BUG?: "bpython3 -i /pathTo/file.py" (v0.12 & v0.13): Hundreds of deprecation warnings emitted as soon a anything is typed at the ">>>" prompt ...

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Noelle Milton Vega

Jul 1, 2014, 1:56:50 PM7/1/14
to bpy...@googlegroups.com
Hello Friends:

On bpython3 version 0.12 and 0.13, when I launch it with the "-i" option to import modules first, there is a problem.
Here is a running, annotated dialogue of the issue.

prompt$ cat /path/to/bpython-PythonStartup.py
import sklearn.<anyModule>  # Any module from the SciKit-Learn package triggers this issue. Maybe other packages, too.

prompt$ # No issue with python2
prompt$ bpython -i /path/to/bpython-PythonStartup.py
>>> <cr>
>>> <cr>
>>> quit()

prompt$ # Issue with python3: As soon as I press anything at the ">>>" prompt, I get hundreds of the following two warnings repeated.
prompt$ bpython3 -i /path/to/bpython-PythonStartup.py
>>> <cr>
  DeprecationWarning: imp.get_suffixes() is deprecated; use the constants defined on importlib.machinery instead
  if not any(name.endswith(suffix[0]) for suffix in imp.get_suffixes()):

  DeprecationWarning: imp.get_suffixes() is deprecated; use the constants defined on importlib.machinery instead
  for suffix in imp.get_suffixes():

[ ... both lines are repeated hundreds of times, then stops ... ]
>>> quit()
[ ... And again here: Upon exit, as the error buffer is emptied, both lines are repeated hundreds of times, then stops ... ]

This may not be exclusive to the scikit learn (sklearn) package modules. I just happened be using them when I ran into this.

Any ideas?
Thank you in advance! =:)


Bob Farrell

Jul 2, 2014, 4:41:27 AM7/2/14
to bpy...@googlegroups.com
Oh dear. :-(

Looks like we need to write some python3-specific code.

Thanks for the report !

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Thomas Ballinger

Jul 3, 2014, 11:09:39 AM7/3/14
to bpy...@googlegroups.com
I've just created a bug - hopefully we can get this out in a bugfix release soon.

Noelle Milton Vega

Jul 6, 2014, 1:47:09 PM7/6/14
to bpy...@googlegroups.com
Thank you Bob & Thomas for your work and for the the replies (here and by email).

Thomas, I tried the interim version you referred me to by email and, indeed, it appears to resolve
the issue. :)

Side fun fact: Despite having complete IDEs, I always find learning and doing in bpython2/3
super productive, and so I always have both open. Thanks again for your work!

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