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[Boston Haskell] Wednesday, Mar 20th at Akamai, 8 Cambridge Center, 7:00pm-9:00pm

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Edward Kmett

Mar 18, 2013, 2:23:09 AM3/18/13
to BostonHaskell
As noted last time, we're scheduled for the third Wednesday of the month for the foreseeable future at Akamai. That said, this Wednesday is in just a couple of days -- I'm sorry, for the late notice.

Location: 8 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA – Directions are located here
Food: Pizzas, salad and soda
Logistics:  If you can, please plan on arriving between 6:45pm and 7pm, but there will be someone in the lobby to greet stragglers. 

We're going to start slotting in some scheduled talks again as well.

Rishiyur Nikhil from BlueSpec has volunteered to come out to talk about "Hardware Design for the Haskell Programmer":

    The BSV language combines Haskell for structural specs with Term
    Rewriting Systems for behavioral specs.  The structural part,
    despite unfamiliar syntax, is "all" of Haskell: a full,
    higher-order, lazy, pure functional programming language with
    algebraic types, pattern matching, Hindley-Milner polymorphism,
    typeclasses, and monads, all of which are exploited heavily by
    expert BSV programmers.  In this talk, I'll reveal these deep
    connections with Haskell, using concrete examples.
    Even if you've never designed hardware before, I hope to inspire
    you to give it a try (to accelerate a slow application using a
    low-cost FPGA, for example).

If you'd like to stick around, a number of us tend to head down to the CBC or another pub afterwards to socialize. If you would like to give a talk or if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email the mailing list here at or contact me personally at

Isaac Dupree

Apr 16, 2013, 2:27:48 PM4/16/13
Are we having a third-Wednesday meetup tomorrow?

On 03/18/2013 02:23 AM, Edward Kmett wrote:
> As noted last time, we're scheduled for the third Wednesday of the month
> for the foreseeable future at Akamai. That said, this Wednesday is in
> just a couple of days -- I'm sorry, for the late notice.
> *Location*: 8 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA � Directions are located
> here <>
> *Food*: Pizzas, salad and soda
> *Logistics: *If you can, please plan on arriving between 6:45pm and 7pm,
> but there will be someone in the lobby to greet stragglers.
> We're going to start slotting in some scheduled talks again as well.
> Rishiyur Nikhil from BlueSpec has volunteered to come out to talk about
> "Hardware Design for the Haskell Programmer":
> The BSV language combines Haskell for structural specs with Term
> Rewriting Systems for behavioral specs. The structural part,
> despite unfamiliar syntax, is "all" of Haskell: a full,
> higher-order, lazy, pure functional programming language with
> algebraic types, pattern matching, Hindley-Milner polymorphism,
> typeclasses, and monads, all of which are exploited heavily by
> expert BSV programmers. In this talk, I'll reveal these deep
> connections with Haskell, using concrete examples.
> Even if you've never designed hardware before, I hope to inspire
> you to give it a try (to accelerate a slow application using a
> low-cost FPGA, for example).
> If you'd like to stick around, a number of us tend to head down to the
> CBC <> or another pub afterwards to socialize. If
> you would like to give a talk or if you have any questions or concerns,
> please feel free to email the mailing list here
> <>or contact me personally
> <>.
> --
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Edward Kmett

Apr 16, 2013, 8:35:27 PM4/16/13
Yep. Sorry for the lack of announcement. 

Until further notice, it is probably safer to assume it is on unless there is an explicit notice to the contrary.
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