Mark Lewis <>: Aug 06 12:06PM -0400
Janice, did you find someone to help? I knew a beekeeper in NM who had
apitherapy clients. They would arrange to stop by while he was working and
he'd grab a bee by the wings and hold it against their shoulder to sting.
Very fast and low tech! Is this what you have in mind? If so, how often?
Where are you located in Boston? I think we can probably match you with a
BABA beekeeper. You'll need to compose and sign a waiver (see attached
Note, bee venom can also be collected without killing a bee, search youtube
to see this process. I don't know anything about going this route-- cost,
dosage, etc
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On Aug 9, 2023, at 12:41 PM, Mark Lewis <> wrote:Thanks for posting this contact and info Mary. I miss visiting your cool store in Cambridge.Attaching a discussion of venom from the highly recommended Cornell Master Beek program.Mark<VenomCornell.png>
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