I birded these three places yesterday, for a total of sixteen species of warbler, etc. I began at McLaughlin Woods, ate breakfast, and decided to plow on to Riverway Park (Muddy River) and Hall's Pond in Brookline:
Cooper's Hawk 1 on nest in Longwood Mall Brookline near Hall's Pond
Red-tailed Hawk 1 flew off carrying a rat (uh-oh)
Spotted Sandpiper 1 Riverway Park
Warbling Vireo 4
Eastern Phoebe 1
Least Flycatcher 2 McLaughlin Woods
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 2
Wood Thrush 2+ McLaughlin Woods and Iroquois Woods
Swainson' Thrush 2 one Riverway (Boston side); one Hall's Pond
Blackburnian 1 Iroquois Woods
Ovenbird x
Yellow Warbler 1
Black and White x
Northern Waterthrush 3+ Hall's Pond (famous for this species)
Black-throated Green 1 Riverway P. near Netherlands Rd.
Blackpoll 2 Riverway
Northern Parula twelve just along Riverway Park
Yellow-rumped Warbler x
Black-throated Blue 2
Chestnut-sided 1
Nashville Warbler 1
Magnolia Warbler x
Common Yellowthroat 3 McLaughlin Woods
American Redstart 1
Wilson's Warbler 2 McLaughlin Woods
White-throated Sparrow 22 McLaughlin; 13 Hall's Pond
Paul Peterson