Bottleneck 1.2.0
*Release date: 2016-10-20*
This release is a complete rewrite of Bottleneck.
**Port to C**
- Bottleneck is now written in C
- Cython is no longer a dependency
- Source tarball size reduced by 80%
- Build time reduced by 66%
- Install size reduced by 45%
- Besides porting to C, much of bottleneck has been redesigned to be simpler and faster. For example, bottleneck now uses its own N-dimensional array iterators, reducing function call overhead.
**New features**
- The new function bench_detailed runs a detailed performance benchmark ona single bottleneck function.
- Bottleneck can be installed on systems that do not yet have NumPy installed. Previously that only worked on some systems.
- Functions partsort and argpartsort have been renamed to partition and argpartition to match NumPy. Additionally the meaning of the input arguments have changed: bn.partsort(a, n) is now equivalent to bn.partition(a, kth=n-1). Similarly for bn.argpartition.
- The keyword for array input has been changed from `arr` to `a` in all functions. It now matches NumPy.
- Moritz E. Beber: continuous integration with AppVeyor
- Christoph Gohlke: Windows compatibility
- Jennifer Olsen: comments and suggestions
- A special thanks to the Cython developers. The quickest way to appreciate their work is to remove Cython from your project. It is not easy.