[Boston Haskell] Thursday, July 26th from 7pm - 9pm in the MIT CSAIL Reading Room

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Edward Kmett

Jul 12, 2012, 2:52:39 PM7/12/12
to BostonHaskell, Elliot Stern

The next Boston Haskell meeting will be Thursday, July 26th from 7pm to 9pm at our usual location, the MIT CSAIL Reading Room (32-G882, which is a room on the 8th floor of the Gates Tower of the MIT's Stata Center at 32 Vassar St in Cambridge, MA).

We have two talks planned:

First, Elliot Stern will give a talk on TinyLaunchbury, an implementation of Launchbury's operational semantics for lazy languages.

Second, I will give a talk on "Making de Bruijn succ less," about bound, a package that takes the pain out of working with de Bruijn indices and makes it easy to implement fast capture avoiding substitution and instantiation, including a number of examples.

There will be refreshments (and pizza!) provided during the break by my employer, S&P CapitalIQ, and of course, if you'd like to stick around, a number of us tend to head down to the CBC afterwards to socialize.

If you would like to give a talk or if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email the mailing list here at boston...@googlegroups.com or contact me personally at ekm...@gmail.com.
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