Download Adblock For Chrome

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Percival Blanco

1:04 PM (3 hours ago) 1:04 PM
to brat-users

But I have Adblock Plus disabled. I noticed that file is being loaded with success occasionally. And also noticed that this file is only requested when I have AdBlock (not AdblockPlus) active. If I have AdBlock disabled - no problem. but even if I exclude my dev site from adblock - the file download is still failing.

I've been working with Dropbox for a while now and did this always using Chrome as browser. Untill today I've never had any issues with dropbox, but today I went to Dropbox in the browser (using Chrome) and everything, every file is gone. Not only the files, but everything doesn't show. No history, no links, no files, no nothing.. (see screenshot)

download adblock for chrome


More often than not, the problem that you're having is related to your computer and/or browser (eg: ad blocking add-ons or extensions). Proof of that fact is to login to Dropbox's website interface using a different browser as some of you have already done (eg: Mozilla Firefox).

Thanks for the support. Tried using Safari which worked fine. Tried using incognito mode on Chrome and it worked. I tried stopping Adblock from running on Chrome but that made no difference for me. Clearing all browsing history 'from the beginning of time' in Chrome seems to have fixed it. It's loading properly in Chrome again now. Thanks.

Having the same issue on Chrome in my Mac. Only Chrome gives me this problem and have no Ad blocking extensions installed.
Also a bit confused on the answers, did people erased their whole browsing history on chrome or just the dropbox related?

I clear my browsing history every day or I use incognito mode (doesn't save history). Clearing your browser's history means less files for your antivirus software to scan each day and it increases your browser's performance (unclogs the arteries so-to-speak).

The 1Password5 open and fill function has stopped working for me. My default browser is Chrome. Having read a few discussions on open and fill, I disabled the Adblock Plus extension, restarted Chrome, and open and fill now works! I would prefer to keep some filtering on ads so would be reluctant to remove Adblock Plus permanently. Any advice?

Hi @littlebobbytables - I came to the forums looking for a reason why I was experiencing behavior similar to that described by @PeterT01 (open and fill not working), and confirmed that I'm also experiencing the issue in Chrome (various versions, most recently 40.0.2214.115) running AdBlock Plus. When I disable AdBlock, Open and Fill works as expected. I am using the default AdBlock Plus lists. Just adding my voice and hoping to hear a timeline for the bug fix. Thanks for the great software!

Thanks for letting us know! Can you confirm if it's just Open and Fill that isn't working when AdBlock Plus is enabled? In other words, if you open a website first, then choose the matching Login item from the 1Password extension, does that fill your username & password?

@Drew_AG - There are a couple of extensions for blocking ads. Although I don't usually use Crhome, in the interest of contributing here, I just opened my copy. When I visit a web site that requires my credentials and press CMD + \, my credentials are filled and submitted and I am taken to the next page. However, if I begin by clicking the 1Password icon in the browser itself and navigate to that same login record and click on it, it takes me to the correct page, but nothing is filled in. If I disable my version of AdBlock +, my credentials do fill and submit when I start from the extension within the browser.

Hmm, it doesn't look like that use case works either - i.e., opening a website first, and then choosing the matching login. I tried a random sample of about 6 sites and did not have any luck. Some sites are generally finicky with logins, so it's hard to say definitively, but certainly Open and Fill is not working with AdBlock Plus. I hope this helps. Please let me know if I can test anything specific/further for you.

@AB, thanks for testing this as well! Out of curiosity, if you disable the AdBlock Plus extension in Chrome, are you able to open a website and fill it by choosing the matching Login? Also, are you using the same version of the AdBlock Plus extension as hawkmoth? I also have an AdBlock Plus extension installed in Chrome but it doesn't seem to be causing the same problem for me - although it looks like I'm using a different version than the one in hawkmoth's screenshot.

Yes, I am able to open a website, fill it, and login using 1Password both when I open the matching site and straight from the browser extension when my ad blocker is disabled. As it turns out, I am using a lighter-weight adblock plugin called uBlock (please see attached). Perhaps it is uBlock - what extension are you using that is working correctly, if you don't mind my asking...AdBlock or Adblock Plus? Another?

Now, I should mention that I first installed that years ago and don't know much about it or how it's different from other adblock extensions, but I don't recall ever having a problem with it. Looks like it's made by

By the way, something else you should try (if you haven't already done so) is to disable the adblock extension, then restart Chrome, and then re-enable it. It's possible the restart of Chrome can make a difference with this issue.

If that doesn't help, you can try resetting the adblock extension back to default settings, if possible. This might help if you've added additional rules or customized any settings in that extension which might be causing the conflict with 1Password.

Really appreciate your help getting this straightened out. I uninstalled uBlock and installed Adblock Plus 1.8.11 and the issue is resolved. I am able to use 1Password's open and fill as expected! Thank you for staying with me on this!

Following this lead, I went to get AdBlock Plus for Chrome. I ended up with what was billed as version 3.3, which still interferes with autofill and submit by 1Password. I returned to the extension site for Chrome and just searched again and scanned the entire list. This time I got version 1.8.11, and 1Passwrod began to behave again when it is enabled.

I only mention this because version 3.3 appears to be a later version of the same filter, but it doesn't let 1Password work. I did note that it is version 1.8.11 that I have installed in Safari, my usual browser. Maybe this report will help someone else. Both of these have identical icons, but only one says its from, You want the latter.

you can unzip anychrome extension file (.crx) with 7Zip then if you go in chrome you can type chrome:extensions and check the developer mode then you can install the extension manually

Your alternative strategy is to use a filtered DNS provider (such as Quad9 or Cloudflare 1111), but these services are primarily intended to block known malicious sites as opposed to providing configurable Ad Blocking.

Unless you have a specific reason to use the Chrome Browser - and are prepared to accept the many privacy issues associated with Google services - switching to a privacy focussed browser such as Safari or Firefox would be a sensible alternative to seeking third-party fixes.

Google (and its Chrome browser) create revenue for Google by serving Ads - and by skimming your data which it sells to any third party who is prepared to pay for it. Ad Blocking Chrome is effectively attempting to plug the holes in a sieve.

With Google, you are the commodity - and Chrome is just another way of facilitating data collection (and consequent serving of targeted Ads) by Google. Google are never going to help you block its reason to exist.

The problem is that my iPad is one of three computers that I use. They are all sync'ed so that when I add or delete one it is done on all three computers. I have about two hundred bookmarks and use at least a quarter of them. An option is to import my Chrome bookmarks to Safari but I haven't figured out how to make that happen yet. I have started another thread on this forum to try to fix that. It's not as easy as you would think/hope.

Now, assuming you will log-in to your Firefox account on all your devices, then all your bookmarks within Firefox will sync across all your computers, on all platforms, including your Apple devices. If you do some research yourself, you may be able to adapt this technique to other browsers if you prefer them.

Thanks for the suggestion on Firefox. Interesting approach as I used Firefox for many years but switched to Chrome because at the time it was much faster. Has Firefox improved its performance to match Chrome? Also, the Firefox syncing of the bookmarks at the time was somewhat clugee and was difficult to manage. Chrome syncing has been a breeze. Has Firefox fixed the clugeeness?

I looked it up and Firefox is not supported on a Chromebook. My main usage PC outside of the iPad is my Chromebook and I can't give that up at this time. Also, in my other thread I mentioned I have been told that Safari does not import bookmarks on an iPad.

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