[Boston Haskell] Wednesday, Jan 23rd at Akamai, 8 Cambridge Center, 7:00pm-9:00pm

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Edward Kmett

Jan 9, 2013, 7:53:36 PM1/9/13
to BostonHaskell
As requested, we're going to change the format for this session a bit and just meet up without a speaking engagement planned.

We're also going to try out a new location.

Last time we talked about changing up the venue a bit due to the difficulty in getting into the MIT CSAIL Reading Room physically for not MIT students. To address that concern I've been talking with the folks over at Akamai who kindly offered us space (and food!)

The Akamai facility is literally a block away from where we usually meet. Here are the details, cribbed pretty much verbatim from an email from them:

Attendees should plan on arriving between 6:45pm and 7pm
Location: 8 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA – Directions are located here
Facilities: We will host the meet up in one of our Executive Conference rooms. The conference rooms are equipped with wireless microphone, electrical outlets and large screen projectors. They can comfortably fit 25 to 50 attendees. I requested a "Classroom" set up but there are other seating options if you have a particular preference. Just let me know. 
Food: I'll order a variety of pizzas, salad and soda. I generally request at least one vegetarian pizza.  The cost of food and drinks will be covered by Akamai
  1. We will have someone stay in the lobby to greet stragglers so you can start on time. 
  2. They'd like a few minutes at the beginning of the meeting to give a give public service announcement welcoming everyone to their facilities and reminding folks that they are actively hiring. 
They've also offered to host future meet ups preferably in the 3rd or 4th week of the month.

We can talk talk further about the venue choice and what we want to do about the frequency of meetings when we're there. If you'd like to stick around, a number of us tend to head down to the CBC afterwards to socialize. If you would like to give a talk or if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email the mailing list here at boston...@googlegroups.com or contact me personally at ekm...@gmail.com.

Runar Bjarnason

Jan 9, 2013, 8:00:03 PM1/9/13
to boston...@googlegroups.com
Which date?
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Edward Kmett

Jan 9, 2013, 8:02:47 PM1/9/13
to boston...@googlegroups.com

[Boston Haskell] Wednesday, Jan 23rd at Akamai, 8 Cambridge Center, 7:00pm-9:00pm

^-- that one ;)

Dan Choi

Jan 16, 2013, 1:13:12 PM1/16/13
to boston...@googlegroups.com

If anyone is up for it, I would be happy to be tutored about either of these topics:

* nuts and bolts of how to put a project on HackageDB so people can `cabal install` it with one command
* web programming with Snap, esp an explanation of Snaplets and the Lens construct


Edward Kmett

Jan 16, 2013, 1:44:04 PM1/16/13
to boston...@googlegroups.com
I just created a boilerplate package at http://github.com/lens/project-template that includes the recipe I use to make a new haskell package with doctesting, etc. It includes a lot of nifty techniques that may be of interest to new and old haskellers alike.


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