The monetary system must go completely and return back to equity.

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Apr 23, 2012, 12:32:38 PM4/23/12
After going back and reviewing a couple videos from the learning curve we
have been on it has become very clear that the monetary system must go
and return back to equity if we are to have any love back in society again.

3 important resource i have come across in concluding this is:
1.  Matthew 10
2. Video - Secrets of Oz

Referencing all this in reverse order you see if we use the frns, currency,
this creates a tax that for most is paid with more debt, increasing debt
or the revenue boys come get property and sell it at a fraction of the
value, not a good plan.

Now lets address returning the receipts, ok one can return the receipts
and get more debt notes, keep the credit in there after returning receipts
and have the government manage the account, only thing is the bonds
they created still get funded and the wealthy get to continue the
illusion of a debt based currency thus having a tool to still control
the economy. Money changers send out debt and are returned a
currency that is value backed " the receipts" Still a bad idea.

The extreme solution to all this is revealed in Matthew 10, to build the
kingdom and return back to love for thy neighbor we must do away
with the monetary system that divides us, you could say that any 
fiat currency is a sin in itself.

"Gold is the currency of kings; silver is the currency of gentlemen; barter is the currency of peasants, debt (fiat) is the currency of slaves; Titles are the currency of persons and forgiveness is the currency of man, if love is the substance, we would have no need for any other currency for love is abundant "

peaceful inhabitant

Apr 23, 2012, 12:51:39 PM4/23/12
When you find out who/what the problem is, you will know who/what the solution is... see things as they; NOT, as they appear to be... draw from your past, but do not allow your past to draw from you. Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the Sons of God!
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Apr 27, 2012, 1:54:45 AM4/27/12
to Born Without Money
The current system creates money of account from nothing, which has no
intrinsic value, and demands repayment in money of exchange, for which
a man has labored. It is a system of unjust measure. It is an
abomination to the Lord. Proverbs 11:1. But a solution that the Lord
will delight in is in the works!

On Apr 23, 12:32 pm, jeagas68 <> wrote:
> After going back and reviewing a couple videos from the learning curve we
> have been on it has become very clear that the monetary system must go
> and return back to equity if we are to have any love back in society again.
> 3 important resource i have come across in concluding this is:
> 1.  Matthew 10
> 2. Video - Secrets of Oz
> 3. Thomas Edison quotes

jeagas68 (motla68)

May 8, 2012, 10:59:47 PM5/8/12
If you read the U.S. Code title 11 statutes in bankruptcy operations, you will see that creditors are the ones that forgive and cancel. When you give it all up for liquidation of all through U.S. Treasury it technically puts you in the position then of a creditor, so instead of receiving debt notes and currency putting you back in the position of a debtor why not forgive all debts against the name ?
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