Getting Started with PSK31

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John Rehak

Oct 30, 2011, 9:54:47 AM10/30/11

Those of you who may be new to PSK31 (or new to digital modes in general) are really in for a treat! 

Even with QRP "flea power" and a simple wire antenna, you can easily make contacts world-wide!

If you have an hf SSB transceiver you are 99% ready to begin enjoying this great mode!  Newcomers may find this beginners tutorial helpful:

73, John N6HI

On Oct 29, 2011 11:22 PM, <> wrote:


    Harold Adams <> Oct 29 11:29AM -0700  

    i was in other group on yahoo.....having difficult time getting into
    google group. i changed my email to you can see on
    header. My email was nj56270@
    thank you jacob
    73 de w2aco Harold Adams


    Henry <> Oct 29 08:07AM -0700  

    Just started and tried the digital mode bpsk31. I had only used mt63
    with MARS before. At least that got me set up for digital modes.
    Made my first contact just a few days ago and it was DX. Only 25
    watts too. Bee limited to vhf for many years while I was traveling in
    RV. This is an exiting mode. Cant wait to get up to speed here.
    73 to this new group for me.
    Henry, N6HOE.


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patricio bórquez

Nov 2, 2011, 11:44:37 AM11/2/11
Many thanks for your help
73, Patricio CA3PDB
( Santiago, Chile. SA)

2011/10/30 John Rehak <>

Patricio Borquez Charpentier

wch (K7WXW)

Dec 26, 2016, 2:28:26 PM12/26/16
to Discussion list

Do you have a copy of the tutorial from this link. The URL doesn't seem to be working.

thx and 73 bill k7wxw

Jack Keeter

Dec 27, 2016, 3:46:36 PM12/27/16
Hi I, too, would like that tutorial but the URL does not open.  Any better place to start or do you have an update on the URL?

   Jack K4KDH

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Robert Brennan

Dec 27, 2016, 4:17:27 PM12/27/16

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-- -- Bookmark it. It may save your life!

Mike N8GBU

Dec 27, 2016, 4:34:35 PM12/27/16
to Discussion list
Our club is extremely involved with BPSK31! We use FLDIGI for the software as it has many templates for various things like message handling. We have classes every 6 months and on Tuesdays at night we get on the air and explore and experiment with it. Two important things that are often missed are use low power, remember that message your sending on USB is takes a lot longer than a voice qso. The other thing watch your ALC meter you don't want that signal out of the norms. and people may complain or won't be able to receive you.. I personally started using JT65 and it seems like no matter what the conditions are you can contact someone.
oh yeah we have a wealth of information on our club website search for Toledo Mobile Radio Association. 73's Mike/ N8GBU

Gary Peach

Dec 28, 2016, 5:33:05 AM12/28/16

Do you realise that we at NASA / JPL used PSK to get the first picture of Mars from the Spacecraft Mariner IV?


The data was encoded onto a subcarrier at around 18 kHz the picture was sent as data pixels at 8 bits per second.


The RF downlink carrier was 2,110 MHz  (S-Band, 13 cm) and the on board transmitter was 10 Watts.


It was all done in hardware.


The theoretical stuff is by Viterbi ( look him up)


The signal level at Earth  was -170 dBm


Industry standard S9 is -73 dBm


So the signal at Earth nearly a hundred dB below S9


Our court Jester would tell the public visiting the tracking station that it was the energy generated by a fly crawling one inch up a wall in one hundred years.


The receiving antenna was an 85 ft parabolic Cassegrain antenna and the low noise amplifier was a ruby MASER.


If this group can take pictures I still have a file of that very first Mars surface image.

July 15, 1965, 01:00:57 UTC

Distance to Earth at Mars

233,571,130 kilometers (145,134,370 mi)

Distance Mariner IV to Mars surface

9,846 kilometres (6,118 miles)


Cosmic dust detector
Cosmic ray telescope
Geiger counter/ionization chamber
Helium magnetometer
Solar plasma probe
Trapped radiation detector
TV camera


I notice that when all other modes have fallen silent in the noise, PSK31 carries on.


IF you think that you can stand it, we could discuss the theoretical reason for this property.


  73 de Gary, G7SLL


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Dec 30, 2016, 10:15:59 AM12/30/16
Quoting from message G7SLL Wed, 28 Dec 2016 10:32:59 +0000:
>The signal level at Earth was -170 dBm
>Industry standard S9 is -73 dBm
>So the signal at Earth nearly a hundred dB below S9

>I notice that when all other modes have fallen silent in the noise,
>PSK31 carries on.
>IF you think that you can stand it, we could discuss the theoretical
>reason for this property.

Hi, it would, indeed, be interesting to see the theory explained in
detail - if not here on the list, perhaps on a website?

TKS & 73

Gary Peach

Dec 30, 2016, 1:50:44 PM12/30/16

JS6SHS Japan flag Japan

Yuuri .
Ishigaki Island (24.35N 124.15E)
Yaeyama Islands (IOTA: AS-024)


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6249.6 mi (10057.7 km)

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AS-024 Yaeyama Islands

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Before we commence a discussion upon Phase Shift Keying  let us first establish communications.

I looked you up Yuuri on and extracted the data above.

Some of your links would not open for me.

Probably my ISP.

I spend the money, I’m still waiting for the service. And to crown it all BT have shut themselves off, (apart from extracting money from my bank account on a regular basis.)


I am 80 years old, a retired Electronics Engineer.

I live in Newbury West Berkshire, in Southern England.

I started my passion for radio / electronics almost immediately after World War Two.

Initially on homemade spark transmitters, [illegal, however what do small boys know of the law).

Then somebody unwisely gave me a triode valve and from then on home construction and a desire to do and know more drove me on.

Wanting to play with better and better equipment I had to take employment with companies and organisations that had and operated bigger and better machines.

 Initially I was conscripted into the Royal Air Force. Not wishing to completely waste two years of my life I managed to eventually sign on for five years to do RADAR. At the completion I had a qualification that would gain me employment in industry. I lived in a period of history that my skills were in demand and I could join a company stay and learn as much as was readily available and then pick and choose my next job, and see that through until I’d exhausted the possibilities for me or that poor management displeased me and on I went. No such luck now and it will never become available in the future to peasant boys. Once more the establishment will monopolise knowledge.

I  am one of those clever buggers and my interest drove me  on. I passed all of my examinations with as many marks as possible and when I argued was put back into my place being told that I could not have 100% as nobody is perfect.

 That sets the background. At one stage I was employed by a contractor to NASA/ JPL and completed eight years during the exciting initial stages of space exploration on an Australian Tracking station. My career up to then I had worked in laboratories developing microwave instruments and also developing the first PM military silent netting Tank radio set. My background was sufficient that upon a chance visit to the space tracking station Tidbinbilla in the ACT, Australia. I was given a conducted tour and upon speaking with the young engineer an interview was set up and I was invited to join them. I had the opportunity to play with the most advanced equipment available on Earth at that time. Apart from partaking in Deep Space exploration and the Apollo Missions I also had the opportunity to indulge some ground breaking RADIO Astronomy  on the VLBI [Very Long Baseline Interferometer] trans=Pacific radio experiment between our station in Australia and the NASA Space tracking Station in California America at Goldstone. The wavelength was 13 cm and the base line was a few million wavelength long. This permitted the small distant objects Quasars to be resolved. From this because the waves from those distant source arrive at Earth in an almost a straight line so the time between individual Atomic clock could be compared with greater fineness (PRECISION). Carrying Earths time several orders of precision forward . Previously by Moon Bounce tens of Milliseconds was now in the range of microseconds.

In order to communicate with distant spacecraft with ten watt on board transmitters special techniques were used and the Phase locked loop receivers were employed.

It is from this technology that was done in analogue circuits that the digital phased locked communications that is used by Hams was developed.

This technology permits very narrow bandwidths to be used and this factor improve the signal to noise ratio.

This is the subject of our forthcoming discussions. I will attempt to present the material in a form assailable by Hams from a topic which is largely mathematical. I may need to take several bights of the cherry to get the language into a form readily understood  by Hams whose members seldom have the benefit of mathematical training. I will not go beyond simple  algebra avoiding Calculus. If I can use pictures in some places that may make the more complex topic accessible to all.


Any questions at this stage?


73 de Gary, G7SLL



Jan 5, 2017, 1:25:18 AM1/5/17
Hi Gary,

thank you for the information.

Quoting from G7SLL Fri, 30 Dec 2016 18:50:35 +0000:
>Before we commence a discussion upon Phase Shift Keying let us first
>establish communications.
>I looked you up Yuuri on and extracted the data above.
>Some of your links would not open for me.

Just confirmed that the link to my hompage is still OK. :-)
If the link you found did not work you can also go directly to

>I will attempt to present the material in a form assailable by Hams
>from a topic which is largely mathematical.

CCW, PSK31, and other modes have proven to work in noisy conditions, and
to understand why and how will not be easy without math... some of us
will not be deterred by that. :-)

Anyway, go ahead, Gary!

Tks & 73

Jacob Gillespie

Jan 17, 2017, 12:40:21 AM1/17/17
Thank you for the information, Gary, I'd love to hear more!  If you're interested, I'd love to collect your thoughts and stories into an article for  No problem if not, but I'm sure the ham website visitors would love to read about NASA/JPL/Mars, as well as your personal connection to those events!

Jacob, KD5TEN




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Gary Peach

Jan 17, 2017, 4:25:10 AM1/17/17

I'd love to hear more!, I'd love to collect your thoughts and stories into an article for

Well don’t forget you asked for it J

No problem if not, but I'm sure the ham website visitors would love to read about NASA/JPL/Mars, as well as your personal connection to those events!

Voyeurism seems to be endemic. Probably the “Homo” in Homo sapiens, it comes with the territory.

First apologies for delay; things going on here; like some nasty tooth extractions which tend to divert one’s attention somewhat.

I’ll begin, I will break this up into smaller posts.

I will be sticking to very precise language/ terminology because that is the nature of the topic.

To begin I will give a small warm up discussing statistics which subject you should also pursue elsewhere; In order to reinforce understanding.

Statistically a spade is not “a bloody shovel” in all situations. The meaning of spade is more specific if attending to a precise horticultural task, (a graft may be more suitable to the task). However, if you need to collect what the milkman’s horse has kindly provided any shovel will suffice.  …. You’ll still pick up SHIT


Truth prevails, very old maxim:

if you can’t hear them you can’t work them

  1. Imagine being in a quiet place in very close proximity to your interlocuter [friend]

In 1954 Wright coined a term , [Mondegreen>
as a girl she had misheard the lyric
in a Scottish ballad

"...and laid him on the green"


"...and Lady Mondegreen"


consequently I will not be comparing PSK (Phase Shift Keying) to CW ( Morse Code).

So far I have not encountered an accurate definition of Morse Code reception in a noisy environment.

Defining non-existent standard listener is fraught with difficulty.

First there is the range of a “new comer” to the arcane {ART} and the “hardened operator” of many years in the worst of conditions magically able to recall some intelligence from the poorest of signal buried down in the mush. And how does that operator’s performance vary with his health and psychological state of mind, from day unto day?

Each operator requires a ‘Personal Equation’ established under rigid standard test conditions.

 Perhaps that is something which our international organisations might consider arranging in this penultimate period.

In the meantime comparisons to CW as a standard in a technical discussion should be explicitly defined BEFORE proceeding. As I am not prepared to undertake this controversial topic I will make no further reference to CW (Morse Code Manual Communication in Noise) as a standard.

NEXT POST I will get back to (1) above

Thas yer slot til next time

73 de Gary, G7SLL


On the air many have difficulty with my callsign.

Here’s an Aid memoir   G7SaLLy


As in Aunt Sally  --- one ‘S’ followed by two ’L’s .-.. .-..


Please, (for the jossers amongst you), Feel free too shy


shy (v.1) Look up shy at

"to throw (a missile) with a jerk or toss," 1787, colloquial, of unknown origin and uncertain connection to shy (adj.). Related: Shiedshying.







This is the intended precision of the intended following discourse,
if it is too nit-picky please switch OFF now

73 ibid

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vernon lewis

May 30, 2017, 12:37:54 AM5/30/17
to Discussion list,
Hello John, - - New to the digital mode of radio communication and need to get started learning about how it works and what I need for equipment to get started.
Vernon Lewis
Sun City, Arizona

John Lange

May 30, 2017, 1:04:29 AM5/30/17
Why can my browsers (Safari, Firefox, Opera, iCab) not pick up the PSK31 link from this email?
K5EWR - John

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