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Wrong Selection regarding Submission Categories

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John Pana

Feb 20, 2024, 11:35:09 AM2/20/24
to BrainTeaser

Hello team,

 We recently submitted our paper on the Brainteaser task within the deadline. However, we mistakenly categorized it under "Task Overview Papers" instead of the correct category, which is Task 9: Brainteaser. We want to ensure that our submission is valid. The title and summary of our submission accurately correspond to the Brainteaser task. Could you please advise us on whether we need to revise our submission choosing the right category, or if it will still be considered valid?

 I appreciate your consideration of this matter.

Thank you in advance!

yifan jiang

Feb 20, 2024, 2:50:51 PM2/20/24
to BrainTeaser
Hi John,

Your submission is valid. I will check with the semeval chair to modify the paper place.

Yifan Jiang

John Pana

Feb 20, 2024, 3:12:22 PM2/20/24
to BrainTeaser

Hi Yifan,


Thank you for your response. Regrettably, our team proceeded with actions prior to receiving your guidance. We just revised our submission by categorizing it under the correct Submission Category. Furthermore, we have dispatched an explanatory email concerning the situation to the addresses provided during the revised submission:, Should you require further details about our team to address this matter, please do not hesitate to let us know.


Your understanding is greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

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