Are we having a third-Wednesday meetup tomorrow?
On 03/18/2013 02:23 AM, Edward Kmett wrote:
> As noted last time, we're scheduled for the third Wednesday of the month
> for the foreseeable future at Akamai. That said, this Wednesday is in
> just a couple of days -- I'm sorry, for the late notice.
> *Location*: 8 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA � Directions are located
> here <>
> *Food*: Pizzas, salad and soda
> *Logistics: *If you can, please plan on arriving between 6:45pm and 7pm,
> but there will be someone in the lobby to greet stragglers.
> We're going to start slotting in some scheduled talks again as well.
> Rishiyur Nikhil from BlueSpec has volunteered to come out to talk about
> "Hardware Design for the Haskell Programmer":
> The BSV language combines Haskell for structural specs with Term
> Rewriting Systems for behavioral specs. The structural part,
> despite unfamiliar syntax, is "all" of Haskell: a full,
> higher-order, lazy, pure functional programming language with
> algebraic types, pattern matching, Hindley-Milner polymorphism,
> typeclasses, and monads, all of which are exploited heavily by
> expert BSV programmers. In this talk, I'll reveal these deep
> connections with Haskell, using concrete examples.
> Even if you've never designed hardware before, I hope to inspire
> you to give it a try (to accelerate a slow application using a
> low-cost FPGA, for example).
> If you'd like to stick around, a number of us tend to head down to the
> CBC <> or another pub afterwards to socialize. If
> you would like to give a talk or if you have any questions or concerns,
> please feel free to email the mailing list here
> <mailto:>or contact me personally
> <mailto:>.
> --
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