Hi Edward and Boston Haskellers,
If there is interest, I'd be happy to give a talk at this or some
future meeting along the following lines:
Hardware Design for the Haskell Programmer
The BSV language combines Haskell for structural specs with Term
Rewriting Systems for behavioral specs. The structural part,
despite unfamiliar syntax, is "all" of Haskell: a full,
higher-order, lazy, pure functional programming language with
algebraic types, pattern matching, Hindley-Milner polymorphism,
typeclasses, and monads, all of which are exploited heavily by
expert BSV programmers. In this talk, I'll reveal these deep
connections with Haskell, using concrete examples.
Even if you've never designed hardware before, I hope to inspire
you to give it a try (to accelerate a slow application using a
low-cost FPGA, for example).