Don't you owe it to yourself for the love of God ?

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May 21, 2012, 2:24:28 PM5/21/12
Continuing skype conversation keeps getting more interesting:

[23:55:27 EDT] jeagas68: Starting with Gen. 21:22                                                                                     "God is with you in all that you do; 23 now therefore, swear to me here by God that you will not deal falsely with me or with my offspring or with my posterity, but according to the kindness that I have shown to you, you shall show to me and to the land in which you have sojourned."
Monday, 21 May 2012
[12:44:31 EDT] jeagas68: If anyone was going after the remedy of using the 98-EIN for the redemption of receipts that window is officially closed it appears. A few people reported that IRS was getting smart to it and not setting up the executor link to the trust unless you had some court ordered documentation for the estate. Also just verified that I did not even get through that window in time before it closed. So it seems the only solution is to face it head on as we have been doing here, not a big surprise.
[12:45:22 EDT] Nightwing: why arepople still trying to operate something they were never intended to operate?
[12:45:32 EDT] dadoo: ditto
[12:45:40 EDT] dadoo: not my fucking forms
[12:45:57 EDT] Nightwing: all one can do is "report the improprieties"
[12:46:08 EDT] 09L1 - rentiap: it's still open,,ya just need to know how to get through the window,,,,But hey,,,who needs it     just use the two words.
[12:47:19 EDT] jeagas68: For me it was specifically for enteratainment to see what response I would get, throw a brick through a window, but they just replaced the glass with a stronger tempered material preventing that brick from being thrown through.
[12:48:17 EDT] Nightwing: [12:46:08 PM] rentiap: just use the two words.

<<< what two words?   usa fuct?
[12:48:26 EDT] 09L1 - rentiap: (rofl)
[12:48:40 EDT] jeagas68: (y)
[12:48:42 EDT] ?Question Mark: (y)   ----- (flex) Nightwing !!!!!!1
[12:48:50 EDT] ?Question Mark: +1
[12:48:57 EDT] ?Question Mark: +1 +1 + 1+...
[12:49:55 EDT] 09L1 - rentiap: is that what stalone was referring to in that movie   something about using the two sea shells?
[12:50:29 EDT] Nightwing: three seashells
[12:50:38 EDT] Nightwing: but he just used the "credit dispenser"
[12:50:46 EDT] jeagas68: fishies trap  (chuckle)
[12:51:21 EDT] Nightwing: so what is the difference between toilet paper and "money"?
[12:52:26 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": both wooden dummies...  ?
[12:52:30 EDT] 09L1 - rentiap: atleast on toilet paper there is still room on it that you could write something on it,,,and Money could be a little bit rougher
[12:52:51 EDT] Nightwing: one cleans the shit the other is shit.
[12:53:06 EDT] 09L1 - rentiap: exactly
[12:53:33 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": (rofl)
[12:54:45 EDT] jeagas68: > [Monday, 21 May 2012 12:52:30 EDT 09L1 - rentiap] atleast on toilet paper there is still room on it that you could write something on it,,,and Money could be a little bit rougher

>  2 ply / private and public
[12:55:35 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": triplicate, smoother resurfacing...
[12:55:36 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": lol.....
[12:55:42 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": (rofl)
[12:55:45 EDT] dadoo: "In the comedy film The Man Who Sued God, a fisherman played by Billy Connolly successfully challenges the right of insurance companies to refuse payment for a destroyed boat on the common legal exemption clause of an Act of God. In a suit against the world's religious institutions as God's representatives on Earth, the religious institutions face the dilemma of either having to state God does not exist to uphold the legal principle, or being held liable for damages caused by Acts of God."
[12:55:51 EDT] dadoo: I think I have to watch this film
[12:56:04 EDT] jeagas68: (y)  there's your sign larry.
[12:56:08 EDT] Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": yes dadooo, awsome flick, right up our alley, by way of an act of god....
[13:10:25 EDT] jeagas68: Just watched a scene where they mentioned Austrailia's Trade practices act of 1974 section 52, but found that in 2010 it was replaced by the Competition and Consumers Act 2010 , so this is where me sniffer as lead so far:                                                        
[13:12:54 EDT] jeagas68: "" -Misleading or Deceptive Conduct-
Misleading or deceptive conduct (s52 of the TPA, Part VIA of CCA) is one of the most important consumer parts of the act. It allows both individuals and the ACCC to take action against corporations who engage in conduct that is misleading or deceptive, or likely to mislead or deceive. Misleading or deceptive conduct carried out by companies can also be prosecuted by the state (under Part VC of the TPA).""
[13:18:05 EDT] dadoo: On 5/21/12, at 9:56 AM, Postmaster Larry "LuvLox" wrote:
> yes dadooo, awsome flick, right up our alley, by way of an act of god....
you watched it? Man, you see more movies than I do, and I did not think that was possible -
[13:18:23 EDT] jeagas68: Earlier this morning was searching defintion for United States Admiralty law an then a specific section caught my eye in wiki search:                                                                                                                      ""  Cargo claims
Claims for damage to cargo shipped in international commerce are governed by the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA), which is the U.S. enactment of the Hague Rules. One of its key features is that a shipowner is liable for cargo damaged from "hook to hook," meaning from loading to discharge, unless it is exonerated under one of 17 exceptions to liability, such as an "act of God," the inherent nature of the goods, errors in navigation, and management of the ship. A shipowner is generally entitled to limit its liability to $500 per package, unless the value of the contents is disclosed and marked on the container. The ability to treat an ocean shipping container as a package has enabled shipowners to effectively limit their liability to $500 per container, even though the value of the cargo inside container can be over one thousand times that amount. This practice has resulted in substantial and continuing litigation in the United States. The statute of limitations on cargo claims is one year.  ""   < -- hook to hook, could interpret this as from birth to death.
[13:26:12 EDT] jeagas68: > [Sunday, 20 May 2012 23:55:27 EDT jeagas68] Gen. 21:22                                                                                     "God is with you in all that you do;
[13:29:53 EDT] jeagas68: IF God is with you in all that you do, whom is then the secured party?
[13:37:28 EDT] Nightwing: would it be man for God underwrites man? Secured "By God"?
[13:38:01 EDT] Nightwing: God is the "donor" of the "credit" (the fruit) man uses, but man would be "secured" by the "donation" of the "credit" (the fruit of God)
[13:39:20 EDT] Nightwing: A creator always "surrenders" usufruct (the use of the fruit) to "his image" or "his image" would fail to "evolve"
[13:39:55 EDT] jeagas68: But he did not donate, he offered a promise. (promisory note) in a sense.
[13:40:06 EDT] Nightwing: what is the difference?
[13:40:45 EDT] jeagas68: claim of ownership versus borrower.
[13:40:52 EDT] Nightwing: a promise, a donation .... all the same, but then again you appear to like getting hung up on semantics.
[13:41:46 EDT] jeagas68: oh now I am anti-simitic ?
[13:42:00 EDT] Nightwing: maybe pro-semantic?
[13:42:28 EDT] Strider: <------Pro beer (beer)
[13:46:09 EDT] Nightwing: God has created heaven for himself and his saints, and has given the earth to mankind, intending it for the advantage of the poor as well as of the rich. Those resources are for their use, and God has not subjected them to any taxes.

God underwrites "his image" or man thru the "gift" of "usufruct" to "his creation" and man underwrites "his image" or "government" with the "gift" of "usufruct" to "his creation" with the same stuff God "gave" man. 

And with the "image" man "creates" for "himself", he then reaps for "his image" is always the "image of his god".

and therefore, man ALWAYS "pays homage" to God in the form of "government" he "creates" for "himself".
[13:47:42 EDT] Nightwing: so guestion is ..... who or what is God and the answer is always self-evident in the "government" man creates, for the "fallen angel" was asked if he should create the laws, and he said No, let man create his own laws.
[13:48:28 EDT] jeagas68: yeah reap < -- >  tax
[13:48:42 EDT] Nightwing: reap <---> sow
[13:50:51 EDT] jeagas68: ironic Idiom:
sow (one's) oats/wild oats
To indulge in dissolute or licentious behavior, especially to be sexually promiscuous, when young. Usually used of men.
[13:53:29 EDT] jeagas68: donate ;                                                                                                                   v.intr.
To make a contribution to a fund or cause.
[13:54:11 EDT] jeagas68: you are the donation to the family. (secured party)
[13:55:24 EDT] jeagas68: donate [dəʊˈneɪt]
to give (money, time, etc.), esp to a charity
donator  n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
[14:00:11 EDT] Nightwing: All creatures in the universe live in the sacrality of perfection but then dinner time comes and that time Karma decides who (or what) will have future - Bruno Nardi
[14:03:46 EDT] jeagas68: "  Seed money, sometimes known as seed funding, friends and family funding or angel funding is a securities offering "            
[14:08:06 EDT] jeagas68: " An angel investor or angel (also known as a business angel or informal investor) is an affluent individual who provides capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity. "                                                                          
[14:10:24 EDT] jeagas68: Sentient being / spiritual man / secured party debtor
[14:11:03 EDT] jeagas68: Land ; inhabitant  , all beings.
[14:13:54 EDT] jeagas68: Don't you owe it to yourself for the love of God ?

"Gold is the currency of kings; silver is the currency of gentlemen; barter is the currency of peasants, debt (fiat) is the currency of slaves; Titles are the currency of persons and forgiveness is the currency of man, if love is the substance, we would have no need for any other currency for love is abundant "


May 21, 2012, 2:37:29 PM5/21/12
See, even my linguistics is not perfect, mistakes are made all the time and most
mistakes can be corrected at any time.

Rephrase:   Do you owe it to yourself for the love of God?


May 22, 2012, 9:04:31 PM5/22/12
3 Steps to the internal trinity, continuing this conversation:

Revenue bond; the name on the BC is the source:                                    

Florida statutes 678.2011 (a) (2)  With respect to an obligation on or defense to a security, a guarantor is an issuer to the extent of its guaranty, whether or not its obligation is noted on a security certificate.

Interesting look at florida statutes, where secured party is in possession of collateral;                                                                         
<--  I see some usufruct like language in there.

This is not a me versus them thing, but quite the opposite. Inhabitants make up
a nation state as seen in the definition for Land, the named government represents
that nation yes? thus the person represents the man, not the other way around.

Man whom the christ jesus is inside, lets look at a new view where Jesus did not
pay for debt but rather given redemption, God the owner of it all used Jesus as
the transmitting utility as God was the issuer. Also "given" sight to a blind man, e.t.c.

So here again is where I say the trinity is internal, not external.



May 24, 2012, 2:38:49 PM5/24/12
Page. 184   Law of Nations quote: "God gave the world to the poor as well as the rich with no tax burden...."

Google books:  

The law of nations: or, Principles of the law of nature, applied to the ...

 By Emer de Vattel, Joseph Chitty
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