Re: Google Alert - Brain Injury

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Tina Mooney

Feb 1, 2010, 9:00:08 AM2/1/10
to Peggy,, Amy Miller - support group, Jacobsen, Sally
I just read the article you'll find by clicking on the headline The Process of Recovering from Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.  It's a great description of many of the things many of us struggle with.  It's an excerpt from a book.  I haven't read it but based on this excerpt it may book a book worth reading.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 11:09 PM, Google Alerts <> wrote:

Google News Alert for: Brain Injury

NFL brain injury panel formed by players' union meets in Florida for first time
The Canadian Press
Youngblood spoke during a break from the first meeting of the Mackey-White Traumatic Brain Injury Committee on Tuesday. The committee was formed by the NFL ...
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Teen upbeat after near-fatal football injury
San Francisco Chronicle
When the brain injury came, it was a whopper. If it hadn't been for quick action by paramedics and hospital personnel - Matt was in surgery within an hour ...
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Concussion or Brain Injury? Both Are Serious
by Colleen Brondou A new study found that whether a child is diagnosed with a concussion or a brain injury makes a big difference in how serious the injury ...
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Caregiving strains families of veterans with severe injuries
USA Today
He suffered a traumatic brain injury, shattered bones and burns on 25% of his body in Afghanistan in May 2008, which left him in a wheelchair, ...
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All Clear? Head Injuries Get Attention From States
ABC News
The Washington law is named after Zackery Lystedt, who suffered a life-threatening brain injury after he returned to his middle school football game in 2006 ...
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Mayport Toddler in Critical Condition With Head Injury
It is some kind of brain injury." The child's mother and the mother's boyfriend were home at the family's Valley Forge Court home when military police were ...
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Custody sergeant assumed brain-injury man was drunk
By Tom Pugh A PUBLIC inquiry has been demanded to examine the case of a man left with a permanent brain injury after being found unconscious in police ...
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Birth brain injury girl wins £6.5m compensation
A girl of 15 who suffered "significant" brain damage at birth has been awarded £6.5million compensation. Rhiannon Hayman suffered a severe lack of oxygen in ...
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The Process of Recovery; from mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI)
However, every brain injury is as varied as the recovery process because of the uniqueness of who you are. A brain injury is unlike all other injuries. ...
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Your Legal Options Following a Traumatic Brain Injury (press release)
Each year, more than 1.4 million people suffer some type of traumatic brain injury (TBIs). These injuries range from the very severe--requiring life-long ...
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Tina M. Mooney, MSW

"All that we can't be is not who we are."

Andrea Buening

Feb 4, 2010, 4:40:42 PM2/4/10
You know, I am supposed to have had a moderate to severe brain injury. I don't know how they came up with the levels, but my functional outcome is much better than they ever expected it to be. Of course, I am nicknamed "The Hurricane" by my step-father who has known me since I was a child.

Maybe my personality and drive from within is what got me where I am today. Maybe Mild Traumatic Brain Injury isn't that much different than moderate to severe.

I STILL have trouble with exhaustion. I STILL have problems with appropriate behavior although I work a lot and practice constantly. I have PROVEN I can still earn A's in college and my IQ is about 25 points less than it was when I was a teenager.

So, I struggle,but isn't that what everyone does and not just those of us with brain injuries?

I am a heck of a lot better person now than I was before it. I have a whole lot more self-discipline. Maybe that is because I HAVE to have it or I won't be able to walk. Maybe I would go stark raving nuts if I didn't work.

I couldn't drive for 3 years and it wasn't very long after I started driving I started working where I work now. That was 9 and a half years ago.


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Tina Mooney

Feb 4, 2010, 5:44:10 PM2/4/10
The terms "mild" "moderate" and "severe" brain injuries are medical terms that basically have to do with how long you were unconscious. (There are some other medical criteria distinguishing moderate from severe that have to do with some things they evaluate while you're in a coma.)  People with mild traumatic brain injuries were unconscious less than 5 minutes.
The terms don't refer at all to functional outcomes, so it can be very mis-leading and confusing.  
It sure seems like you've worked incredibly hard at your recovery and probably still do and equally hard at finding a helpful attitude toward life.  Way cool!!! 
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