Bostoner Torah Insights: Bostoner ‘Chassidus’ in English and Hebrew: Parshas Tzav (Parah) Purim – 20 Adar Bet 5784

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Mar 29, 2024, 7:27:38 AMMar 29
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Bostoner Torah Insights

Bostoner ‘Chassidus’ in English

Parshas Tzav (Parah) Purim – 20 Adar Bet 5784

Bostoner Rebbe shlit”a – Yerushalayim

Secretariat Email:


     In 5636, the Sfas Emes makes an interesting observation regarding the Arbah Parshiyos, the four special Maftir readings that take place in the vicinity of Adar, at the very end of the Halachic year, before the festival cycle starts anew with Pesach and the month of Nissan. In a Jewish leap year such as this year, when there are two Adar months, the Arbah Parshiyos accompany Purim in the second Adar (O.C. 685:1).

      The Sfas Emes observes that the two Parshios that we read before Purim, Parshas Shekalim and Parshas Zachor, correspond respectively to the two Parshios that we read after Purim, Parshas Parah and Parshas HaChodesh. He further incorporates these four Parshios into the Pasuk, “Lev Tahor B’rah Lee Elokim V’Ruach Nachon Chadaish B’Kirbee (Tehillim 51:1), A heart that is pure create for me, Hashem; and a steadfast spirit, renew within me.

      In the first half of the Pasuk, the word 'Lev' corresponds to the first reading, Parshas Shekalim, which reminded the people to begin giving their mandatory contribution to the Beis HaMikdash for the upcoming year which would be used for all of the communal offerings. The Torah instructs Moshe to take all of the contributions for the Mishkan from those who were “Yidvenu Lebo”, motivated by their heart (Shemos 25:2). Likewise, we should use this time of the year to support our Mikdashei M'aat, the synagogues and Torah institutions where we daven and learn Torah.

     The next word, 'Tahor', corresponds to the third reading, Parshas Parah, since the Red Heifer is the quintessential symbol of purity. The ashes of the Parah Adumah are the only thing that can purify those who have become impure by contact with the dead. It was chosen to read this section of the Torah at this time to remind people of the upcoming Korban Pesach and to make preparations to purify themselves and be careful to protect themselves from impurity.

     Today we lack the ability to purify ourselves from Tumas Mes and must endure are limited ability to purify our bodies. Nevertheless, we must instead focus on striving to purify our hearts from spiritual impurity to enhance our service of Hashem through Torah and Mitzvos.

    The second half of the Pasuk begins with the term, 'V’Ruach Nachon', corresponds to the second reading, Parshas Zachor, which is always read the Shabbos before Purim. Amalek is the symbol of happenstance and randomness, as Rashi alludes to in his commentary to the words, “Asher Karcha BaDerech” (Devarim 25:18).  It is no coincidence that to Torah juxtaposes the words of doubt expressed by Bnei Yisroel “Is Hashem amongst us or not", with the words, "Amalek came and battled Yisroel (Shemos 17:7-8). Haman the Aggagite devised his evil scheme through random lots, which is where the name of the holiday Purim emanates (Esther 9:26). Parshas Zachor reminds every Jew to annihilate the theories of chance and nihilism, which Amalek propagandizes, and remember to maintain the ‘steadfast spirit inside’. When our spirit is as steadfast as the arms of Moshe we triumph, but when we falter, the power of Amalek strengthens against us (Shemos 17:11-12).

      The final word, 'Chadaish' is the very essence of Parshas HaChodesh, the last of the four special Maftirs, always read the Shabbos before Rosh Chodesh Nissan. ‘HaChodesh HaZeh Lachem Rosh Chodashim’, this month is the First Month for you. (Shemos 12:2). Just as the moon waxes and wanes throughout the month, the Mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh, sanctifying the new moon, represents the attribute of renewal bequeathed to Klal Yisroel. The establishment of a lunar calendar, with Nissan at its head, is an obligation given to the Jewish People by Hashem, to be actively involved in sanctifying time and creating order in a seemingly random world.

   By renewing our spirit and finding inspiration in our lives on a daily, weekly and annual basis, we are able to recommit ourselves to Hashem, thereby avoiding the pitfalls of Amalek, who try to inject doubt into our minds in order to distance us from the Master of the Universe and our special relationship with Him.

       May we merit that all of those who are motivated by a pure heart experience a renewal of spirit and find their way to Eretz Yisroel, speedily in our days, so that we may follow the blueprint codified by the Rambam in his Mishnah Torah (Hilchos Melachim 1:1): to appoint an appropriate Jewish government in Eretz Yisroel, which will lead the charge in destroying the remnants of Amalek in our midst, in order that we may rebuild the Beis HaMikdash. May the Compassionate One perform miracles and wonders for us as He performed for our forefathers in those days at this time of year.


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Chassidus Boston - Tzav (Parah) 5784 - Final (A4).pdf
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