Bostoner Torah Insights: Bostoner ‘Chassidus’ in Hebrew and English: Parshas Tazria – 5 Nissan 5784

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Bostoner Torah Insights

Bostoner ‘Chassidus’ in English

Parshas Tazria  – 5 Nissan 5784

Bostoner Rebbe shlit”a – Yerushalayim

Secretariat Email:


We are in the beginning of Nissan, when the Nesiim brought their Korbanos when the Mishkan was inaugurated. Let us try to connect the dedication of the Mishkan with Parshas Tazria, which discusses the Tumah of a woman when she gives birth to a child. The Talmud and Midrashim give many, many reasons why Nadav and Avihu were killed during the inauguration of the Mishkan, which was described last week in Parshas Shimni. One Gemara (Eiruvin 63a) suggests according to R’ Eliezer it was because they taught Torah law in the presence of Moshe Rabbeinu. In another location (Yevamos 64a) the reason given is that they did not have any wives or children.

      R’ Yonatan Eibshitz asked why both of these reasons were given? He first examines why there was a need altogether for Hashem to design men and women with the ability to procreate and command him ‘to be fruitful and multiply’. Why couldn’t Hashem have continued creating men with his own hands, just as he did with Adam HaRishon.

      He cites a Pesikta Zutrasa (Terumah-Tetzaveh 27) explaining that when Hashem commanded, “You shall not recognize the gods of others…” (Shemos 20:3), the nations of the world proclaimed that Hashem only gave the Torah to the Jewish People because of his need to be the recipient of honor. However, when the heard the Mitzvah of ‘Honor your father and mother…” (Shemos:20:12), they withdrew this assertion and admitted that even the earlier commandments were for a noble purpose. As the Pasuk says, “therefore nations have loved you” על כן עלומים אהבוך (Shir HaShirim 1:3). Even the nations of the world who are ‘bare of Mitzvos’ love you Hashem. R’ Yonatan Eibshitz concludes, if Hashem would create every man with his own hands, there would be no Mitzvah of Kibud Av V’Em, honoring one’s parents.

      It would seem, however, that if there was another example to demonstrate to the nations of the world that Hashem did not create the Torah only for his honor, then there would not be a need for Kibud Av V’Em and Hashem could have created all men with his own hands. The Gemara (Pesachim 22b) cites a Torah scholar who began to expound all the seemingly unnecessary times the word "את" “Es” in the Torah, as coming to include something else. When he got to the Pasuk, “ ‘Es’ Hashem Elokecha you shall fear, Him shall you serve, to Him shall you cleave, and in His Name you shall swear” (Devarim 10:20) he stopped and gave up on this approach. His students asked him, “All of the other cases you expounded, what will become of them”. The Rebbe answered, “Just as I received reward for expounding each ‘Es’, so too will I receive reward for not pursuing this approach. Afterward, Rebbe Akiva came along and expounded this Pasuk as well, saying that the ‘Es’ comes to included Talmidei Chachamim, Torah Scholars.

      With this in mind, we can suggest that there is another source that Hashem did not create the Torah, as if it was possible, to nurture his ego and receive honor. If so, Hashem could have created all men with his own hands and avoid the need for marriage and parents.

      Thus, we can further suggest that Nadav and Avihu died for both reasons: (1) That they did not marry and have children and (2) that they taught Torah law in the presence of Moshe Rabbeinu, since it creates a ממך נפשך  argument against them, whichever position they would adopt.

      If Nadav and Avihu would argue that they didn’t get married and have children because Hashem should have created each man directly, without the intermediary step of children born to parents, and the nations of the world could have still learned that Hashem does not seek His own honor from the Mitzvah to honor Talmidei Chachamim. On the other hand, they could not defend themselves that dishonored Moshe Rabbeinu and Aharon, by teaching Torah law in their presence, claiming that the nations of the world could have learned that Hashem does not seek His own honor from the laws of Kibbud Av V’Em, since they did not marry and have children themselves.

      We could add that if Hashem created every man directly, like he did to Adam HaRishon, it would preclude the possibility of man to do Teshuva. Since Adam HaRishon was the direct handiwork of Hashem, his sin prevented him from ever reverting back to the pristine condition he was prior to the sin. It is only because man is the product of human birth, flesh and blood, we are able to claim to Hashem that he should forgive us and accept our Teshuva.

      May it be His will that we should merit this month of Nissan complete Teshuva – not out of fear, but out of love – and welcome the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu, speedily in our days.--


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