Skype group called: Camp Fire / The past 24 hours

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May 3, 2012, 2:57:08 PM5/3/12

Thought you all might like to see the last 24 hours of postings on 
the Camp Fire Skype group, very interesting:  (Native American)

[15:30:07 EDT] ?Question Mark:
[15:30:52 EDT] ?Question Mark: According to the ‘Vatican grapevine’, the Philadelphia court case may expose blackmail and alleged illicit adult relationships between high-ranking members of the Holy See as a motive for protecting certain members of the Philadelphia priesthood.
[15:48:30 EDT] tmharks:  Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.~ KJB Revelation 1:11

 .. And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; ~KJB Revelation 3:7
[16:06:50 EDT] tmharks:
[16:15:05 EDT] Nightwing: Philadelphia: Philadelphia, so called for its founder, Attalus Philadelphus, still exists in the town called Allahshehr, "the city of God," "a column in a scene of ruins." It is situated on the slopes of three or four hills, the roots of mount Tmolus, by the river Cogamus, twenty seven miles ese from Sardis, about long. 28 degrees 40 minutes, lat. 38 degrees 23 minutes. The number of houses is said to be about 3,000, of which 250 are Greek, the rest Turkish; and the Christians have twenty-five places of worship, five of them large and regular churches, a resident bishop, and twenty inferior clergy.
[16:15:53 EDT] Nightwing: PHILADELPH'IAN, n. One of the family of love. 1828 Websters
[17:13:38 EDT] ?Question Mark: Stefan Molyneux - Hour 1 - Initiation of Force
[17:22:33 EDT] tmharks: Looks like "Drake" is now involved with Winston Shrout in order to "Lien the Federal Reserve up the Ying-Yang, LOL (Go to War, War is what ya get, but to each his own!!)                    
[17:26:59 EDT] dadoo: On 5/2/12, at 9:10 AM, rentiap wrote:
> [5:51:57 AM] dadoo: BC contain's 'child's name'
<<< and as Vic has pointed out that if you claim the name then you are claiming to still be a child
'Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child, does not differ at all from a slave, though he is master of all, but is under guardians and stewards until the time appointed by the father. Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world.'
[17:27:01 EDT] dadoo: "When I was a childe, I spake as a childe, I vnderstood as a childe, I thought as a childe: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.."
[17:27:31 EDT] The Baron: [5:22:32 PM] tmharks: Looks like "Drake" is now involved with Winston Shrout in order to "Lien the Federal Reserve up the Ying-Yang, LOL (Go to War, War is what ya get, but to each his own!!)                    

<<< what are you gonna lien the Fed with?  and for what...FRN's????
[17:27:33 EDT] The Baron: LOLOLOLOLO
[17:27:35 EDT] The Baron: L
[17:28:02 EDT] dadoo: I know, what a bunch of BS.
[17:31:34 EDT] dadoo: (smoke) smoke break (whew)
[17:31:38 EDT] dadoo: Revelations
[17:32:38 EDT] tmharks: Something to do with the "Charter" and that a certain Percentage(4%?) for the "use" of the "people's" supposed Gold(since it was held as "security" to create the current credit based system)for the "lease" of the Gold, but has never been "paid"..Looks like they are "liening" them for breaching the charter and "arresting"  all the gold as the security on the breach or some Stuff!! The Chinese ain't gonna be too happy about this,LOL
[17:33:22 EDT] dadoo: On 5/2/12, at 12:30 PM, ?Question Mark wrote:
> According to the ‘Vatican grapevine’, the Philadelphia court case may expose blackmail and alleged illicit adult relationships between high-ranking members of the Holy See as a motive for protecting certain members of the Philadelphia priesthood.
no way, they're having this in Philadelphia? See, 'they' do everything 'by the book' just like my cousin told me.
[17:37:31 EDT] The Baron: what else has your cousin told you??????????
[17:37:36 EDT] The Baron: :)
[17:38:11 EDT] dadoo: he told me to scrub behind my ears...and...about how the world is controlled by ......chipmunks.
[17:38:40 EDT] dadoo: dressed up to look like Pope's and Politicians   - I assure you, I was shocked at the revelation.
[17:39:06 EDT] zippy: To those who speak English, the word ``jubilee'' signifies joyful celebration ... expected to announce the Year of Jubilee, when debts were to be forgiven, ... Gentile kings in those days would occasionally proclaim amnesties and release from debts. ... Rather, with Gentiles the proclamation of a year of release was dependent ..
[17:39:15 EDT] tmharks: LOL, he told me that too!!LOL
[17:39:29 EDT] dadoo: Yes, jubilee - no accident that it's this year -
[17:39:45 EDT] dadoo: All bets are off, and it's up to us to implement the New Agreement.
[17:40:46 EDT] dadoo: Christ, or 'Christ', didn't do the work for us, 'he' said, hey dudes, I just 'showed the way', I ain't going to wipe your asses, go out there, and do it yourselves "i am the way the truth and the life' - now you be the way the life and the truth - shalom dudes, I'm outta here. Use the life you've been given as the crucible for awakening.
[17:40:48 EDT] tmharks: The "inception" of "The New and Everlasting Covenant"
[17:41:53 EDT] dadoo: On 5/2/12, at 2:37 PM, The Baron wrote:
> what else has your cousin told you??????????
that 'they' always go 'by the book', and then he told me to go read Job - and Proverbs.....
[17:42:27 EDT] zippy: that is the  (party)
[17:43:46 EDT] zippy: love bomb (h)
[17:43:56 EDT] dadoo: Yeah man, she's (the Queen) is the 'defender of the faith', or the 'believers', or the true 'creditors'. What side of the cross are we on here, anyways? That lineage is the lineage of Judah, which is where David, Solomon, Jesus  - the defacto 'throne' of David, is waiting for the 'return of the King'  - the Christ Consciousness: the christ in you and I (but not Donal Trump, his comb over disqualifies him).
[18:02:15 EDT] jeagas68: hey all, needed to correct spelling for the mailings, it is TAXE PERCUE, forgot to add that extra e on tax.  I had the first mailing come back, happened to go look at the IMM again, corrected the spelling and it got sent out after that.
[18:03:20 EDT] M T Konig: On 5/2/12, at 4:39 PM, zippy wrote:
> To those who speak English, the word ``jubilee'' signifies joyful celebration ... expected to announce the Year of Jubilee, when debts were to be forgiven, ... Gentile kings in those days would occasionally proclaim amnesties and release from debts. ... Rather, with Gentiles the proclamation of a year of release was dependent .. <<
       there is a good book along these lines (histoicile jubilee cycles) called "War Cycles, Peace Cycles" by Richard Kelly Hoskins
[18:16:07 EDT] M T Konig: War Cycles Peace cycles excerpt:   review:  Only book online by Richard Hoskins is the Audiobook:  The Wolf and The Sheep - The Wolf and The Sheep Torrent:
[18:35:12 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: [22:27:03] dadoo: time appointed by the father

<<< yep, 16 when you mature and get a SS/ NINO ...  competent and liable... its gotta be about getting rid of that SS/NINO
[18:35:25 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: its a power of attorney(editied.. BC is PoA)
[18:35:34 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: give it to who ever can administer it as so
[18:36:31 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: makes a lot of sence... just not sure of the full ramification of the action. - / +
[18:36:40 EDT] * Postmaster Larry "LuvLox" sent file "[1974].Young.Frankenstein-Love.avi"
[18:36:51 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: its alive! lol
[18:37:10 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: its ressurected every tax year
[18:37:35 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: and the 3 days jesus is missing, all the banks are closed,
[18:37:57 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: april bank holiday
[18:58:25 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: "BIBLE SAYS JESUS FAVOURED CAPITAL GAINS CUTS" lol that was a tag line on the end of that simpsons, so much inuendo in that perticular one... great post
[19:04:53 EDT] Gino M: the bull shitt  man (chuckle)
[19:08:50 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: tell mr hacker to go fuck himself! (rofl)
[19:13:06 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: the bordom killing business (angry) quality post gino (clap) sooo relevent
[19:21:10 EDT] treenopie: my insurance policy
[19:21:22 EDT] zippy: my?
[19:21:27 EDT] treenopie: yup
[19:21:42 EDT] zippy: (chuckle)
[19:22:03 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: lol
[19:22:11 EDT] treenopie: I sleep soundly.
[19:22:26 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: (nod) lol
[19:22:30 EDT] zippy: your funny you make me  (chuckle)
[19:22:49 EDT] zippy: (F) 's
[19:23:13 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: gino that Network movie stands by the tagline.... mr hacker was well pissed!
[19:23:34 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: his seach at the table was fuckin ace
[19:51:35 EDT] Sabine: hello all, is there a group call going on??
[19:53:53 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": dont think so.... (shake)  not right this moment...
[19:56:12 EDT] Sabine: thanks Larry
[20:07:17 EDT] The Baron: Revolver:
[20:07:21 EDT] The Baron: [6:47:43 PM] The Baron: God owns everything
Satan is the ruler of this world
Man has heart and ego
Vatican plays God's and Satan's accountant by putting Man at war with himself
and only Man can make the decision on how to live ...through his heart or ego
Although Vatican is the war wager, they are also the gatekeepers

[20:07:48 EDT] The Baron: [5:30:24 PM] The Baron: I like the idea of the 2 guys in Revolver as the Vatican...."we just put you to war with yourself...'  'embrace the pain and you will win this game...' "...I know I can't take it with me (money), so why does it hurt so bad giving (charity) it away?"

[20:10:50 EDT] dadoo: ".... to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light... of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them...." - it's easy, just give people iPhones, it's like giving car keys to babies: mesmerized.
[20:25:21 EDT] tmharks: Ego, The Ultimate Chess Game
[20:27:21 EDT] tmharks: "If you try to destroy "Him" to save "Them", they will destroy "You" to save "Him", pretty twisted little Trick!!!
[21:22:33 EDT] jeagas68: BUDOSHOSHINSHU: Code of the Warrior (Excerpts)                    
[21:27:29 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": PatchBlog - Essence and Ego 
[21:39:29 EDT] jeagas68: Bushido - Seven principles of the Samurai                                        
[21:59:36 EDT] tmharks: John Cofee- like the drink, JC (i.e. The Christ)                                                                                                           
[22:01:21 EDT] * Postmaster Larry "LuvLox" sent file "[1980].The.Blues.Brothers-Change.of.Address.mp3"
[22:05:00 EDT] jeagas68: Zen, what is no mind?

[22:05:49 EDT] jeagas68: < The last 2 links were from a movie Nightwing turned us on to a while back called:  Ghost Dog.
[22:28:29 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": (y)
[22:56:53 EDT] jeagas68: Non Assumpsit; -  " evidence which disaffirms the obligation of the contract "                                                                                                      
[22:59:09 EDT] * jeagas68 sent file "dl-no contract_sanz.jpg"
[23:00:31 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": (rofl) (clap)
[23:00:41 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": (y)
[23:01:37 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": looks like the "commissioner of motor vehicles" above the picture there is also signatory...???
[23:01:56 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": one on the left, and one on the right...  
[23:02:22 EDT] jeagas68: Of the law of seals and signatures a seal constitutes a signatory.
[23:02:58 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": i hear ya bro...
[23:09:49 EDT] jeagas68: From there on out you can just let it expire because it is just a record of competence not a contract.
[23:10:18 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": nice.
[23:11:43 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": what the dilly whith this "doctrine of comity" 

the doctrine of comity, as develeoped in the "NETHERLANDS" during the last quarter of the  17th century...
[23:13:30 EDT] jeagas68: Long ago names proceeded with what trade you did, talent e.t.c.  John The Baptist. Bob the baker, Clyde the blacksmith.... i.e.  Jeagas the Non Assumpsit.  The plea describing the action.
[23:14:04 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": NICE... (y)
[23:15:41 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": how bout something like, larry the man.
[23:15:57 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": or somethign like "the man"?
[23:16:05 EDT] jeagas68: pleading / bleeding , suffering the pains.
[23:16:14 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": like how they say on the streets, YOU THE MAN, BABY...
[23:16:16 EDT] rentiap: Dilly the Dally
[23:17:07 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": \o/
[23:20:47 EDT] * rentiap sent file "What if I told you.jpg"
[23:21:37 EDT] jeagas68: Check out *2 : -->>                                                                                     
[23:25:54 EDT] jeagas68: VIII  (2*)
[23:34:10 EDT] jeagas68: < just showing the linkage between the last name and the trade.
[23:34:19 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": enjoying the right of suffrage....             .... to protect the inocent... wow what a twist...
[23:34:41 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": mmmm, interesting thingy there jeagas....
[23:35:46 EDT] rentiap: so mob rule is to protect the innocent?   yeah that's pretty twisted
[23:36:21 EDT] jeagas68: Larry, Remember the chess game video earlier, remember them talking about protection?  it is the same theology man.
[23:36:40 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": (y)
[23:36:47 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": right on brother....
[23:36:52 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": good looking .
[23:37:19 EDT] jeagas68: Each is looking to protect the Person ( state secrets ).
[23:42:33 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": that takes me back to trading secrets with the enemy...

sorry sir do you have clearance , top secret clearance to be requesting such information...
[23:42:43 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": very well then, as you were....
[23:48:06 EDT] jeagas68: To play or not to play, what is the winning move?
[23:50:44 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": what a W.O.P.R. that one is....
[23:51:16 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": winner: none.
[23:51:20 EDT] jeagas68: (rofl)   (y)
[23:51:36 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": (y)   (rofl)
[23:52:22 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": the only winning move is not to play, how bout a nice game of chess...
Thursday, 3 May 2012
[00:12:29 EDT] jeagas68: God, The Devil, The christ and the Pope who killed him and replaced him, the state and it's citizens. The winning move is not to play;  (Cesti Que trust)                                                                                       Education For Death - Disney WWII Propaganda Cartoon  -    
[09:10:58 EDT] rentiap:
[09:12:22 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: romans 6: go read it and dont be lazy :P
[09:15:28 EDT] rentiap: last time I checked I still am not a roman,,,and have never joined into that class of slave.
[09:18:05 EDT] 09L - bodabreaks: not yuo ren, i was talkin out loud to everyone in the room
[09:23:17 EDT] rentiap: [5/2/2012 9:12:19 PM] jeagas68: The winning move is not to play;

[09:25:05 EDT] Nightwing: I have been listening to a Winston interview over on divine cosmos ... something he said sticks out ..... the child is "original issue" .... So, as "original issue", one should be able to forgive any hypothetication based upon that "original issue" using the "King's currency" (love is the substance and forgiveness is the currency) and binding "them" to the "contract" (1611 peace treaty)
[09:30:50 EDT] rentiap: [6:17:55 AM] john: not yuo ren, i was talkin out loud to everyone in the room

<<< Then it seems that you have posted to the wrong room ,,,as this is not a bible study,   go preach and prosthelytize somewhere else.
[09:34:28 EDT] Strider: Me think doth protesteth too much
[09:42:14 EDT] The Baron: [5/2/2012 10:56:52 PM] jeagas68: Non Assumpsit; -  " evidence which disaffirms the obligation of the contract "                                                                                                      

<<< BUt you still were given a ticket...and I was told that the signature line on the DL does not appear on the police screen...
[09:47:22 EDT] tmharks: so if that is the case we are back to a situation just like the BC, the only seals on the DL are from the State signatories??,No..
[09:49:07 EDT] rentiap: does it say on the back of the DL who owns that DL?
[09:52:29 EDT] The Baron: [9:49:05 AM] rentiap: does it say on the back of the DL who owns that DL?

<<< yes
[09:52:50 EDT] tmharks: says on front the state of issue just like the BC
[09:52:51 EDT] The Baron: state of florida retains all property rights herein
[09:53:51 EDT] rentiap: then why would one continue to keep in ones posession that which is owned by someone else?
[09:54:08 EDT] The Baron: harks..I have not been following this...did you find out about the SS number?
[09:54:47 EDT] The Baron: [9:53:48 AM] rentiap: then why would one continue to keep in ones posession that which is owned by someone else?

<<< becuase men (retarded) with guns expect you to have it
[09:55:36 EDT] Strider: Everything is owned by somebody else. Are you walking around naked?
[09:56:04 EDT] rentiap: yes
[09:58:07 EDT] tmharks: no, just changed all "locations" in their system to their agencies (i.e. res-ident is now vital stats, and "mail-to" is now the State Treasurer, since the "receipt" was returned to their custody and control
[09:58:31 EDT] Strider: Gross
[09:58:48 EDT] tmharks: Disgusting!!
[10:18:26 EDT] rentiap: [6:55:22 AM] Strider: Everything is owned by somebody else. Are you walking around naked?

<<< if you are not,,,then why are you on this chat?    have you not been listening to the audios?  Have you not been looking up the terms that Boris has been referring to? 
   Are you not naked owner?
[10:27:53 EDT] Strider: Judging by your negative question, I guess I am not? Even if the question was affiirmative: what evidence do you have you are the naked owner? Do you know this or do you believe it?
[10:27:57 EDT] Gino M: arent u naked when u chose 2 come on this planet
[10:28:04 EDT] Gino M: ?
[10:29:35 EDT] M T Konig: What are the duties of the naked ownership to the usufruct after a judment of possession?
[10:29:51 EDT] Strider: Whose definition is that? Is that their opinion?
[10:30:01 EDT] Gino M: get naked and party?
[10:30:14 EDT] rentiap: \o/
[10:30:28 EDT] Gino M: (chuckle)
[10:30:34 EDT] M T Konig: isn't the point "right of enjoying", insteading of being contentious?
[10:31:06 EDT] Gino M: contemptuous u means?
[10:31:21 EDT] M T Konig: no, contentious:  "exhibiting an often perverse and wearisome tendency to quarrels and disputes"
[10:32:08 EDT] Gino M: k got u
[10:33:19 EDT] Gino M: sounds like a liar defenition
[10:33:40 EDT] Gino M: lawyar..
[10:36:57 EDT] Nightwing: TITLE is "tithe" so just surrender the "tithe" to "god" and "god" will see that one is "protected" .... one is "naked" in that one stands before "god" "naked" of "sin" (ownership)
[10:42:02 EDT] rentiap: YCLAHTWBYCMHD.   Thanks Nightwing
[10:45:59 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": (hug) top o the day yaulll, love gratitude abundnace... (bow)
[10:46:15 EDT] 09L - llinc1 - Air: (y)
[10:46:24 EDT] 09L - llinc1 - Air: (hug)
[11:12:23 EDT] jeagas68: > [Thursday, 3 May 2012 09:25:05 EDT Nightwing] I have been listening to a Winston interview over on divine cosmos ... something he said sticks out ..... the child is "original issue" .... So, as "original issue", one should be able to forgive any hypothetication based upon that "original issue" using the "King's currency" (love is the substance and forgiveness is the currency) and binding "them" to the "contract" (1611 peace treaty)

>>  Check out 1 Thessolonians 2:7 to 2:14
[11:14:22 EDT] jeagas68: > [Thursday, 3 May 2012 09:42:14 EDT The Baron] <<< BUt you still were given a ticket...and I was told that the signature line on the DL does not appear on the police screen..

>> me or the name ?   - remember i made the name appear and all was forgiven, removed from the public.
[11:15:23 EDT] jeagas68: > [Thursday, 3 May 2012 09:47:22 EDT tmharks] so if that is the case we are back to a situation just like the BC, the only seals on the DL are from the State signatories??,No..

>> (y)
[11:19:21 EDT] jeagas68: > [Thursday, 3 May 2012 09:49:07 EDT rentiap] does it say on the back of the DL who owns that DL?

>> mentions it is for  a Class C noncommercial vehicle with a certain GWR of less then 26,000 pounds. restrictions: none , endorsements: none  and a couple bar codes.
[11:22:02 EDT] jeagas68: > [Thursday, 3 May 2012 09:53:51 EDT rentiap] then why would one continue to keep in ones posession that which is owned by someone else?

>> I use it to help my neighbor identify the status of the name more quickly. And in the event there is a bona fide claim against the name it will probably be used, so then where is the controversy, why would it need to be brought into a public court?
[11:23:41 EDT] jeagas68: > [Thursday, 3 May 2012 09:55:36 EDT Strider] Everything is owned by somebody else. Are you walking around naked?

>> It's all owned by only one in the treatise i use.
[11:25:27 EDT] jeagas68: > [Thursday, 3 May 2012 10:27:57 EDT Gino M] arent u naked when u chose 2 come on this planet

>> and we will be the same when we leave it too.
[11:26:53 EDT] Nightwing: [11:25:26 AM] jeagas68: > [Thursday, 3 May 2012 10:27:57 EDT Gino M] arent u naked when u chose 2 come on this planet

>> and we will be the same when we leave it too.

<<< Would one "leave" "clothed" in the "experiences" of existence in this world?
[11:29:38 EDT] Strider: Are experiences all we can claim?
[11:30:20 EDT] jeagas68: 1 Thess. 2-9 and 10                                                                                              " For ye remember, brethren, our labour and travail: for labouring night and day, because we would not be chargeable unto any of you, we preached unto you the gospel of God. [[ Ye are witnesses ]], and God also, how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe:
[11:35:24 EDT] * jeagas68 invited mortal_man_andrew
[11:35:51 EDT] rentiap: It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.  ~J.K. Rowling, "The Mirror of Erised," Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 1997, spoken by the character Albus Dumbledore

After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.  ~J.K. Rowling, "The Man with Two Faces," Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 1997, spoken by the character Albus Dumbledore

As much money and life as you could want!  The two things most human beings would choose above all - the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them.  ~J.K. Rowling, "The Man with Two Faces," Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 1997, spoken by the character Albus Dumbledore

Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain.  ~J.K. Rowling, "Dobby's Reward," Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 1999, spoken by the character Arthur Weasley

It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.  ~J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 1999, spoken by the character Albus Dumbledore

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.  ~Steven Kloves (screenplay), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, 2004, spoken by the character Albus Dumbledore

In dreams, we enter a world that's entirely our own.  ~Steven Kloves (screenplay), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, 2004, spoken by the character Albus Dumbledore

It's a strange thing, but when you are dreading something, and would give anything to slow down time, it has a disobliging habit of speeding up.  ~J.K. Rowling, "The Hungarian Horntail," Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 2000

I say there are spots that don't come off.... Spots that never come off, d'you know what I mean?  ~J.K. Rowling, "The Egg and The Eye," Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 2000, spoken by the character Mad-Eye Moody

Nothing like a nighttime stroll to give you ideas.  ~J.K. Rowling, "The Egg and The Eye," Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 2000, spoken by the character Mad-Eye Moody

If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.  ~J.K. Rowling, "Padfoot Returns," Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 2000, spoken by the character Sirius Black

I sometimes find, and I am sure you know the feeling, that I simply have too many thoughts and memories crammed into my mind.... At these times... I use the Pensieve.  One simply siphons the excess thoughts from one's mind, pours them into the basin, and examines them at one's leisure.  ~J.K. Rowling, "The Pensieve," Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 2000, spoken by the character Albus Dumbledore
[11:36:52 EDT] … --- …: --- …: On 5/3/12, at 10:29 AM, Strider wrote:
> Are experiences all we can claim?

Are choices all we can claim?
[11:37:36 EDT] rentiap: I figure if you are going to continue quoting from your death cult I may as well start quoting from something that has as much merit as your book.
[11:38:14 EDT] M T Konig:   (y)  “What people need to be able to do is access their own magic that makes them special and then they just release that into the world. And that is the power of the universe, right there.”  —Dr. Richard Bartlett
[11:39:40 EDT] jeagas68: hmmm, what would be heard in court a 1611 KJV or readings from a Harry Potter book?   and the survey says?
[11:40:49 EDT] Strider: Waste of time Mike. Those who want war get it everytime.
[11:42:11 EDT] jeagas68: (y)  A principle from the 7 laws of a Samurai; You become what  you focus on.
[11:42:25 EDT] rentiap: [8:39:14 AM] jeagas68: hmmm, what would be heard in court a 1611 KJV or readings from a Harry Potter book?   and the survey says?

<<< is there any difference?
[11:42:45 EDT] Strider: > [Thursday, May 3, 2012 11:42:15 AM jeagas68] A principle from the 7 laws of a Samurai; You become what  you focus on.

[11:51:30 EDT] jeagas68: > [Thursday, 3 May 2012 11:42:25 EDT rentiap] <<< is there any difference?

> > History has dictated, yes there is. I don't ever recall someone asking me to swear or affirm to a Harry Potter book.
[11:55:03 EDT] tmharks: here is KJB in audio (downloadable or listen online)--Listening to Genesis..Interesting the "distinction "between "God"(created all from nothing or "imagination) and "LORD God"(created all from the Earth, or "re-arranged particles",the Stewart of the Earth) kinda like United States of America and UNITED STATES(do a search through the CONstitution), LOL
[11:56:45 EDT] jeagas68: Truth and Justice, if one affirms to a 1611 KJV book and then argues against the statutes given afterwards they just put that preverbial blind fold on.
[11:58:48 EDT] Strider: Here is a link to Harry Potter books. Maybe this will help.     Should be fun to quote in a letter somewhere   (chuckle)
[11:59:01 EDT] jeagas68: > [Thursday, 3 May 2012 11:55:03 EDT tmharks] "between "God"(created all from nothing or "imagination) and "LORD God"(created all from the Earth, or "re-arranged particles"

>> I first heard this distinction from Onlashuk in reference to Gen 1 and Gen 2.
[11:59:08 EDT] Strider: This message has been removed.
[12:00:44 EDT] ?Question Mark: Let's.. wipe the blackboard for a minute...
[12:00:48 EDT] ?Question Mark: I *think* I understand how this works... but perhaps I could use a refresher or even a makeover. Any and all comments are indeed here goes:
[12:00:57 EDT] ?Question Mark: Ok, so 'you' are 'born'... 

  1) a BC is 'created/issued' and set aside until you are '~18 years old', a true legal NAME is also 'born'
  2) upon your 18th birthday, you silently 'accept' adhesion contracts by using the BC to 'apply' for drivers licenses/ss# etc...
  3) behind the scenes... the belief is that the BC/SS#  and perhaps other 'financial' documents are pledged into a system of debt, hence creating even more debt and allowing the 'creation' of Notes....
  4) 'you' 'pay' into this system using Notes issued by the debt servicing corp (aka. Fed Reserve/IMF) which issued notes from the credit issued thur the BC/SS# via the US Treasury.
  5)  The man posses the understanding tht he is not a NAME and the NAME is the reason for all the commerce 'debt', and that the man is the only one who can forgive the NAME of "it's" debt as he is the true credit of the system --and of course the US Treasury is the only authorized signatory party to vouch for the NAME. 
  6) Man [creditor] forgives all debt issued to NAME by sending a forgiveness letter, and returning certified BC/SS# documents back to the US Treasury.
7) Now that the man is no longer holding these 'financial' docs issued to the NAME and they are returned to the original issuing corp/entity/party, the NAME is no longer financially/legally attached. Perhaps this completes the the acceptance and acknowledgement of a 'contract' that was set up but never acknowledged by the man for the issued legal NAME.
[12:01:07 EDT] ?Question Mark: --------- NOW FOR THE GREY/SPECULATION AREA --------
[12:01:13 EDT] ?Question Mark: 8) Upon receipt of this letter from the man and return of the BC/SS# the Treasury [must/should/will] remove all debt from the system and return it to the creditor [man]...but the man's instruction is to gift it to the Treasury (USC 3113 and others) upon condition that it be returned and not be reissued. 

9) ???? feel free to correct/comment ????

I know these are new I just want to flesh this out as much as possible so we all have a  basic idea/understanding of what we are doing here....
[12:03:59 EDT] jeagas68: First of all 1666 Cesti Que Trust, your presumed dead from birth until you let them know your alive., Second that BC comes out much earlier, some states a child can choose to work for a Gov corporations at age 15 with parental consent.
[12:07:48 EDT] ?Question Mark: Of course there are a lot of other things happening... eg, the KJ 1611 Lords prayer and acceptance of doing works in "God's" name...
[12:08:54 EDT] jeagas68: Third, man produces the energy to allow credit, not the credit itself.  The states already pledged credit through the name before the BC was given to you.
[12:09:49 EDT] jeagas68: Credit and debit is of the dead society.
[12:11:05 EDT] … --- …: --- …: On 5/3/12, at 8:12 AM, bodabreaks wrote:
> romans 6: go read it and dont be lazy :P

I think some fun with "word swap."

sin  =  ownership/claim
grace  =  forgiveness/equality/equal consideration
God  =  all in common
dead  =  ?
baptized  =  registered
Jesus Christ  =  LEGAL NAME
death  =  servitude
glory  =  ?
Father  =  government
resurrection  =  ?
old man  =  ego
crucified = ?
body of sin  =  titles
Lord  =  usufruct
mortal body  =  ?
righteousness  =  settlement/"zeroed"
members  =  things you use
under the law  =  understand/subjection
uncleanliness  =  payments/servitude
holiness  =  ?
everlasting/eternal life  =  ?

e.g., "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in [ownership], that [forgiveness] may abound?"
[12:11:59 EDT] jeagas68: you were given a name to use in that 1611 KJV peace treaty, the first and last name is their title.
[12:12:12 EDT] Man: glory  =  Receiver of all credit/property/ownership
[12:12:57 EDT] Man: dead  =  real converted to fiction
[12:13:42 EDT] Nightwing: [12:11:57 PM] jeagas68: you were given a name to use in that 1611 KJV peace treaty, the first and last name is their title.

<<< Would it be more appropriate to state First and Last name is the conduit unto which "title" (tithing) flows (christ) and therefores "guarantees" "god"s performace" in fulfillment of the "promise of Abraham"?
[12:13:45 EDT] Man: resurrection  =  Man waking up denying claim of the Name
[12:14:16 EDT] jeagas68: The monetaries being of a sinful nature Matthew 10, then man the source of the sinful act can also forgive it. < Return to issuer.
[12:14:19 EDT] Man: crucified = Man claiming the Name
[12:15:00 EDT] Nightwing: "god" or "LORD god: = "the State"
[12:15:06 EDT] Man: holiness  =  Complete surrendering of everything
[12:15:45 EDT] jeagas68: > [Thursday, 3 May 2012 12:13:42 EDT Nightwing] <<< Would it be more appropriate to state First and Last name is the conduit unto which "title" (tithing) flows (christ) and therefores "guarantees" "god"s performace" in fulfillment of the "promise of Abraham"?

> (y) to be more specific, yes.  Man is still source of the issue though.
[12:16:18 EDT] Nightwing: right, but does it say in the "peace treaty" if one gives tithe unto god, god will ensure the promise is fulfilled?
[12:17:36 EDT] Nightwing: so not only would one "forgive debt" but would one also ensure the "proceeds" from the monetization/securitization" of the "TITLE" (tithe) would be gifted to the treasury as well?
[12:18:22 EDT] Nightwing: "TITLE" is but an "abstract .... it is imaginzary
[12:19:09 EDT] jeagas68: Tithe depends on reference to which you refer to, tithe to god your time or tithe to lord god your energy.
[12:19:12 EDT] Man: Hows this look?
[12:19:15 EDT] Man: sin  =  ownership/claim
grace  =  forgiveness/equality/equal consideration
God  =  STATE
dead  =  Strawman
baptized  =  registered
Jesus Christ  =  LEGAL NAME
death  =  servitude
glory  =  Receiver of all credit/property/ownership
Father  =  government
resurrection  =  Man waking up denying claim to the Name
old man  =  ego
crucified = Man claiming the Name becoming the Sacrifice
body of sin  =  titles
Lord  =  usufruct
mortal body  =  Flesh of Man
righteousness  =  settlement/"zeroed"
members  =  things you use
under the law  =  understand/subjection
uncleanliness  =  payments/servitude
holiness  =  Surrender of everything
everlasting/eternal life  =  Love/Fogiveness/Giving
[12:19:21 EDT] Nightwing: IT IS ALL GOD'S
[12:19:28 EDT] Nightwing: what part of this do people not understand
[12:19:36 EDT] Nightwing: even "the system"
[12:20:07 EDT] jeagas68: Give to ceasar what is ceasars, give to god what is god's.
[12:20:12 EDT] Man: 
Leviticus 25:23

23 ¶ Also the land shall not be sold to be cut off from the family: for the land is mine, and ye be but strangers and sojourners with me.

Leviticus 27:28

28 Notwithstanding, nothing separate from the common use that a man doth separate unto the Lord of all that he hath (whether it be man or beast, or land of his inheritance) may be sold nor redeemed:
for everything separate from the common use is most holy unto the Lord.

Leviticus 27:28

30 Also all the tithe of the land both of the seed of the ground, and of the fruit of the trees is the Lord’s: it is holy to the Lord.

Exodus 19:5

5 Now therefore if ye will hear my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be my chief treasure above all people, though all the earth be mine.

Deuteronomy 10:14

14 Behold, heaven, and the heaven of heavens is the Lord’s thy God, and the earth, with all that therein is.

Psalm 24:1

1 The earth is the Lord’s, and all that therein is; the world and they that dwell therein.

Psalm 50:10-50:12

10 For all the beasts of the forest are mine, and the beasts on a thousand mountains.

11 I know all the fowls on the mountains, and the wild beasts of the field are mine.

12 If I be hungry, I will not tell thee: for the world is mine and all that therein is.

Haggai 2:9

9 The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts.

1 Corinthians 10:26

26 For the earth is the Lord’s, and all that therein is.

Who am I to argue?
[12:20:15 EDT] Nightwing: Right so give the TITLE
[12:20:36 EDT] Nightwing: it is "tithe" to "god" of whom "jesus" is the transmitting utility
[12:20:43 EDT] Nightwing: there is no damn difference
[12:20:58 EDT] Nightwing: as above so below
[12:21:07 EDT] Nightwing: glory goes to "god"
[12:22:09 EDT] Nightwing: "TITLE" goes to "the State" via "ITS NAME"
"Glory" goes to "God" via "His name"
[12:22:13 EDT] Nightwing: exactly the same
[12:22:29 EDT] jeagas68: yes, there is as stated above. Jesus being in us we give to god our life, ceasar issuer of the paper title we give to ceasar or pope , the dude who claims to replace the christ in us.
[12:24:21 EDT] jeagas68: Pope made claim to all the things on this earth, that means all that is on it too.  Who am i to judge though, let him work that out with God for himself.
[12:25:09 EDT] Nightwing: Pope is now "Jesus" and must accept ALL sins (debts) or he is in breach of his own contract / offer
[12:25:19 EDT] jeagas68: through paper title.... papas bull.
[12:26:29 EDT] jeagas68: Are you making a claim ?
[12:27:13 EDT] jeagas68: 1611 KJV says otherwise.
[12:29:02 EDT] jeagas68: and also shown by statutes; Exceptions to hearsay rule.
[12:33:55 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": pa, pa's bull'shit...   question your heritage... ha ha...
[12:34:27 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": with out shit were would the flowers grow...  symbiotic relationship, sheeesh....
[12:34:35 EDT] jeagas68: (rofl)
[12:34:52 EDT] jeagas68: Question:  Standing in an open pasture are papa bull and baby bull which member of the family is missing?
[12:35:07 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": moma ?
[12:35:18 EDT] jeagas68: The cow.
[12:38:34 EDT] jeagas68: The king is out of the scene, Pope coronates the queen, the queen once was manager of the SSA worldwide. U.S. creates trust with the SSA.
[12:39:00 EDT] jeagas68: / UK
[12:40:01 EDT] jeagas68: persons are grandchildren titles.
[12:40:21 EDT] jeagas68: >grandfathered in.
[12:41:57 EDT] jeagas68: Father Universe, Mother earth, Sun/son of the father. Man is the result, granchildren in a sense.
[12:42:07 EDT] ?Question Mark: I am thinking that in order to interact with a fictional world... One would have have a firm understanding of how to 'work' the fiction, like a marionette...If they can't see a man in their system, their must be a way for a living man to interact with this system....
[12:42:43 EDT] ?Question Mark: that is the #10...
[12:43:46 EDT] jeagas68: yep, that is why the BC is a passport if you do not look at things monetarily but in equity.
[12:45:54 EDT] jeagas68: Affirmed by them natural law is more potent then statutory law, thus a living man has power over the person he/she uses.
[12:46:28 EDT] ?Question Mark: Now that I have been to Oz... and seen the man behind the curtain... what now? Should I click my heals? Should I give the man behind the curtain the new direction/law...
[12:50:13 EDT] ?Question Mark: Like a ventriloquist... [we] know that is a 'fictional' character... [wink, wink].....soo..... how should I use this system now?
[12:50:21 EDT] ?Question Mark: that kinda where I am at...
[12:50:29 EDT] jeagas68: I heard a joke today that might clear it up too;  An old man says to his wife; " I have become bald, got a belly, vericose veins showing, I have all these new aches and pains in my body I have not had before, what is left? "  Then the wife replies :  " well at least you still have your eye sight. ".
[12:52:40 EDT] jeagas68: " don't worry, be happy now "  , just as jesus did when he was done traveling the world he put into action what he had learned.
[13:02:37 EDT] jeagas68: The judge was not at the traffic stop to see the cause, he can only hear from witnesses, BUT then there is Exceptions to Hearsay rules.   (rofl)  , got to love it.
[13:06:39 EDT] * jeagas68 sent file "11-notice-dmv.jpg"
[13:09:40 EDT] Man: If the State has no interest in it then why is their Name on the title? Why did they only give a "certificate" of title? Why haven't they given you the actual title?
[13:10:20 EDT] Nightwing: "TITLE" = "tithe"

the "tithe" has already been claimed by the state

Why dispute it?
[13:10:50 EDT] Nightwing: the state has ZERO interest in the actual vehicle, just the title
[13:12:44 EDT] Man: Correct. And actually, that is what they said, they have no interest in the "vehicle". They didn't say they have no interest in the "title". LOL
[13:13:39 EDT] Man: So there is the evidence titles have nothing to do with the real property.
[13:13:48 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": residance = thing identified = the event identified is at the regtrars office ??? - change of address might be in order... ???
[13:13:56 EDT] Nightwing: has nothing and everything to do with it
[13:28:55 EDT] jeagas68: Phil 3:20 " For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: "                                             Psalm 119:19 " I am a stranger in the earth: hide not thy commandments from me."
[13:37:52 EDT] jeagas68:  (07-29-2008)
Determine All Foreign Vendors (Step 1)

This first step requires the analysis of the vendor file to identify vendors that may be foreign persons. The vendor file is a listing of all vendors, including names and other pertinent information relating to the vendor. All vendors who meet one or more of the following criteria should be considered to be a possible foreign vendor:

Vendor’s EIN starting with 98-xxxxxxx;                                          
[13:41:18 EDT] * jeagas68 invited mrorganics
[13:44:35 EDT] jeagas68: VEND'OR, n. A vender; a seller.  *****  Will you sell it or will you give it ?
[13:53:16 EDT] jeagas68: “The United States Government is a foreign corporation with respect to a state.” Volume 20: Corpus Juris Secundum, (P 1785: NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. 505 1441 S.Ct. 1973, 41 L. Ed. 287)   << - It is why Taxe Percue used on mailings works.
[14:00:43 EDT] jeagas68: 81A Corpus Juris Secundum (C.J.S.), United States,  §29:

"Generally, the states of the Union sustain toward each other the relationship of independent sovereigns or independent foreign states, except in so far as the United States is paramount as the dominating government, and in so far as the states are bound to recognize the fraternity among sovereignties established by the federal Constitution, as by the provision requiring each state to give full faith and credit to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of the other states..."
[14:03:41 EDT] jeagas68: I remember back when doing IMF searches in IRS records it showed  the name I use as a owner of a farm in Costa Rica.
[14:08:44 EDT] jeagas68: Return the SSN back to the SSA, go get a 98 EIN and send that to the DMV.
[14:09:24 EDT] jeagas68: and back to the issuing state, the treasury and so on.
[14:11:15 EDT] jeagas68: > don't forget the utility companies.
[14:51:33 EDT] Nightwing: where white man went wrong

Indian Chief "Two Eagles" was asked by a white U.S. governmental official, "You have observed the white man for 90 years.You've seen his war an his technological advances and the damage he's done."

The Chief nodded in agreement

The official continued, "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?"

The Chief stare at the government official then replied, "When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver. Women did all the work, Mediicne man free. Indiian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex."

Then the chief leaned back and smiled, "only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that."

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