Volunteer opportunities for two upcoming events

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Bill Perkins

Aug 22, 2022, 1:15:37 PM8/22/22
to Boston Area Beekeepers Association
Hi everyone --

Hooray for rain!!!

There are three events on September 24th, each requesting a beekeeper attend to talk about beekeeping.  I can attend one, but that leaves two still searching for volunteers:

1)  The Loring Greenough House in Jamaica Plain is holding a Harvest Festival -- https://loring-greenough.org/house-event/gardening-together-the-harvest/

2)  The Fenway Victory Garden (a block from Fenway Park) is officially opening their new Pollinator Garden, adjacent to two first-year beehives I've managed this year as a BABA representative.  The ribbon-cutting starts at 1pm.  Give me a call if you'd like more information (617-388-7378)

Thanks everyone!

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