22 AM3/11/19
to Brennan Forum
Hello Tim and Jonathan
Thanks for the joining in the conversation. In reading your two responses about the deck stopping seconds before the end of a track, I'm wondering if it may have something to do with a glitch in the "SEQUE" mode? Do either of you gents have "SEQUE" turned on? I do and have used it since first setting up my B2. My limited knowledge points me in that direction. Tomorrow morning PST (Monday 11th.), I will turn SEQUE off and run the deck as long as possible, trying to replicate a rare and random problem. 
Also Tim - I do seem to recall that it has happened when first starting the B2 (as in first or second song playing of the day) but not 100% certain of those details. I will also test "stopping mid-track and then starting B2 up at that same track next day. After these feeble attempts at trouble shooting, I hope to have something to report back.

Thanks again.

Ahh yes... and tomorrow morn I will also begin spelling SEQUE correctly.  

Mitchell Howard

Mar 11, 2019, 4:55:33 AM3/11/19
to Brennan Forum
Steve and Daniel
Thank you both for your time and sage advice. I will perform tomorrow the steps in #1 Steve laid out for me. I've used both the "SAVE" and "SCAN" functions on occasion, but never the "EMPTY or HIDDEN FILES ALBUMS" tool. If the problem were "illegal" characters, would the issue happen in such a random manner? My dangerously sparse knowledge tells me that an "illegal" characters issue would cause a consistent and repeatable instance, no? And I will also grab a copy of the DEBUG window next time the deck stops. As for the reformatting, you're correct. That would require a good bit of hand-holding from the good folks back in the shop. Hopefully we can put that one on hold for now. 

Thanks to all.


Mar 11, 2019, 6:16:03 AM3/11/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mitchell,

Check if you have 'Classical Mode' set - Settings > Classical Mode - change to OFF?

Is your music a mix of FLAC and MP3 (and others) or all one format?

Please send the debug file if the B2 pauses again.

Brennan Support.


Mar 11, 2019, 6:16:41 AM3/11/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Mitchell,

Also meant to ask - what software version are you running?

Brennan Support.

Mitchell Howard

Mar 11, 2019, 1:16:14 PM3/11/19
to Brennan Forum
Hello Paul - 
Classical mode remains off.
My software is the March 1st update. (no issues like this before March 1st update)
I have mostly wav. files and the rest are mp3. (10247 WAV 0 FLAC 203 MP3 0 AAC)I can't say if the intermittent pause has happened on mp3's, but last night as I was responding to fellow users, the pause did happen again on a wav. file.  
I have been running in SEGUE mode since Jan 2018 when I purchased and setup my B2-2T. 
I will send you a debug file as soon as it pauses again. 
Thank you.
Message has been deleted

Daniel Taylor

Mar 11, 2019, 3:30:04 PM3/11/19
to Brennan Forum
I think you were going to try it with SEGUE mode turned off and see what happens.  I think that's a good idea.


Mar 11, 2019, 6:34:02 PM3/11/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Daniel

Thanks for the correction!


Mitchell Howard

Mar 14, 2019, 6:30:01 PM3/14/19
to Brennan Forum
Hello All - 
Just a quick update to my "Occasional stop at end of a track" issue. I've been playing my B2 steadily for the last 3 days with no more intermittent stops at the end of a track. Perhaps the trouble-shooting steps I took using Steve's advice did the trick. Perhaps because I updated the software to March 11 version. Or perhaps it knows I'm watching its behavior for anomalies? 
At any rate, I'll jump back on with a "debug log" if it happens again. Thanks to everyone for the advice and gentle guidance.

Jonathan Marsh

Mar 16, 2019, 1:44:48 PM3/16/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi, still waiting for it to happen again, now on the latest update and I normally update to the latest version within a few days.

Sequence and classical are off, will send the debug if it happens again.

Jonathan Marsh

Mar 16, 2019, 5:22:50 PM3/16/19
to Brennan Forum
Just happened, turned on B2, pressed next for random play and stopped with 2 secs remaining.

Taken copy of debug list, will email, this time clicking on next in the web page seemed to worked and it started on the next track.

Daniel Taylor

Mar 16, 2019, 5:31:30 PM3/16/19
to Brennan Forum
How do you copy the debug list?  I'm sure that will be helpful to the Brennan folks for figuring out the problem.  I'd like to know how to do it in case I need it in the future.


Mar 16, 2019, 8:13:59 PM3/16/19
to Brennan Forum
Hi Daniel.  If an issue happens go into settings on the UI and click on the spanner at the bottom of the page. This opens a window with text of what has been happening with the B2. Highlight the text and copy it to Word or something similar so it can be stored as a file. You can then send it as an attachment to a forum post for Martin and Post to see.

Daniel Taylor

Mar 16, 2019, 9:16:52 PM3/16/19
to Brennan Forum
Thanks Leslie.  I will investigate that soon.


Mar 17, 2019, 5:46:34 PM3/17/19
to Brennan Forum
HI Johnathan,

OK will look out for the debug list - see if it shows anything useful.

Brennan Support.
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