Excellent draft feedback from Dale R. Worley

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Michael Toomim

Nov 7, 2023, 7:16:59 AM11/7/23
to Braid
We just received this excellent feedback on draft -03 from Dale R. Worley. I'll be working on improvements in -04.

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Subject: Re: [dispatch] A State Synchronization Working Group
Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2023 22:37:23 -0500
From: Dale R. Worley <wor...@ariadne.com>
To: Michael Toomim <too...@gmail.com>
CC: disp...@ietf.org

Sorry, there are a lot of details here. I'm not objecting to the Braid
concept, but I think a lot of details in the drafts need to be tightened

Comments on draft-toomim-httpbis-braid-http-03

As far as I can tell, this I-D specifies a group of HTTP facilities
that can be used for state synchronization. From where I sit, the two
obvious uses are: (1) Collaborative editing of a document by a set of
clients sending updates to a master copy on a server, and (2) A server
maintaining a state object logically consisting of a set of name/value
pairs, represented as an XML structure, sending incremental state
changes to a set of client/subscribers.

1. What is lacking in the exposition is an example of usage. Indeed,
the drafts don't include a sufficient set of facilities to present an
example. They appear to be a framework which can be extended to
various usages. This is going to work against their adoption, as the
IETF is engineering-oriented and usually only advances work that can
be applied to a current need.

In particular, it seems that any use of Braid depends on the
particular Merge-Type that is specified; the Merge-Type defines how
all of the tricky cases are resolved. Without a defined Merge-Type,
no examples can be given. Ideally, there would be several defined
Merge-Types, allowing us to see how the framework nature of Braid
plays out in practice in a number of different usages.

2. The discussion of the history DAG should be clarified, as that
seems to be a central concept. (1) It needs to be stated that the
"version history" is the same thing as the DAG that is the "full graph
of parents". (2) There must be some initial version, which inherently
has *zero* parents, which isn't allowed by the current text. (3) Can
there be more than one initial version in the history, i.e., whether
an edit can somehow combine two parents which themselves share no

3. It is unclear what this passage could mean, since each version
presumably has a unique ID:

Parallel edits can merge into a single version with multiple IDs:

Version: "dkn7ov2vwg", "v2vwgdkn7o"

4. This seems to guarantee bad outcomes:

If a client or server does not specify a Parents header when
transferring a new version, the recipient MAY presume that the most
recent versions it has seen are the parents of the new version.

Specifically if the recipient does not know of the parents of the new
version, it should be able to determine that it cannot accept the new

5. In section 2.1 quoted below, "a unique point in time" needs to be
rephrased, as clearly two independent processors could create distince
versions at exactly the same time. Perhaps "A Version marks a
specific point in the version history and consequently a specific
content -- not just a specific content alone."

2. A Version marks a unique point in time -- not unique content. If
a resource is changed from version A to B, and then to C, such
that the contents at A are the same as the contents at C, then it
is possible versions A and C to have the same ETag, even though
they have different Versions. This can break a CRDT or OT merge

6. Braid seems to assume that the resources it is versionizing are
identified by URLs, which URLs are used to access the resource on a
server. This works for the two examples I've mentioned at the
beginning, which have "star-shaped" data flow, with a set of clients
accessing one server. But for truly distributed state, "definitive"
copies of the resource live on more than one server, and perforce the
copies have distinct URLs. There needs to be some mechanism to
separate the URLs for accessing copies from the "identity" of the

7. Braid seems to permit using different Merge-Types for different
changes. It's not at all clear to me how this can be made to work in
general, as e.g. a server maintaining a "definitive" copy of a
resource needs to be able to merge multiple versions. If different
versions could have different Merge-Types attached, there's no defined
way for the server to determine what to do. It seems that a single
resource, for its entire history, must have a single Merge-Type
associated with it.

8. This is phrased poorly:

When a PUT request changes the state of a resource, it can specify
the new version of the resource, the parent version IDs that existed
when it was created, [...]

This should say something like "the parent version IDs from which the
new version is derived". After all, hundreds of version IDs for the
resource may exist.

9. In regard to:

2.2. PUT a new version

We call the set of data that updates a resource from one version to
another an "update". An update consists of a set of headers and a
body. In this example, the update includes a snapshot of the entire
new value of the resource. However, one can also specify the update
as a set of patches.

This would be a good place to explain how an update is marked
regarding what sort of update it is. E.g., if it is a complete new
copy of the resource, or a set of patches. (This may be explained
later in the I-D, but it should be at least mentioned here.)

Also, what specifies what possible update types (e.g. full/patch) are
applicable? The Merge-Type doesn't seem to specify that. Are the
possible update types inherent to the resource's Content-Type? A bit
more subtly, does the Merge-Type algorithm take into account the
particular type of PUT used to generate the versions, or does it only
take into account the contents of the versions?

10. In regard to:

2.5. Rules for Version and Parents headers

If a GET request contains a Version header:
If a GET request contains a Parents header:
If a GET request contains both a Version and Parents header:

Note that the third case overlaps with the first and second as they
are written. You should split these out more cleanly. Also, this
text should be the introduction to the text now in secs. 2.3 and 2.4,
rather than following them.

11. In regard to:

- If the server does not support historical versions, it MAY ignore
the Version header and respond as usual, but MUST NOT include the
Version header in its response.

This isn't really a specificational part of this I-D, since by
definition a server that does not support historical versions isn't
conformant to this I-D. What it is is an analysis of what happens if
a version-aware client attempts to access a non-version-aware server.
Of course, the important point is that the client can determine that
the server is not version-aware because of the absence of the Version
header in the reponse. All of the points like this should be grouped
into a section on upward competibility, rather than being written

12. It's not clear how to obtain the entire history of a resource with
a GET, or even "all of the ancestors of version X", if all you have is
the current version (which is what is returned by a plain GET). Since
you don't know what the initial version ID is, there's no way to
construct a Parents header for such a request.

13. In regard to getting a range of versions, what is the exact rule
for what versions are returned? Naively, I would expect "all versions
strictly descended from at least one of the Parents and weakly
ancestral to at least one of the Versions". That would ensure that if
the sequence of versions was linear, the responses to

GET /foo
Parents: "a"
Version: "b"

GET /foo
Parents: "b"
Version: "c"

GET /foo
Parents: "c"
Version: "d"

would neatly dovetail to be the same as the response to

GET /foo
Parents: "a"
Version: "d"

But GET doesn't allow multiple Version values. I can also propose
other plausible rules. The rule given in the I-D clearly isn't the
one I stated above, it's not entirely clear what it is, making it hard
to tell whether it would work nicely in practice.

14. The structure for "the response body contains a sequence of
updates; each with its own content-length" seems to be new, whereas it
seems that a multipart MIME type (RFC 1872) would be the natural
mechanism to use. I doubt that a mechanism that is logically the same
as multipart/related but syntactically different would get approved.

15. In regard to:

A server MAY refactor or rebase the version history that it provides
to a client, so long as it does not affect the resulting state, or
the result of the patch-type's merges.

This probably should be phrased more carefully, as "refactor" and
"rebase" have a lot of meanings. My expectation is that the server is
required to send the contents of the specified versions in the DAG,
but it is free to send responses which represent those versions
however it chooses. E.g. even if a version is created from a previous
version with a non-patch PUT, the server is allowed to send to the
client a patch from the previous version to the given version instead
of the entire given version, as long as the patch creates the same
content as was PUT.

OTOH, you might intend that the server can rearrange the versions in
the DAG in some way. But if so, cleanly specifying exactly what is
permitted gets really complicated.

16. Section 2.5 states:

A server does not need to honor historical version requests for all
documents, for all history. If a server no longer has the historical
context needed to honor a request, it may respond using an error code
that will be defined in a subsequent version of this draft.

but draft-toomim-httpbis-merge-types-00 states:

To compute the result, a Merge Type has access to the entire version
history that preceded each of the parents, but it cannot depend on
information outside of that version history.

Which is it to be? If in general a Merge-Type can see the entire
version history, then any processor that can do merges must possess
the entire version history.

17. It would be useful to start blocking out the Braid-specific 4xx
responses are for the operations the I-D is defining.

18. In sec. 3.1 there is "Content-Range: json .messages[1:1]". Is
this defined anywhere? OK, that's in
draft-toomim-httpbis-range-patch-00 sec. 4.1 but it should be
footnoted clearly.

19. Sec. 3.3 describes combining a set of patches into a single patch
for update purposes. This is another place where a multipart body
should be used.

20. Sec. 4 discusses subscriptions. It would be worth coordinating
this mechanism with other work on subscriptions; my understanding is
that a general subscription mechanism is not technically simple. In
particular, long-lived TCP connections that idle are often subject to
being cut off by middleboxes. Also, each subscription requires a
separate TCP connection be kept open. Better to piggy-back off work
that others have done than spend the effort to re-do it. Note in
particular sec. 6.2:

A cache supporting the Braid extensions, however, will automatically
update whenever a change occurs. If a client starts a GET
Subscription with a proxy, the proxy will then start and maintain a
GET Subscription with the origin server.

This doesn't mention that the cache isn't a single resource, but a
group of resources, each one of which must be subscribed to separately
in order to receive updates. -- Unless this is implicitly proposing
some sort of "cache" Content-Type which contains a number of
sub-resources. But as far as I know of, the machinery for that has
not been defined.

21. What exactly is the subscriber receiving? Implicitly, it seems to
be "all new versions that are created", but beware that since versions
form a DAG, the new versions aren't necessarily a linear chain of

22. What sets of versions get merged, and by whom? If a server
contains version X, client 1 sends an update X -> Y, and client 2
sends an update X -> Z, it seems likely that we want the server to
merge Y and Z to produce W as a descendant of both Y and Z:

/ \
/ \
/ \
\ /
\ /
\ /

But maybe we don't. Some processor needs to be configured to
merge the right sets of versions, and I don't see a specification of
that mechanism.

Comments on draft-toomim-httpbis-merge-types-00:

23. In regard to sec. 4.1.4:

Merge Type registrations may not be deleted; Merge Types that are no
longer believed appropriate for use can be declared OBSOLETE;

However, no column is specified in sec. 4.1.1 to record
obsolete/non-obsolete status.

24. This part of sec. 5 seems useful but not at all part of "security
considerations". More deeply, how is this to be acted upon when a
Merge-Type is defined? Is the set of possible Validators known when a
Merge-Type is defined? Or is this really a consideration that can
only be done when the system that *uses* Merge-Type is designed?

o A Merge Type should be considered in concert with a Validator.
For instance, it is possible for two transactions A and B to both
be valid individually, but when merged, the result is not valid.
For instance, if a bank account has $1, then two simultaneous
debits of $1 are both valid individually, but the resulting
merger, yielding -$2, drains the bank account balance below $0. This is the double-spend problem. A system using Merge Types
SHOULD be aware of how its Merge Types interact with its

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