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Progressive Web Apps Workshop on March 3rd @ Akamai

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Amal Hussein

Feb 16, 2017, 7:43:39 AM2/16/17
Hi everyone,

Members of greater Boston developer community will hold an all day Progressive Web App training day of talks and hands-on code labs on March 3, 2017. Teaching assistants will be available during the code labs and Jeff Posnick, Google Sr. Developer Programs Engineer, will join us for a talk about advanced PWA development.

What are Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and why they are important?

The top 3 native mobile apps consume 80% of users’ time, but this does not mean that companies can opt out of building a mobile app. Often times, though, the cost of building and distributing a mobile app exceeds the value returned. PWAs are an alternative that can be created by front end developers.

A Progressive Web App uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like user experience. Progressive Web Apps bring features expected from native apps to the mobile browser experience in a way that uses standards-based technologies and run in a secure container accessible to anyone on the web. 

The day is sponsored by Google, Akamai Technologies, Syrinx Consulting, DockYard and Vistaprint.

I am on the organizing committee and am also doing a talk -- so please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions. 

Thanks and happy Thursday! 

Amal Hussein
SkypeID: amal.hussein.

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