[Boston Haskell] Thursday, September 20th from 7pm - 9pm in the MIT CSAIL Reading Room

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Edward Kmett

Sep 12, 2012, 12:07:57 PM9/12/12
to BostonHaskell
The next Boston Haskell meeting will be Thursday, September 20th from 7pm to 9pm at our usual location, the MIT CSAIL Reading Room (32-G882, which is a room on the 8th floor of the Gates Tower of the MIT's Stata Center at 32 Vassar St in Cambridge, MA).

We'll have two related talks on lenses.

First, I'll give a talk on the lens library: "Lenses, Folds, and Traversals", where I plan to dive into how to use lenses and traversals practically to streamline existing code, and how to exploit traversals to do term rewriting à la uniplate.

Second, Michael Sloan will give talk on his novel DSL for generating lenses automatically. Michael was responsible for adding support for automatically generating traversals with template haskell in lens, and recently ported his DSL to support my library.

The reason for the short notice is that I just found out Michael was going to be flying into the area.

There will be refreshments (and pizza!) provided during the break by my employer, S&P Capital IQ, and of course, if you'd like to stick around, a number of us tend to head down to the CBC afterwards to socialize.

If you would like to give a talk or if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email the mailing list here at boston...@googlegroups.com or contact me personally at ekm...@gmail.com.
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