I decided to walk around Ashmont Hill today. before visiting my mother. Imagine my surprise when I saw the Orange--Crowned Warbler at 35 Alban Street. It then flew across the street to the yard with the bird feeders, I had seen this bird twice in the winter. This place is in Dorchester, Here is my list
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Wild Turkey 5
Herring Gull5
Mourning Dove 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Blue Jay 2
Fish Crow 6. flyover
American Crow 10
Black--capped Chickadee 3
White-breasted Nuthatch 2
American Robin 2
European Starling 2
Dark-eyed Junco 3
Northern Cardinal 1
House Finch 1
House Sparrow x
Paul Peterson