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Mark Champine

Apr 5, 2014, 1:58:11 PM4/5/14
I think it would be fun for our Boston Clojure Group members to learn a bit a about each other. 

What's your personal and professional background? What brings you to Clojure? What have you done with Clojure, or want to do with it?  I'll Start!

Personal: Married, 3 kids in college. After living in the 'burbs north & west of Boston for the last 20+ years, I've recently moved to Somerville near Porter Sq.  Loving city life! Bike to work, walk to shops and restaurants. Very fun.

: Security Architect at Akamai - with oversight for secure web application development of our web portal.

Coming to Clojure: After decades as an imperative OO programmer (mostly Algol Family - C, C++, Java) I stumbled across Clojure pre-1.0 and have been following its progress ever since. I'd never done functional programming, and so I discovered an entirely new (to me) world of programming.  I watched some videos by Rich, the Stuarts, read some books, dug into SICP, and found I was really enjoying programming again as I discovered the power of working with data directly via map, reduce, filter, etc.  Lambdas, partial application, closures, recursion, immutability, laziness, memoization, functional composition - it was a whole new world for me! It was real hurdle to shift my instinctual approach to solving problems from loop&mutate to reducing a sequence. Some of the practice sites like 4clojure and the project Euler were very helpful for that. From there I even dug into the Lambda Calculus, Y-Combinator, and Monads - though I'm certainly not done with understanding those things.

Using Clojure: I've used it for tools and utilities at work - REST clients and XML processing, but not live in production. I have a number of personal projects in various states of completeness that I work on as time allows. Overall, I'd say I'm still an intermediate Clojure programmer. I have pretty extensive knowledge of what libraries, frameworks, and tools are out there - but since I don't get to use Clojure on a daily basis, I'm still rely heavily on the web for examples and code snippets.  But I do find Clojure the most enjoyable and productive language I've ever used, so I'm it for the long haul!

I hope you will introduce yourself here as well. See you at the Meetup!


Andy Chambers

Apr 8, 2014, 6:03:15 PM4/8/14
Hi Mark,

Sounds like a nice idea! I've been meaning to come to a Clojure meetup for months but
I keep missing them for one reason or another. I plan on coming to the one on Thursday
though. See you then.

  I recently moved to the Boston area from Scotland. I live in Somerville with my
  and am enjoying this great city that has programming meetups for crazy languages
  like clojure.

  For the day job, I do Ruby on Rails at PayPal. We maintain a web app used by
  our own folks to create targeted offers/incentives for businesses to use PayPal
  and find people who might 

Coming to Clojure:
  I came to Lisp in general before clojure. I'd seen it mentioned in various places
  across the internet but like many people when I read Paul Graham's essay, I went out
  and bought Peter Seibel's Practical Common Lisp and fell in love with the REPL. I
  was pretty slow to adopt clojure since then because I didn't have a bunch of Java
  code that I wanted to script but since then I've realized that it brings many
  other features to the table in addition to it's great interop with Java.

Using Clojure:
  I tool around with a variety of things, most of which are tangentially related to
  whatever work I'm doing or have recently done. Right now, I'm finding datomic,
  Om, and Prismatic's Schema very interesting.

Robert Herrmann

Apr 25, 2014, 8:45:38 AM4/25/14

Hi.  I'm a professional software developer always looking to level up.     After listening to Neal Ford, etc... I've decided to give clojure some brain space.

I tend to work as an independent software consultant, and I'm looking for clojure projects that need help.

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