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Important notes regarding team name.

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yifan jiang

Feb 16, 2024, 6:48:01 PM2/16/24
to BrainTeaser
Hi all,

Currently, the leaderboard only shows the person's ID without the team name. It seems that I can not get the team name for each submission through the Codalab backend directly. So, in general, if you want to use your team name rather than person ID in the paper. You can leave your message here or email me directly with your current person ID as well as the team name you want. I will change that on the leaderboard at the web page directly. Otherwise, your personal ID will be your team name on the leaderboard, which will be used in the paper.

Please reply to the small survey through the link ( We want to gather general information about the method each team used but only receive a small amount of feedback. Thank you for your time and patience. 

Yifan Jiang
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