Reading for Saturday, change to Tuesday meeting

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Oct 19, 2021, 12:29:11 AM10/19/21
to Breathing Heart Sangha
Dear Friends,

     The Sangha will gather online Saturday, October 23, from 9am  to 10:30 am with planning meeting to follow  (connection info below)

We will share music, sitting meditation, and a period of dharma sharing.

This week, we resume our study of Old Path White Clouds by Thich Nhat Hanh. We are looking at chapter 38 this month. 

To read before the meeting, I am providing a two-chapter excerpt 
This book is copyrighted, and I encourage you to purchase a copy, however I consider these limited excerpts to fall under fair use provisions. 

You do not need to have read this or earlier chapters to join with us!

Further wisdom
    Upcoming Meetings

    We will meet  Oct 31, Nov 6  at 9am

    Collaborative Leadership Planning meetings will immediately follow regular Sangha Meetings and will usually be limited to 30 minutes, from 10:30 to 11am.

    Please consider participating in a leadership role - we will mentor and support you!

    Our Tuesday evening meetings will be redefined by those who are interested. Join us tonight at 7pm ET to help us decide what we want to do together - use the same link as for weekend meetings.

    Connection Information for our meetings 

    Join Co-arising Mindful Heart Sangha Zoom Meeting 
    - or -

    Meeting ID: 847 4192 2975  -  Password: iamhome
    Audio-only by phone, tap: +19292056099,,84741922975#,,1#,556500# 
    Or dial it:  929-205-6099  -  Meeting ID: 847 4192 2975  -  Password: 556500

    May you find the peace in every breath,
    Earl Daniels
    Communications Coordinator
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