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[OT}{JOB} Need help in JS world!

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Chris Maxwell

Mar 7, 2017, 4:54:36 PM3/7/17

Hi all,


Okay, this is a left-field request. As many of you know I'm trying to start a code school down here in West Palm Beach called Primary Code, and unexpectedly I ran into some regulatory issues. So I'm trying to keep the school afloat (lease on a building) without any students or the possibility of getting any students for at least another 4 to 6 months by working jobs. So an opportunity has come up where I really need some help.


Does anyone know of someone with bandwidth to take on a Node/React/SQL project? Basic CRUD app in phase 1, API integration in phase 2. We would be taking the project over from a team from India – bringing it back stateside. I have one dev ready to go, need one more either full or part-time and I'm hitting the books.


I also need someone to mentor the team, point them in the right direction on a very part-time an hour or two on the weekend  or evening for a couple of weeks. Reimbursed of course for their time. A mentor for a junior dev team.


I know this is an odd request, especially since we are a Ruby group, and I wouldn't ask if I didn't really need this win. My expertise and network are in Rails. Being shut down by the state has been detrimental.


…help me Obi-Wan Kenobi you're my only hope!



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